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  • I’m curious how the question was asked, because I only believe that in one way, they don’t care about when voting in this election because they have no difference in positions on climate change. Because ask like anyone under the age of 30 and it’s one of their top concerns. For obvious reasons.

    • I think careful and deliberate tactics are used to frame questions so that headlines and executive summaries of polling data are often just another piece of propaganda for the ruling class to make sure we all believe nobody gives a fuck anyway so there's no possible future to organizing any resistance to them.

  • As a society, we ain't very good at the whole "delayed consequences" thing. The bad thing isn't happening (to me specifically) right now: therefore, I do not need to think about the bad thing/the bad thing is not real.

    • I don’t think that’s the whole story though. The migrant “crisis” is animating a lot of voters despite migrants having little impact on the vast majority of people‘s lives. People tend to assign outsized risk to the unknown/unfamiliar and vice versa. Nothing is more comfortingly familiar to the typical Amerikkkan than their oversized house kept at 65 in the summer and 75 in the winter with three giant SUV’s in the driveway that they drive everywhere on clogged stroads.

  • Eh well its not like it matters for voting here. Neither of the parties will stop climate change. but ya lots of people either dont think its real or dont think it matters too.

  • Neither party is particularly good on climate change, so there's no reason for it to be a voting issue. Those who actually care about the environment also see that the Dem solutions are useless and only succeed in not being climate accelerationism. Younger generations really care about climate change, to the point it's a main political issue. But neither candidate is doing anything compelling enough to be a voting issue.

    I'm not voting, and I'll promise you that Kamala's better views on climate change do nothing to contribute any confidence to vote for her

  • It's not an issue that we can really vote on in any significant capacity so most of the voting population isn't thinking about it too hard. That, mixed with the fact that younger people are generally more concerned about climate change but also less likely to bother voting also plays a role.