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Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • A case can certainly be made for solipsism there too, yes, but I said deism specifically because of the techbro habit of believing that they come up with super original ideas because they can't be bothered to check if someone already thought of that idea before, such as the idea of some creative force (the "simulation's" programmer) creating the entire world as we know it (the "simulation") and then setting it to run itself according to established physical laws (the "simulation's" programming) and otherwise doesn't intervene.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • They don't "love" children no matter how many pedo-apologists may claim otherwise (as they have throughout history too, up to and including Nonce Island "experts" claiming that orphans were better off being taken in by said predators). They're getting off to hurting someone, and the innocence and vulnerability of their prey is what excites them.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Every day, I become more familiar with how the hippies became neocons. The toxic individualism innate to burgerland culture is a plague that corrodes our empathy.

    Whenever some Joe Roganite (or equivalent "JUST DO DRUG BRO DON'T BE A (slur) BRO!") tells me about some mind-altering miraculous cure-all, I remember that Steve Jobs took a lot of psychedelics and my-hero spends almost as much time in the K-Hole as he does on Twitter.

    Sure, certain substances may help some people with specific things, but the "DRUGS FIX EVERYTHING BROOOOOOO" thing is not only idealistic bullshit but it was also the kind of idealistic bullshit that the hippies were into.

  • Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe? - The Atlantic
  • Both of my estranged boomer parents did this, and 23andMe pretty much have my shit without my consent. Super cool!

    Mine too, the fucking fascist chuds. All they found out is that they had multiple intertwined justifications for nazis to murder their ancestral relatives and they were still believed Hitler should have won WW2.

  • Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe? - The Atlantic
  • May even be some GATTACA style eugenics shit where people are denied jobs because of pre-existing genetic medical condition tendencies. It may be technically illegal even then, but that won't stop corpos from mysteriously not hiring those people.


  • NSFW
    [CW: Transphobic Slur] If GTA VI goes WOKE every square inch of the entire game world isn't going to plastered in amazing jokes like these anymore
  • Me neither.

    Similarly, "Postal" was such a disgusting pile of misanthropic shit that I never ceased to be baffled that the series is somehow considered a classic among freeze-gamer.

    I enjoy Civvie 11's Youtube videos but even after seeing pretty much all of the non-Postal ones, I still find his Postal playthroughs unwatchable.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Transphobic Slur] If GTA VI goes WOKE every square inch of the entire game world isn't going to plastered in amazing jokes like these anymore
  • Yeah it does, it also has current-year hits, classics etc., but it also has in-universe advertisements and like, fake talkshow type things. It is very on the nose when it comes to these two things.

    I'm glad I have been staying away because a bunch of "haha caring about things is stupid check out this farcical version of a hysterial and triggered person being emotional for your amusement!" Howard Sternesque shit would only make GTA even worse for me.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • I feel like the capital G Gamers want to have an M-rated edgy Pokémon, for example,where they can have a waifu or whatever

    PalWorld offered the edgy and the deliberately horny "Pal" too. cringe

    It feels insulting to younger generations that such potential storytelling is missed because the reality is that such writing would offend the sensibilities of those G Gamers. They don't want to talk about animal liberation or systems of power or the myriad things that could be portrayed in a game like Pokémon. They just want their nostalgia slop without politics and that comes at the expense of children.

    That really is too bad because even the first game had some pretty fascinating hints of a wider potential story to tell, including talk of a great war before the game started that involved Pokemon.

    but I definitely dislike this trend of taking joy from children to heal one's own childhood wounds.

    I have my doubts those wounds are actually healing as much as being further irritated to make particularly fashionable scars. "Fallout Equestria" comes to mind. Fucking garbage, but it's heresy to say so among some people.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Transphobic Slur] If GTA VI goes WOKE every square inch of the entire game world isn't going to plastered in amazing jokes like these anymore
  • It's especially clear if you listen to the in-game radio stations, it's just like South Park.

    Isn't that one of the most celebrated features that got expanded upon more and more over time? It used to be just "ironic" music if I remember correctly, like opera.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Transphobic Slur] If GTA VI goes WOKE every square inch of the entire game world isn't going to plastered in amazing jokes like these anymore
  • This may piss off a lot of freeze-gamer but I'll say it anyway: I've been put off by the GTA series ever since the early 3D one (yes, there was a 2D original game too) that had the chud-chortling mechanic of running over sex workers to get money back. Like "Postal," it was misanthropic edgy shit for its own sake and I haven't bothered to check back in decades later.

    Later Saints Row games were at least funny and weird and that helped.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Then you throw in the way children are already treated like possessions and it gets that much harder to connect with younger generations.

    It doesn't make it right, and I want to support the people around me regardless of age, but times are desperate right now and capitalism incentivizes short- sighted selfishness and self preservation.

    reddit-logo has a long front-page general population history of hating children (and/or grooming/creeping on them, that's why the "-philia" in the common clinical term for it is so misleading) and I think a whole lot of that was millennial-age spiteful "fuck you mom I do what I want!" style New Atheists that indulged everything that they weren't allowed to do in their upbringings, then got enough money to have all the toys they wanted that they didn't necessarily have when they were children...

    ... and then they gatekept those toys and wanted to push actual children out of what were once children-specific things, such as Pokemon. My Little Pony also comes to mind, where the adult edgelord/creep demographics outright bullied a lot of kids out of what was supposed to be a fandom meant for those kids first.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • One of the most unjust things about capitalism is that the more important and good for society the work is, the less it is likely to pay.

    Hedge fund managers are a steep net negative to society and are paid the very most of any salaried position.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • That's the part of being a teacher I miss the most: the kids are mostly all right. It's inspiring, even rejuvenating, being around people with new minds open to new ideas, even if they make mistakes and can do terrible things because they don't have the wisdom to know better and are impressionable (fuck "influencers" forever).

    If there wasn't so many other fucked up things about being a teacher that are top-down decisions made by ghoulish school boards and the like, I wouldn't have retired so early.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • I'm an older millennial too, old enough to have a lot of Gen X around me that became junior Boomers to the point of being nearly indistinguishable recently.

    I've seen the same thing you have, . Older millennials like myself, even if they used to be at least sympathetic to leftist (or as they preferred to put it, "progressive") causes, more often then not, often when they found their first "real job" (as in, less marginalized and derided by wine-clinking liberal petite bourgeoisie), suddenly decided that people that didn't get there yet (or never would) were just "lazy" or some other bullshit excuse, anything to feel justified in disavowing them of their own common roots.

    I appreciate all the people here, whether you're 20 or 60, for not becoming the thing that hurt you. We need people with a soul more than ever.

    I wish I had a more heroic and saintly reason for why I take the stands I do, but in truth they started as spite. I hated the selfish fascist assholes that raised me before I even know what to call their ideology, but definitive fascists, up to and including admiration of fucking Hitler all the same. That's especially rich because I have a fairly complicated ethnic background that involves people that were chased down and exterminated through both world wars from the very same people that their surviving successors now retroactively feel nostalgia and admiration for.

    Shit's fucked.

  • Nope, you can't have even the unraveling threads of a social safety net, food quality standards, or health/safety regulations. Best we can do is more public subsidized car commercials in space.

    King Bazinga wants this shit bad, too.

    From the comments where I found the above picture:

    >During Elon's conversation with Trump on twitter, the one that came after he endorsed him and started sucking his dick and felt like he actually forced him into a live conversation on twitter spaces.

    >He was leading the conversation quite effectively, and he led Trump into this corner where he was asking REPEATEDLY if Trump would make a new area of the government.

    >"So really we need to reduce our government spending, and I think we need a government spending commission"

    >From the twitter spaces, Elon floats the idea of the government spending efficiency department and how much we need it. Then Trump starts rambling about gasoline. Again a few minutes later Elon comes back AGAIN to this government efficiency department thing.

    >"So would you agree we need to take a look at government spending and have perhaps a government efficiency commission that makes the spending more efficient"

    >Trump goes off on a tangent on to talk about jets and air force one and its paintjob etc etc etc.

    >But then ELON AGAIN comes back to this efficiency department, literally DRAGGING Trump back again to the subject.

    >"So again I just think it would be great to have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at these things and just shows that the tax payer money is spent in a good way. I'd be happy to help out with such a commission"

    >Trump says "I'd love it, you well you're the greatest cutter. People go on strike and they are gone, theyre all gone".

    >So Elon basically cornered Trump into this interview and then repeatedly brought up this new government department that he wants to run, managing to get Trump to agree to it.

    >Then low and behold, september 5th

    >"Trump pledges to tap Elon Musk to head government efficiency commission"

    >The Republican presidential candidate says the commission would audit the entire federal government and suggest ‘drastic reforms’.

    Yeah yeah be funny if the imperial core collapsed because of this expanded circus fire and all that and lol accelerationism, but I also don't want me or my family to get poisoned from toxic waste from upstream so it's hard for me to cheer for that.

    "Elon Musk's Twitter Employees Feel Forced to Laugh at His Appalling 'Jokes'... or Else" Elon Musk's Twitter Employees Feel Forced to Laugh at His Appalling "Jokes"... or Else

    Whether or not he's actually funny, Elon Musk needs his sense of humor to be validated, Twitter employees quickly had to learn.

    Elon Musk's Twitter Employees Feel Forced to Laugh at His Appalling "Jokes"... or Else

    I think the scare quotes are well deserved in this article's title. "HAHA PEOPLE I SEE AS BENEATH ME ARE SUFFERING HAHAHAHAHAHA" isn't really a joke but it does delight nazis.

    King of Comedy

    Elon Musk really loves his jokes. Since he's the world's richest man and the boss of several high-profile companies, that means everyone around him has to love them, too.

    That probably isn't a point of friction at Musk's long-standing ventures, like SpaceX and Tesla — companies that he built up, where he's earned a devout following of loyalists who are used to his shenanigans.

    But as revealed in "Character Limit," a new book about the billionaire's calamitous takeover of Twitter, New York Times reporters Ryan Mac and Kate Conger lay out how the social media site's employees quickly had to learn that, because Musk "loved to be admired," all of them had to be ready to laugh at his jokes — or else risk the fate of so many of their former coworkers who found themselves out of a job after Musk's ascension.

    Some of his attempts at humor went over better than others. Mac and Conger write about one especially awkward interaction that took place after a Twitter executive was summoned to meet Musk for the first time.

    After learning that the exec used to work at Google, Musk began to talk about how he was angry at Sundar Pichai, the tech titan's CEO, because he didn't put antennas into Android phones that would let them connect with SpaceX's Starlink internet service.

    On a tangent, Musk then brought up that he had a friend that worked on Google's Search products. According to this friend, Google skirted anti-trust regulations by deliberately keeping its share of the search engine market under 70 percent.

    "Get it?" Musk said, smirking. "Sixty-nine percent?" He looked around the room, raising his voice as he hoped for an amused reaction. "Sixty-nine percent!"

    Change of Scenery

    That anecdote almost sounds too much like a bad movie gag to be true. But then again, we're talking about a guy who heralded his Twitter takeover by hobbling into its headquarters holding a kitchen sink, and offered Wikipedia $1 billion to change its name to "Dickipedia."

    We can't speak to how well he's ingratiated himself with the rank and file by now, but according to Mac and Conger, his personal team of sycophants have tried to appease their boss by changing some of the decor to reflect his sense of humor.

    "Near the tenth-floor conference room that he often inhabited while in the office, they put up a Galerie de Meme, or meme gallery, framing printouts of some of the billionaire's favorite juvenile internet jokes," the authors wrote.

    His team also replaced some of the honorees in a Wall of Fame for the site's best tweets with a few of Musk's own, such as his joke that he'd buy out Coca-Cola to put actual cocaine back into its drinks. Hilarious.

    Near the commons area, someone even built a photo collage dedicated to free speech — one of Musk's obsessive ideals. Alongside such historic documents like the US Constitution and John Milton's "Areopagitica," hung a picture of Musk lugging the sink into Twitter headquarters.

    Even though the site continues to bleed advertisers and has had its workforce utterly annihilated, it's heartening to hear that Musk — and his lackeys — are keeping up their usual good cheer.

    "E~L~O~N Says He’ll Take Your Whole Family to Mars, but Only If Donald Trump Wins." The bazinga key jangling is reaching potentially extinction burst levels here.

    His old standard bullshit has long been promising fever dreams of colonizing Mars and turning it into a stroad-laden suburb and country club with a red lens filter, which has gotten him billions in subsidies year after year and a devout cult of credulous rubes that think they're too smart to be fooled.

    He's jangling those metaphorical keys hard right now, and I think it may be make or break as a gambit. Yeah yeah I know electoralism is a fuck and it's a choice between red MAGA and blue MAGA, but if it's blue MAGA I'll still enjoy seeing the single most obnoxious dipshit Reddit incarnate techbro manchild in the world eat shit.

    What's the most "scratched liberal" you've ever spoken to in person?

    I've known plenty of !libbing-out but when it comes to being scratched about it, it has to be my old neighbor that lived just down the road at the intersection, one of the first to buy (and performatively loop around the neighborhood with) a Te$la.

    I had the misfortune of running into him at the bookstore, and he had this sort of eager "oh boy I'm going to blow your mind" look on his face as he saw me at the tables by the obligatory coffee shop inside.

    !maybe-later-honey "Isn't it insane what's happening out there?"

    !debord-tired "What?"

    !maybe-later-honey "The looney left! They're out of control! I mean... you know it's bad when the most philanthropic human on the planet says they're out of control."

    !debord-tired "Oh..."

    !maybe-later-honey "Yeah that's right! ELO~N has to take a stand or no one will! I don't want to be stuck living in a mud hut just so I don't hurt someone's feelings!"

    !debord-tired "Oh it's your turn. She's trying to take your order."

    What's it like to work at Clown, I mean, Cloud Imperium G*ming, the not-quite-producing producers of Star Citizen? Check out these employee reviews! Thought I would scroll through some of the recent employee reviews of CIG, can't say I'm surprised at all

    CIG will tell you these are 'fake' reviews, but there are honestly too many subtle details provided for that explanation. Not to mention, comments...

    Thought I would scroll through some of the recent employee reviews of CIG, can't say I'm surprised at all

    Almost a billion dollars and well over a decade well spent! !elmofire

    I know it's naive of me, but I wish there was some way to reach working-class chuds and make them aware that their current opinion leaders have almost nothing in common with them.

    !trump-moist is a NYC failson scion that's obsessed with golf and creepy beauty paegants.

    !my-hero goes without saying; he has almost nothing in common with the average "heartland" chud except hatred and targets for hatred.

    I don't know how to reach them and I assume if it was easy it would have been done already, but it baffles me that these failson clowns hold the leash.

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