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what is the worst idea you ever had?
  • That reminds me of when I tried mixing milk with orange juice because I saw it online. Then, I went into denial trying to keep it down because people wouldn't just go on the internet and lie, right?

  • My condolences
  • You wouldn't eat your cat/dog, pet bird, bunny?

    I have had pet bunny soup, unfortunately. We were moving and we couldn't give him away so my grandpa took him out back and my grandma fired up the stove... It wasn't a nice experience for us kids but it was culturally acceptable here.

  • What are some video games you avoid?
  • FPSs with the sole exception being Fallout 4. I don't know how people can tell that a single pixel moving far off in the distance is the enemy. And what do you mean someone's shooting me from behind at exactly 161.8°? How can you tell? HOW?

  • Why is UI design backsliding?
  • It's crazy how we've gone from a seemingly inescapable monopoly on office software in the 2000s to it being optional. I remember working at a previous job where everyone used Google Sheets by choice and they would raise their eyebrows if you spun up Excel.

  • Why is UI design backsliding?
  • I don't want to insult your intelligence, but you may just be tech-savvy, or at the very least, tech-literate. I also don't have a problem with either because I simply follow the UI logic as the average Jane should.

  • Where can I report mod abuse?

    I'd like to report mod activity that's not following sitewide rules on your server and instead bans people because they feel it's not worth their time. I would like for the mod to be overlooked.

    The sitewide rule #1 says I can expect to participate without harassment and feel welcome. If I call a mod to look over a user breaking this rule, I should expect them to intervene, right?

    So I don't understand why is deleting all my comments and banning me instead of the person being aggressive towards me because "both sides of the argument are nonsense" without even bothering with the actual concern. I didn't call them over to look at anyone's argument, I specifically stated in my report that the other person was being extremely disrespectful.

    So now I'm banned:

    Banned Lemminary from the community Curated reason: troll expires: in 30 days

    Their excuse? I'm a troll, apparently. I invite anyone to check the messages to see if that's true or if I'm merely sharing my opinion.

    I don't care about the ban--keep it that way. But please let me know if something is being done about these mods who enjoy pushing people around. It's infuriating that on top of being dog-piled on, berated & insulted in the thread all day (I got links), I also get treated this way by the people who have taken on the role of protecting users. If I hit the report button, I entrust the person in charge to keep a level head and do their job fairly.

    Thank you for your time.

    I woke up screaming

    I'm not sure what's going on with me, but just a few minutes ago I woke up screaming for my life. I don't even know what happened and I barely remember what it was.

    My right arm was competely numb and I felt like I had crossed a point of no return in my chest. I don't think it was a heart attack, I'm quite alright now, but I felt like I was going to die.

    I've suspect I have sleep apnea that keeps getting worse and worse. I wake up suddenly if I fall asleep while sitting down and every time it gets harder and harder to wake up. Until today that I woke up in a huge panic after lying down on my bed.

    My head feels foggy and I feel uncertain. I don't know what to do. I can't go see a specialist or a doctor for that matter. But, fuck, I thought I was a gonnet for a second.

    Someone killed a cat outside my door and I'm so sad

    We had an adult male cat coming into our house who looked rather injured, so we started feeding him and mending his wounds when he got into a fight. It became such a regular thing that he soon brought another cat for feeding. It turns out that this new cat was female and pregnant but we treated her the same. Fast forward to a couple of weeks when we notice she's not pregnant anymore but we could tell she was breastfeeding.

    She decided to bring her little kitten along two days ago and we've been trying to get the baby acquainted with us and our cats and everything looked fine and dandy. We even set out a box with a cozy blanket outside for them. We can't take them in so that's the best we could do. They quickly started using it as a shelter.

    Well, they came in this morning looking for food as usual. But just a few moments ago in the afternoon, my family member got home and found the little kitten maimed and unresponsive in the box. It had signs of injuries but worse of all his little leg had been amputated by something sharp. We think the neighbor's dog got to him and killed him.

    It's so heartbreaking. Why would anyone do this to a baby kitten? I can't even imagine how the momma cat feels because I'm sure she saw it. I don't even think she'll stop by anymore. I'm so angry and upset and I'm crying. Life is so fucking unfair.

    How do you contribute to OSS?

    So I've come to the point where I've wanted some to see some features on the software I regularly use and I feel confident enough that I can pull it off. However, once I start getting into it, it all becomes so overwhelming that it's hard to get anything done.

    For instance, on more than one occasion I had trouble getting the projects to build on my machine (eg., unsupported OS, lack of documentation, etc.) and it left me unable to write a single line of code making the experience frustrating from all the time wasted that I had to move on.

    Other times, I recognize some the patterns and get the general gist of some snippets, but the overall code seems so convoluted to me that I don't even know where to start to analyze a solution, even though if it'd probably take ten lines to implement.

    For context, I've been more of a hobbyist programmer for the great majority of my life with a bit of schooling. I do have various finished apps under my belt so I'm definitely not new. But I have no reference for how long a feature should take to implement in someone else's code for the average Joe who does this for a living.

    So I'm left wondering: What advice do you have that could make this all more accessible to someone like me? Do you have a general strategy to get started? How long does it take you from start to finish? And if you run into issues, where do you seek help without nagging the devs about their code who may take too long to respond to be of use?

    Many thanks for the feedback in advance!

    Free Games Lemminary
    [Steam] Space Crew: Legendary Edition Save 100% on Space Crew: Legendary Edition on Steam

    Time for your toughest mission yet! Recruit and train your crew to tackle the growing threat from alien and android armies as you defend Earth to become a Galactic Legend in Space Crew: Legendary Edition. All new content free to existing owners of Space Crew!

    Save 100% on Space Crew: Legendary Edition on Steam

    Free to keep when you get it before 14 Mar @ 12:00pm.

    Any fun builds for URF this season 14?

    I've played a bit of ad LB in other seasons and I want to try it out again. I remember I've also faced an obnoxiously unlikable Ivern, and a bursty ad Neeko that was good. Do you have any fun builds for this round? I'd love to try new stuff out.

    Technical problems with the Auto Mod message

    I'm trying to figure out why my comment was removed and it just so happens that the Auto Mod message isn't working as expected.

    My issues are:

    1. The link to the comment does not work, it gives a "Server error." page and that's it.
    2. I can't submit a report because it gets stuck on a loading.
    3. What an unhelpful message from the mod. I need some answers.

    This is the image attached to the only comment that I can't find in my comment history:


    And, well, I do take offense that this is getting removed because I \wipes tears with a hamster\ worked so hard to superimpose those words on it and crop it and save it. It was so sad, you guys. 😥

    But joking aside, is there a way to submit a proper bug report to fix the link and button on the message so that I can get at these mods' homophobic wigs? I couldn't find a better place to post this, so any info would be much appreciated.

    UFO believer Ashton Forbes falls for $3k scam with fake evidence

    Ashton Forbes, a healthcare IT consultant turned UFO/UAP proponent, gained attention for promoting videos claiming Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared due to alien interference, despite evidence debunking the footage. Later, Forbes fell victim to a $3,000 scam involving fake evidence supporting his beliefs, but continued to assert a conspiracy against him.

    Advice: How tf do you play against tanks in ARAM?

    You go in blind, you get a mage and no matter what you do, if the enemy team is half competent, they steam roll the mages even if you have an adc that just tickles them.

    What is your strategy? I can't seem to beat them. I just got beat by a full tank LUX because our team lacked damage somehow even though we itemized against her and some off tank Yone. And these are off-meta. The meta ones are even harder to beat.

    What do I do? Pls halp.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Keep it light, keep it moving. I am doing no harm.

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