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  • That's not scepticism, that's cynicism.

  • Rule
  • a L p H a M a L e

  • Rule, terror, destruction
  • He song

    He nom

  • tumblr(ule) screenshot
  • I'd settle for millions and keep my soul.

  • Microwave
  • Air fryer is the best of both worlds.

  • Rookie rules
  • collective noun for group of HONKs.

  • Confusing Perspective
  • What's the confusion? It's just two trams.


  • Bidet rule
  • Rinse my my

  • Do remember to take care of yourself and stop doomscrolling
  • 🎶 Ba-dee-ya

    🎵 Scrollin' in September

  • Whale
  • The original pocket whale!

  • She's an icon
  • Divorced birds!

    I miss that sub.

  • Ken Ham has an idea about money.
  • You mean this idiot is dumb?!

  • Millions have amnesia about the worst of Trump's presidency. Memory experts explain why.
  • Forget the neuralyzer, use the time machine from Men in Black 3, go right back to 2000 and rip every single one of those hanging chads off of the ballot papers!

  • Bisexual lighting
  • A 3D rendering of a skeleton showcasing bisexual lighting.

    Thanks Wikipedia!

  • me_irl
  • I saw a harry potter meme and now my day is ruined.

  • I'll just leave this here.
  • The bottom half should move left a bit to close the gap.

  • Democrazy
  • A right winger whose party is falling apart is blaming the Dems for it like she's Eric Andre.

  • Cuisine rule
  • Where are the cheese curds? Where is the gravy? This is just dry crispy chips with sliced olives on top

  • Ohio
  • People are gullible, not just right-wingers.

    See also: everyone who genuinely thinks JD Vance actually did fuck a couch.

  • Microblog Memes NickwithaC
    New Meme Alert!
    Microblog Memes NickwithaC
    Microplastics are stored in the balls
    Jerome Isma Ae & Paul Thomas - Tomorrow (Trilucid Remix)

    Cheers to the funky bass and the Saltwater sample.

    Microblog Memes NickwithaC
    Where's the internet gone? I thought you had it!
    Microblog Memes NickwithaC
    Can we speed this up a little?
    Microblog Memes NickwithaC
    Cyber Stuck
    NickwithaC NickwithaC

    A person on the internet. ♦️♣️

    Posts 63
    Comments 948