no mention of how Migdo passed that i can find. A cbs article says "A funeral home obituary at the time provided no cause of death."
it's delightful, thank you
Hello dears I love you all so much. Thank you for helping me find my true self and for helping me learn how to live my life for me, fearlessly, happy at last. ❤️
like if you touch the cuticle or don't wrap the tip (or don't clean and scuff and dry the nail) the whole nail coating just pops right off in one piece. It's trickier then i expected but once you get it down it's so fast.
I have to trap myself to keep from messing regular nails up and i almost never succeed i just get too antsy sitting there.
really all in how you feel about it. I didn't expect to remember my date i have a poor memory and it was a random day. Turns out i treasure that day more than my birthday and i'm definitely celebrating it when I get to 1 year. (i been celebrating it every month like a squirrelly noob tbh)
If you think it will make your birthday more special do it!!
i have a friend with the lamp and they are so nice if you can do them right but you have to be really good about not touching the cuticle or skin and you have to be able to wrap the end of the nail in polish. If you can do those and get a good seal it's amazing!
interesting i have some plain fine glitter i wonder if i can put that on before my top coat. i'm going to have to test that out thank you!
To make sure i get good coverage i tend to do polish, polish, pearlescent, pearlescent, top coat. I use solid color polish and a matching pearlescent to get the shimmer and depth.
Hope do you add glitter? I have glitter stuff i use for my toes but it's a very chonky polish i never tried mixing it in.
one thing i learned from the 196 matrix beauty room is that you can take a very stiff, thin brush and dip it in acetone and if you get any polish on your skin or cuticle you can just edit it nice and neat with the stiff brush. This has dramatically improved the results for me. i usually do 5 coats total and it takes an hour so i don't want it peeling off the next day!
3 hammer and sickles howling at the moon
now do gerald! gerald gerald bo berald banafanafo ferald fee fie moe merald.. gerald!
🫂 it's okay you're gonna be okay. We are all just trying to be our true selves too you are in good company here. I'm really sorry to hear you are going through the thick of it but it gets better.
congratulations!!!! the first step is the most difficult! I'm really proud of you :)
I bought myself a new dress, not my first dress but the first one I picked out myself. It makes me feel unreasonably happy just big huffs of euphoria on tap. I'm temporarily wearing another dress so i don't suck up all the happy too fast gotta ration it out so it lasts longer.
it's a little sappy but Chappel Roan's Red Wine Supernova is what finally broke through my thick skull and cracked my egg 7 or so months ago. Specifically the line about standing there in gogo boots and a short skirt waiting for a pretty girl to bite on you. I kept listening to it over over and i just thought it was neat and then this lightbulb went off and i realized oh hey i want that to be me. I'm the girl in the skirt wanting to be bit!
yeah i should just chill that's usually my real problem overthinking