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How do I break a fizzy drink addiction?

I've realised that I'm a little too fond of fizzy drinks. It's not a severe addiction to the point of downing gallons, but I am drinking a 330ml can of Pepsi Max almost every day. Sometimes a little more.

  • Swap to a 0 calorie version and just keep enjoying it? Fizzy drinks are a pretty harmless vice in the grand scheme of things. Hollow calories, so if you can replace it with a 0 calorie version, it would at least stop affecting your weight.

    I know everyone is against artificial sweeteners. They won't kill you faster than microplastics, pollution, break pad dust, war, alcohol, smoking,...

    Enjoy life! Enjoy a fizzy drink! I thoroughly enjoy my daily coke zero can.

  • Is it the sweetness that you're addicted to? The fizz itself maybe? There are drinks that are sweet yet not fizzy, and there are drinks that are fizzy yet not sweet. If you can find out, you can begin to substitute less unhealthy options. Then eventually quit entirely.

  • I had to stop drinking carbonated beverages and caffeinated beverages at the advice of my voice trainer - and I kicked the habit by getting some fruit juice concentrate and drinking that (diluted in water obviously) when I was craving a fizzy drink. It didn't take long for me to stop craving them entirely, honestly. If its the fizzy part you crave, then add it to sparkling water instead. Good luck stranger.

  • I eventually switched over to sparkling water and now I find normal soda nearly undrinkable. There’s lots of different brands with all types of flavors. It’s worth exploring.

  • I did it, it started with not buying them and not including in any ordering of food, delivery or in restaurants. Step 1 was to replace it with sparking water and mixing a spoon or two of raw fruit reduction (no aded sugars or anything) (my wife kept doing this, while i did the cold turkey method i just coud not be bothered by this) Step 2 completely replace to sparkling water only. (i kinda jumped on this, but sometimes used to use my wife's made fruit reduction, or sometimes she bought that from a local store, and sometimes i just felt fancy so, there is a method for a drink and here is how it goes.: Step 3: Fancy option / only for special occasons (lol). You buy the sparkling water in botles, (for the 250ml) you add a tea bag in it and turn them upside down, and put it back in the fridge. Then 20 mins later, you can add agave syrup if you want a bit or honey. You can also add mint leaves, and just throw them in the bottle you are going to consume 30 mins later or next day. Combine things like this, and then you have a fancy drink in the dridge whenever needed. (i never left the tea bags more than an hour in the bottoles, i would always get rid of the tea bag and put the bottle in my edc bag when leaving the house or something).

  • Switch to a caffeine-free version some of the time, then all of the time. For Pepsi Max this is only available in the 1.5L bottles where I am, so add in an extra step switching from cans to bottles (which should also reduce cost/waste).

    Buy a nice reusable water bottle and ensure you have a clean, not-bad-tasting source of fresh water to fill it with (where I am this means bottled or filtered). Keep it filled and close to you at all times. Only use water in it.

    Once you're comfortable with these adjustments, taper off the fizzy drink. If you're still having significant trouble or cravings, or substitute for something worse: just keep drinking the fizzies. It's one of the least harmful bad habits you could have, and depending on your circumstances might be a best case scenario

    • A few things. Firstly, regarding waste cans are actually recyclable unlike bottles. As for buying 1.5l bottle and then drinking only a glass or something like that a day, for some people (talking from my own experience) they don't drink the volume of the drink, just the unit. 1 bottle = 1 can for me, doesn't matter the volume 😅 So I usually advocate for reducing the size of units if a person lacks self control.

      • I think that's true for small containers, such as a can. Whereas 1.5L is an impractical amount to drink of anything, more likely to lead to drinking until satiation rather than until the container is finished. Especially where the starting point of the habit involves opening a fresh container with a certain aesthetic, and finishing it. That itself can be psychologically addicting. It was for me.

        Neither aluminium nor plastic are infinitely recyclable. I read somewhere that factoring in the energy and materials required in the initial production of the container, plastic is about 13x more wasteful. So while of course it depends on serving size (which would logically be different transitioning from small cans to large bottles), as well as recycling programs in your area and their respective efficiencies, you're most likely correct that the carbon footprint of large bottle would be higher overall.

        What I really meant to get at was 'waste' in terms of the amount of empty containers that tend to pile up around you. For myself being addicted to drinking cans of fizzy, I would stack them around me and it would become a much larger job to clean them up than it is for large bottles.

        I'll also say that while being addicted to cans, I lamented their relatively higher cost and was more compelled to go for small bottle form factor on occasions where they were available cheaper than cans, rather than large bottles. Small bottles of course being by far the most wasteful.

  • This is tough, because I used to be there but I kind of grew out of. I just started drinking tons of water all the time and now if when I get thirsty I just crave water.

    I do drink two iced pour over coffees in the mornings though. They seem to keep me going for most the day caffeine-wise, so that’s helped a bunch too.

  • Depends on the reason and what you find most motivating. Addiction is tricky and it's rarely just one thing. Caffeine is physically addictive but there's also psych and lifestyle aspects to it.

    If it's about the caffeine, try switching to coffee or tea. If you want to go cold turkey, caffeine withdrawal peaks at about three days with symptoms lessening to minimal after about nine.

    If it's a convenience thing, try keeping a water bottle on you and just drink that. If you find water too boring or your local water tastes bad, try it carbonated and/or with a twist of lemon or other fruit. I'd suggest avoiding places where they serve it, but that's near impossible. You could take note of what situation you're in when you tend to do it, and try to rejig your routine around that. You could also not keep it in the house; it's a lot easier to not put it on the shopping list than resist the temptation when it's right there. Then there's health and money. Of course you know they're not great for you so I'm not going to harp on that, but you could try focusing on it more (but try to frame it in a positive way; not "ugh soda is bad", but rather "hey drinking water is good!"), or give yourself a goal to save up for purely with what you save on soda.

  • i have a soda stream, which i bought without realizing who makes them.. but i buy 3rd party gas refills and just drink fizzy water.. it's awesome