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Bambu Lab Firmware Update Forces Cloud Dependency & User Lock-In - AVOID THEIR 3D PRINTERS!

  • Prusa for the win yet again. I recently upgraded to MK4, and the thing just keeps. On. Going. Great customer support. They work with 3rd party suppiers instead of against them. Worth every cent.

    • Yep, and the fact you can upgrade to new versions is amazing, only paying for the new parts, not a whole new printer.

    • I had a side gig as the printer mechanic for a small company that 3D printed bracketry for their product. They used both genuine and "knockoff" (open source ftw) Prusa Mk3s. I'd kinda like to staple Josef Prusa's foreskin to the ceiling. I think it would make him have better ideas than the extruder-and-hot-end-assembly that those machines currently have. Deal breaking issues I've had with them in service:

      • Nothing is connectorized at the business end. If you need to replace either of the two fans, the extruder motor, the PINDA probe, the temperature sensor, the heater cartridge, you have to partially disassemble the extruder mechanism and unwrap the wiring harness. The filament runout sensor is connectorized at the tiny little board, but...
      • The wiring harness passes through a hole in the back of the carriage plate and most of the wires have to fit into one of two little slots as the extruder mechanism is attached to the carriage. It's really easy to pinch or sever wires like this, and it means you can't replace a broken fan or something without partial disassembly.
      • The PINDA probe mount is about 3 planck lengths thick. It's subject to some load from the thickness of the PINDA probe's cable, it's rather near the hot end and the heat plate, so I've seen them warp or break under continuous use. And it's built into a foundational part of the mechanism so it's not a quick swap, it's a 100% teardown and rebuild from scratch.
      • The whole thing is a demented sandwich with like 25 printed plastic parts. It's a convoluted thing to work on, even if it's not printed in gloss black so you can make out the shape of everything. But they print it in gloss black.
      • It's not designed to be built up as an assembly that can be easily and quickly attached and detached from the printer. In service, this makes it impossible to have a spare extruder assembly built up so when you get "Number 3 needs a new nozzle" you can swap in the spare assembly, return the machine to service, and then work on the part at your leisure. No, the production manager is breathing down your neck with a machine in many pieces. Hand me my stapler, I just want to talk to him.
      • Those goddamn pressed in square nuts. If you want to re-use the hardware because one of the many plastic pieces partially broke in a way that means you HAVE to replace it, re-using the hardware is just one more jumper cable to the cornea.

      It's not specific to the Extruder mechanism, but because nothing is connectorized at the business end, you end up having to open the main board's enclosure and dealing with shit in there, and there isn't room. It's turned the wrong way; the connectors and shit should be on the OUTSIDE of the printer so you could get to them easier and most of the cover should hinge or bolt off.

      For an 8-bit AVR-based Mendel pattern machine they work surprisingly well when they're in good shape but they are a PAIN IN THE TAINT to keep running in a production environment. I have the skills to do better than this but I'm not doing it for free.

  • Saw this from the moment they did the rfid nonsense, doubled down on my beliefs when they started burning cash on advertising like crazy. Tons of youtubers and such shill this shit

    They had a series b round in 2023 of an undisclosed amount with several chinese vc companies and they’ve had investments in 2021 and 2022 as well. I don’t know how chinese vc works but I assume it’s similar to american vc where there is a strong demand from the backer(s) to monetize in this fashion

    Why do you think reddit went to shit? Series b in 2014. Those people drop serious cash. Reddits seed round in 2005 at y combinator was for 100k. That’s serious money to you and me, but to vc people that’s not worth getting out of bed. Reddits 2014 series b was fifty million. They suddenly had a gigantic influx of cash to grow infrastructure and compete with the big dogs like meta and twitter. They were fairly successful with this. They then raised 1.2 billion over 4 rounds from 2017-2021. That’s why they had a relatively quick turn to shit; that money was to try to make the site bland and profitable in preparation for ipo. It worked out because the stock made investors a ton of cash at the expense of making the site dogshit

    Bambu will have a similar trajectory. Investors will give them an amount of money that is frankly obscene, they will use that money to develop (and probably to party, ridiculous salaries and/or fluff jobs, and have really fancy offices), then they will actively make the product worse. 5 years from now they will have used that money to entrench themselves in the market space. Don’t be surprised if the average person thinks “bambu” when they think “3d printer” because they pissed away 10s of millions on advertising. But their printers will have more consumer hostile bullshit (finally fully locking out 3rd part filament instead of just requiring you to do a pain in the ass respooling seems inevitable) like this and it would not be surprising to see the build quality suffer too.