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Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • Power’s still out, 2 days now. Originally it was expected back by tomorrow but it got pushed to Tuesday now, probably redirecting people to NC where shit is so much worse.

    I really didn’t expect this hurricane to be Katrina for Asheville. It’s like 7+ hours from the ocean what the fuck.

  • Pissreal lobs bombs near China's peacekeeping mission in Lebanon.
  • How long until Chinese missiles flatten Tel Aviv?


  • A Jury Found Them Not Guilty. They're Still Serving Life
  • Every judge, cop, or prison guard that has been in the same room as either of these men should serve life in prison.

  • Hezbollah confirms leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli strike
  • Really wishing China, Iran, and Russia would band together and flatten said country exactly like you suggest

  • Hezbollah confirms leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli strike
  • I want to be so clear that Lebanon has every right under both international law and morality to flatten every city in “Israel”

  • U.S. senator tells Arab American advocate to "hide her head in a bag" during a hate crimes hearing.
  • That comment section was the dumbest thing I’ve seen in weeks. Like holy shit that was worse than Facebook comments. I don’t know how these people manage to keep themselves fed and bathed.

  • U.S. senator tells Arab American advocate to "hide her head in a bag" during a hate crimes hearing.
  • Exactly. No matter how many times you say, “No, I don’t support Hamas” they hear yes anyway, they don’t accept no as an answer, so condemning Hamas is just giving the fash more ammo.

  • U.S. senator tells Arab American advocate to "hide her head in a bag" during a hate crimes hearing.
  • I understand why they don’t do it but I really want to see people start responding to that shit with “Yes, I support Hamas in their efforts to protect Gaza from Israel. Hamas has a right to defend itself.”

    Honestly, I think condemning Hamas in these situations is a mistake. It starts you on the back foot, accepting their framing of the situation. No, I do not condemn Hamas, or their actions on October 7th, for the same reason I would not condemn the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

  • US thwarts French and British push for Lebanon ceasefire call at UN
  • They need to sanction the US and block our ships from the Mediterranean

  • U.S. senator tells Arab American advocate to "hide her head in a bag" during a hate crimes hearing.
  • You’re totally right. Kennedy is the one that said “What does yada yada yada mean?” in the tiktok hearings.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Even the regime itself has no clear idea of how many are leaving, as the people at the central bureau of statistics who were supposed to do the calculations has also left.


  • Uncritical support for Comrade Train
  • Yeah like I’m sorry pedestrian bridges have their place but usually they should be a last resort, going up and down stairs just to cross a street sucks ass

  • Uncritical support for Comrade Train
  • How long is that “short walk” actually? I don’t have a great sense of scale from the picture. If that walk is like a half mile down the road that’s 20 minutes out of your way

  • i got a targeted advertisement for old spice deodorant on stormfront after getting a different brand of deodorant delivered from wally world
  • Targeted ads are so funny to me because of this shit, they literally target the worst demographic they can find half the time.

    Last time I bought a mattress, for like 3 weeks after I was seeing ads for mattresses everywhere and it’s like, what the fuck are you thinking? I am basically the least likely person in the country to buy a mattress; I already bought one.

  • SF mayor London Breed: Homeless people living in RVs in S.F. who refuse shelter will face towing
  • Homeless

    Living in RVs

    Okay I lived in an RV for like a year and while there are certainly some downsides I’m pretty comfortable calling it a home. Like, how is that homeless, you have a bedroom!

  • /r/BestOfRedditorUpdates - Am I overreacting to my girlfriend’s experience of assaulting homeless people in the past?

    This is fucking insane

    Post text:

    Am I overreacting to my girlfriend's experience of assaulting homeless people in the past?

    I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Silver_Effective_441

    Am I overreacting to my girlfriend's experience of assaulting homeless people in the past?

    Originally posted to r/AmIOverreacting

    Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU

    TRIGGER WARNING: >!physical assault!<

    Original Post July 24, 2024

    So I've been dating my gf for like nine months. She just recently turned 26 and we were celebrating her birthday. At the end of the night we were both kind of drunk and were talking about our craziest stories from college. She said that her boyfriend at the time and a friend group of guys and girls would sometimes go out at night and "mess with" homeless dudes including beating them up with bats. She also referred to them as junkies and generally dehumanizing terms about them and she even mentioned that it was great stress relief. She can get pretty crazy sometimes and has a bit of a mean streak honestly, but it really shocked me when she said this. I thought she was joking because she was laughing while telling the story. But as I acted skeptical she kept affirming it was true. I just played along and kind of laughed thinking she was just drunk.

    The next day it still bothered me subconsciously so I asked her again about it casually and she said yeah it was true. The thing that disturbed me though was there was no remorse. She told the story like a "lol good times" kind of story. I think if she was embarrassed about it I would have felt different. I still tried to ignore it over the next days but I obviously wasn't able to because I ended up researching online for information about similar crimes in that city at that time (I didn't find anything btw). Unfortunately I definitely believe her at this point though. She never does these kind of elaborate jokes over days plus I can just tell she's being truthful just knowing her.

    Anyway, like I said it continued to bother me so I brought it up one more time a couple days later. This time I was more serious, basically just straight up asking how could she not feel bad about that. I was honestly just curious. She got kind of pissed this time. She asked me if it turns me on and that's why I keep bothering her about it. I said no but I just couldn't imagine doing something like that myself so that's why I'm asking. Then she started saying stuff like "why are you judging me about stuff that happened years ago" and saying it's none of my business who she slept with back then or anything else about her life. That's when it occurred to me that she might have thought I was jealous or something about her ex, since he was apparently one of the guys in that group. She might think I'm trying to guilt trip her out of jealousy related to him or something, which I'm not. But anyway, that was how it ended and I'm obviously not gonna bring it up again.

    Even though I honestly considered breaking up over this, I kind of saw where she was coming from in that it was a long time ago and maybe I'm being kind of a dick for judging her over this? What do you think? I'm no saint at all but I can't help that it bothers me. I can't look at her the same way now and I really think it might be over. Thanks for your advice.



    >nor but why wasn’t this a deal breaker for you????


    >>I think it was. I'm just saying I was second guessing it. It's hard to process.



    >Why the fuck are you with a evil person like that damn bro your a POS also


    >>Sorry I'm not trying to justify it it's just really hard for me. But people do change. I was a totally different person in college too. This would be so much easier for me if she was just sorry about it.


    >>>But she’s not sorry. She’s mad you keep bringing it up and is acting like the dude she did those horrific things with is the problem, and not the assault and battery on innocent people.

    >>>This shouldn’t be hard dude.



    >She’s a psychopath. She admits to violently attacking people.

    >Your aren’t married. You can leave.

    >Knowing she is capable of this, you are underreacting by staying with her. One day she could easily do something like that to you. So take precautions when you leave.

    Update July 31, 2024 (1 week later)

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I broke up with my girlfriend. I absolutely do not condone any violence against unhoused people. That's the reason I asked about it because it seriously shocked me, but then everyone turned it on me and acted like I was condoning it. I'm sorry but it just takes a lot of time to process when you're in a relationship with someone. You can't just end it like that. Plus you know I try to be really mindful of things like shaming women for past mistakes and relationships. The last thing I want to be is one of those guys. And when she accused me of that herself, I started believing I may be wrong.

    But anyway when I told her we were gonna have to break up because of what she told me, she actually looked shocked. I think she believed I was joking at first. But I straight up told her how wrong she was for doing that, which I hadn't had the courage to do before. I said how she could have even killed one of those guys and not known it, etc. She didn't have much to say, just looking really angry honestly. But anyway once I showed I was serious she started guilt tripping me about how I'm trying to shame her for her past etc. The same point she had made before. But in the end she started insulting me really harshly and eventually turned it around on me and it was like she was breaking up with me instead. However she wants to think of it is fine with me. Some of the things she said were really hurtful if I'm being honest but I know she was just angry and I just have to keep reminding myself that I did the right thing.

    As for reporting the crimes like some people said, I did try but I had trouble talking to a person at that police department over the phone (it's across the country from where I am). The phone recording tells me to file reports online. The online form asks me if I know who did the crime and when I check "yes" it tells me I have to file the report on the phone or in-person. Anyway I'm still working on that but it seems like there's a lot of beauracracy to do through. Sorry for not responding to a lot of you before but I was really overwhelmed. Even though this isn't my main account I want people to know I did the right thing. Take care.

    Anyone here play WoW?

    My partner and I recently started playing again and are looking for a guild or just a smaller group to play with who don’t suck

    Solar eclipse is tomorrow and I’m so excited


    My dad sent this to me this morning, we saw totality for the 2017 one and now my partner and I are in Cincinnati to head into the path tomorrow to see it

    I genuinely can’t emphasize how amazing it was to see. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen.

    Mobile Game Suggestion Thread

    Give me suggestions for mobile games that don’t suck ass

    Currently the only games on my phone are

    Reigns: Her Majesty - Card based roguelike, you’re the Queen pick between decisions to balance the favor of different groups, progressing through a larger story over multiple lives. Sequel to Reigns which is also great.

    Baba is You - Puzzle game, push words and objects around to change the rules of the world the puzzle is in to complete the puzzle.

    Polytopia - What if Civ was so simple it wasn’t very fun

    Pokémon GO - !hillgasm

    Do you drink coffee daily? If so how do you make it?

    Was making coffee and considering throwing out my K-cup coffee maker because I almost exclusively use a French press now, and got curious what other people did


    Looking through my friend’s stuff at her parents’ and found this from her terrible college bookstore



    There was a matching George Washington one. The best time to raze Washington and Lee University to the ground was 1865, the second best time is now.

    New Vanilla 1.18 Minecraft Server is now up!

    The IP address is


    You need Vanilla Minecraft Java 1.18

    Edit, 1:12am 12/11/21: We now have a whitelist to avoid wreckers. Everyone who’s already been on the server should be fine. If you want to be added to the whitelist, either message me on here, or message on discord and send both your Hexbear and MC username :stalin-approval:

    Don’t home school your kids

    This started as a comment in the megathread but got long so I decided to make it it’s own post. Obviously covid makes this different, but for general purposes, I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it till I die, please don’t homeschool your kids

    I was homeschooled from early in elementary school until halfway through my sophomore year of high school. The reason I joined high school is because I was so depressed and lonely I wanted to die, and I knew my education had been neglected for years, so I begged my parents to put me in public school. Basically the only thing my parents kept up with was math and that’s only because they had me in online math classes.

    And of the homeschooling parents I knew, mine were some of the best ones as far as actually educating their children go. Mild neglect with some basic math and science from atheist parents is worlds better than the psycho Christian “education” some people I knew got.

    But even with all that the education was the smaller problem. Turns out math is the only thing that actually builds on itself over time in the American education system, everything else just restarts but slightly more complicated when you get to high school.

    The bigger problem was how alone I was and how stunted it made my social skills, something I’m still dealing with now and I’m in fucking grad school. Kids and teenagers need to be around people their own age. I straight up did not learn how to function properly in social situations. I almost got the shit beat out of me in my first week in high school for calling a football player a dumbass. If adults said things to me that were mildly accusatory I’d cry, but also I had no concept of not saying shit so I’d call out adults for any minor system issue or other problem completely out of their control which most people just found annoying. I had so much trouble understanding fairly basic social interactions.

    My younger brother was homeschooled from after kindergarten all the way until his senior year of high school, which he then dropped out of. He was more stunted both socially and educationally than I was, and started smoking weed nearly every day when he was around 15 to cope. It also definitely didn’t help that my whole family is chock full of mental illness. I think he did just start at community college though, which I’m super proud of.

    So yeah. Rant over. Don’t home school your kids. It’s shitty.

    ClimateChangeAnxiety ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]

    20,000 years of this, 7 4 more to go

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