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Trans Megathread for the Week of December 30th, 2024 to January 5, 2025 - The Summer Hikaru Died

Here's to a new year! Here's my first mega try (also first time posting in a while due to reasons) but heya! Admittedly struggled a fair bit with self doubt and anxiety on this one as put it off for a while/other things caught up with me but I figure I'll be glad I did it once I've done it. It's kinda being done last minute though, so admittedly there's that...

I'd been intending to make the mega about something else originally when I signed up, but that would require more time on my part (and I just binge read this recently, so it all works out). Anyways, my subject of the week is The Summer Hikaru Died; it's a queer (BL) horror manga which is currently also scheduled for anime release next year (2025).

Content warnings naturally follow and further details will be spoilered.

Anyways, I should cut myself short at this (and make sure to have something properly written beforehand for next time). But anyways, thus far it's a strong recommend (if you feel alright with the content warnings) from me.

Join our public Matrix server!

As a reminder, please do not discuss current struggle sessions in the mega. We want this to be a little oasis for all of us and the best way to do that is not to feed into existing conflict on the site.

Also, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well.

Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.

  • lmao just got a notification from my pcp that i'm apparently overdue for a pap smear. i'd uh, like to see her try i guess?

  • hello trans mega

    i finally talked to that one girl

    • Turn that letter into a boat and give it a Viking funeral

    • I'm sorry u dont have a new gf

      at the very least it sounds like a very healthy talk that was good for you, so grats on that tbh.

      • yeah I'm just... eh. idk

        i keep feeling kind of fucked because i was into her enough to open up google docs and start writing her a three page love letter just from thinking about her and meanwhile she genuinely was surprised that i had any kind of romantic thoughts about her at all is making me feel like

        like oh okay, i managed to keep one unbelievable poker face and she genuinely didn't have a single idea and that... hurts in a way i can't quite explain

  • Look on the bright side everyone. If we make it to 2026, we get to deal with obnoxious USians getting themselves off over the 250th anniversary of the United States.

  • getting gendered correctly by a customer after getting like 10 "sirs" in a row before feels like getting up from Fight For Your Life mode in Borderlands

    • Here's to hoping indeed :x

      I don't quite know how to comfort the best but wanted to at least say I read this and I'm rooting for you in the next year... there'll be better, and you deserve infinitely better...

  • Y'all know about nullos? You should

    Nullification is a type of SRS where the genitals are removed, and the genital area is completely flat/smooth, with only a small hole for the urethra left. The procedure is done by a few clinics in the USA and Mexico. People who have had the procedure or want it, refer to themselves as nullos.

    There's three main motivations for getting it, in my anecdotal experience talking with other nullos: first is obviously gender dysphoria. I'm agender, and so are most nullos.

    A second is asexuality: some want their bodies to reflect their sexuality, and for some it's a combination of gender and sexuality that makes them feel more comfortable having a body without genitals.

    A third, smaller but still significant portion of nullos are cis gay men, bottoms, who from as far as I can tell desire it as expression of their sexuality.

    I'm in a small community online (OK, a discord server, lol) of nullos, and it's a genuine 50/50 split between "I'm ace never want to do anything remotely sexual" and the most wildly kinky people I've ever fucking met. Also the most accepting people I've ever met.

    Small note, there's some overlap with people with BIID? Which is interesting

    • Is "nullo/nullos" actually the preferred term? It sounded potentially off to me but Idk if nouns are fine in this case or not.

      The second, asexuality motivation is cool and new to me, makes sense. The not-cisnormative forms of bottom surgery I have always thought were rad and fuckin rule, tbh.

      • Yeah, nullo or in plural form, nullos. I get what you mean with nouns sounding off, it's like saying "homos" instead of "homosexual people"? But it's the preferred term yeah.

        Also: people can choose to preserve nerve endings, meaning, have the nerves from their clitoris or glans under their skin so it can be stimulated if they want to. As you can imagine, not popular with the asexual nullos.

  • my bi cycle has been so completely and utterly out of wack recently and it's been exhausting. Yesterday I was daydreaming all day about boys without a single thought about women and three days before that I was doing the exact opposite!! Every day I internally roll a d6 and that's where I am on the fucking Kinsey scale for the day and I really wish it wasn't so volatile. Let me pick a side and stay with it for at least 2 weeks or do before moving on