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Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina is fucked
  • Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina is fucked

    true even outside of this context

    but yea my semi-gf had to stay at my dorm for the night instead of her apartment because my uni's the only place in the region that still has power

  • anti onion action
  • need r/onionhate to somehow become the 21st century equivalent to the Black Hand. Imagine if the next Trump assassin posted there

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • israel is just america's spoiled son who's constantly drunk on pre-2010 four lokos so we don't really have to distinguish them that much

  • *The Honorable Discharge of the Jokerified Snufkin PFP*


    The dawning of either the Kamala Era or the resumption of the Trump Era brings closure to Jokerified Snufkin's role as my pfp on every site.

    Whether the next era jolts the Amerikkkan left out of its post-Bernie slump or not is yet to be known- but its arrival is great for Snufkin here, who's already seen enough over the past half of a decade. I sent him off with 70 million reminbi and a ticket to head back to Naantali.

    I'm probably gonna tuck him in my banner now in some form or another. He's not dead, this isn't a funeral, all this post serves as is a celebration of his long service.

    In his stead, I have appointed This Girl from Psychopomp (its completely free and takes like about an hour to play through, highly recommend): !

    Her ascension to pfp is effective by midnight EDT. Wish her luck.

    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • Update, we had a productive riffing session while watching Sausage Party but they utterly REFUSE to riff on Tom Hooper’s Cats with me because they’re insisting that Ma (2019) is an effective horror movie

  • Featured
    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • It’s a relic of the second bush term and the cultural void it left

  • BREAKING: Eric Adams BREAKS OUT a box cutter in cockpit of WORLD'S LARGEST boeing 767

  • Featured
    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • my roommate's coralled like a third of our hall to watch jeff fucking dunham in our room lmfao

  • Eric Adams has been indicted
  • Destined to hit Big Bill Thompson tier retroactive unfavorability

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Remember when Kamala talked abt how america was finally not at war anymore at the debates (which in itself was bullshit too but all of its direct combat involvement left was low profile for people to care about)

    that’s on track to last long isn’t it

  • PSYCHOPOMP- a game where you go into eldritch basements of federal buildings
  • The lore’s pretty vague in general but it might have something to do with how


    Earth was split into two planets via forces that are as esoteric as everything else in the lore is

    (There’s various notes strewn across each map with extra lore info as well)

  • PSYCHOPOMP- a game where you go into eldritch basements of federal buildings

    Ironically has nothing to do with actual psychopomps. Free on steam and itchio btw

    (may use the mc as an interim pfp sometime. jokerified snufkin served me well for half a decade but im not sure if he can take any more- may be time for him to take a nice vacation in naantali)

  • Average American socdem

  • Trans Megathread: September 2nd-9th: Toyosatomimi no Miko

    Fanart is by Syurii22.

    Toyosatomimi no Miko is a character in the Touhou Project series introduced in its 13th installment, Ten Desires.

    Miko was once Prince Shoutoku, a Japanese leader in the 600s known for promoting Buddhism and streamlining the Japanese government. In the Touhou lore, she was visited by Taoist hermit Seiga Kaku, who had heard about Miko’s longing for immortality. Seiga introduced her to Taoism, but she rejected it as a religion unfit for placating an entire country. She was intrigued by its promise of immortality, however, and privately converted to it, advocating for Buddhism to keep Japan stable. After drinking an “immortality elixir” (mercury sulfide), however, she was forced to let go of her body and become a supernatural hermit like Seiga, notably taking on the form of a woman, making her a canonically trans character (!lets-fucking-go).

    After convincing a hermit from a rival clan (Mononobe no Futo) to sleep without decaying, Miko followed in suit, waiting for a time where a Taoist Japan would revive her in search of guidance. However, Buddhist monks were able to keep her mausoleum sealed, and the legends surrounding her were slowly brushed off- which led to her transportation into Gensokyo, where the folklore of old is a reality of everyday life.

    When she awoke in Gensokyo, it was right after Buddhist monk Byakuren Hijiri opened her own temple, however, leading to a surge of divine spirits across the realm, setting up the events of Ten Desires.

    What look like headphones on her are canonically earmuffs- Shoutoku was allegedly able to discern between ten questions asked at once, an ability carried by Miko (although with her enhanced abilities, she can also analyze each person and determine their inner desires (thus the title of the game))- although it means her hearing is highly sensitive and has to be muffled to prevent pain.

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    As a reminder, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well. ----------

    Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.


    Oh we’re DEEP in the 20s now


    This is my generation’s DNC Macarena performance

    Deeply unserious party

    Honorable mention !

    If I was in charge of The Regime I’d have trouble convincing myself to not keep the libertarian party around as !twisted twisted !twisted jesters for the masses

    (It can’t be the prohibition party btw because I already have plans for it- it’d be so easy to get 20 of yall to go to their next convention in some Best Western in Gainesville probably and nominate one of us)

    Biden might not get on the ballot in Ohio lol Biden may have trouble getting on Ohio's general election ballot, state's top election official warns

    In a letter to Ohio’s Democratic Party chair, Secretary of State Frank LaRose warns that the Democratic National Convention will take place after a state deadline to declare a candidate.

    Biden may have trouble getting on Ohio's general election ballot, state's top election official warns

    [insert Skibidi Pomni Ohio Gyatt Rizz joke here]

    Basically they’ll only certify a candidate if they’re officially nominated by August 7 and the DNC only starts on the 19th lol

    RFK’s gonna get second place in a state let’s gooo !agony-wholesome


    Imagining their police handing this out at SeaTac like that mid-70s NYC Fear City pamphlet so that they can convince the mayor to buy them newer M4s somehow

    [Pannenkoek2012] SM64’s Invisible Walls Explained Once and for All

    !xinternet not now babe, 4 hour vid abt how fucked sm64’s code is just dropped

    (NEW) Machine Girl - SUPER FREQ EP

    My snout descends !reisen-dance

    The tunes Neil has banged out are now old enough to vote :,)

    They grow up so fast !wholesome

    Nothing else has its anniversary today. Just this. Ignore the haters (you know the ones).

    Cornel West picks Melina Abdullah(???) as running mate

    What’s with the soft white underbelly thumbnail filter lmao

    Abdullah has had some uhhh interesting takes !

    james is… le bron?

    i had the idea at like 2:35 am and couldnt just let it die

    i would post it to badposting but i wont, cause my posts are good

    Notice for Illinois (and Ohio/Kansas/Arizona) comrades - 🚨YOUR PRIMARIES ARE RIGHT NOW🚨

    Link has a brief rundown on some of your races (and a pretty big backlog for more info). Iowa has an uncommitted option for the presidency, but the other states only have regular candidates and a handful of “qualified” write ins. Orbmom may or may not be the lesser evil to support against Biden in these cases.

    Been on a rabbit hole trying to figure out the true fate of hipsterdom

    What I’m feeling is

    • most remaining hipsters joined the techbro hive by covid
    • they aren’t COMPLETELY dead, just completely localized to Portland, which appears to be continuously larping the obama era zeitgeist
    • can any Portland hexcubs confirm that? (and also explain where all the cool stuff is, because if I were one of the actual good and grimy artists from there that I follow on Twitter, I would’ve ditched that city long ago)
    • checking again, Portland seems to have gotten better (thank fuck)
    • pretty sure dimes square (the red scare pod autonomous region) was sprung out of a temporally displaced stray seed of the culture watered by too many esoteric conservative think tanks
    • is dimes square still a thing cause god I hope not
    • Assholes with too many crypto startup ideas have been handed the baton of gentrification. Pax Gastropubia has passed, but its cultural ghosts will linger on. The five minimalist dispensaries on the same block with fake neon lights inside will go under from sheer market oversaturation, the exposed brick walls with fake vines at the downtown “dive” bar may be painted over within a decade, but it won’t bring back the community that was there before- the last lesbian bar in the metropolitan area, the imports store that moved to the very edge of the city limits, the cafe that would pass for a cigar shop at first glance. All that remains is an allusion to the neighborhood’s “vibrant history” on its Google Maps description.
    • Decades from now, the plasticine mixed use complexes will be condemned, their poor build quality (no matter whether the apartments above the shops were billed as affordable or luxurious) being deemed a threat to safety. A worker taking out the wiring for recycling stumbles upon a long sealed room.
    • He turns on his flashlight. There’s a bowling lane (with cords to pull up the pins), a lone pinball machine in the corner, and too many decals with 80s movie references to count. The fake weathered vintage wallpaper is a vague hybrid of early 60s pastels and late 60s geometric shapes. You can faintly hear Macklemore out of an overhead speaker.
    • He’s cleared out 5 restaurants with these exact motifs in the past week.
    • Why did we allow 2010s vibes to get this bad?
    WIIHAPPYFEW WIIHAPPYFEW [he/him, they/them]
    • Bi / Genderfluid tomboyfemboy butchtwink thing / Autistic
    • I like Touhou, Machine Girl, and diners with those stained foam roof tiles
    • South Carolinian !sunny-breakdown
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