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Struggling to pick the right Notion alternative—need help
  • I have been through many setups, almost started using Markour... But then something about bullet journaling and the pen/paper relationship just had a magical touch to it.... Then almost bought supernote.... Then actually bought Boox Go 10.3... And I do my journaling BuJo style, my manga and book reading, and some writing with Bluetooth Logitech keys to go on it. You could sync to cloud but I kinda use it as a paper notebook and reader/writer so I keep my backups local. Might do PDF backups to one of the clouds, they give you some options. But then again, a lot of my handwritten things get OCR/written into a document anyway... And after a year is done I rarely go back to the same diary anyway. And the important ones I save as PDF anyway..
    This kinda setup is working for me so far. You might be different.... As we all are.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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