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piggy [they/them]
piggy [they/them] @ piggy
2 wk. ago

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The Death of Mussolini - An American Film.

  • Also very funny you accuse me of being a debate pervert when you are exhibiting that exact behavior and that is the reason I commented.

    I respectfully started a conversation and stated my opinion in no way did I try to fight FunkyStuff or merthyr1831 and in fact I apologized to merthyr1831 if it came off that way based on me replying to what was clearly a joke.

  • I actually work with....

    Yeah after dealing with my annoying corporate job I also don't want to deal with computers, but it's not a reason to complain that people have found durable elegant solutions to running their own services on their free time.

    This just smacks of jealousy. Someone has to write the yaml, if it's not you it's gonna be the people you're paying $X/mo to also steal your data/call the cops on you after they find IP finger prints/etc.

  • I wasn't trying to dress you down, and I'm sorry if it came off that way.

    I was merely using the memery to explain how the OP tweet is completely wrong, because even within the context of Marxism there are Marxists who read the scantest of theory and are like 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN GLOBALLY I'M THE BAD GUY?'. This usually comes out when Conservatives point to the fact that the American poor are economically way richer than global poor. Which is correct and is merely a rephrasing of imperial capitalism. So upon seeing these arguments they usually dismiss them in an illogical way because the only thing they learned from Socialism in one country vs International Socialism is 'Trotsky bad'.

  • This reads as pro CIA.

    It doesn't matter if there are minorities driving imperial machinery over minorities in the third world. In fact if the CIA was filled with only white men who couldn't gather intelligence and were bumbling morons, it would be a net positive for the world.

    We're no longer in the Dulles Era. We've traded both Dulles brothers, Hoover, and Pappy Bush types for Brett McGurk, John Bolton and Adrien Zenz types. Let them shoot themselves in the foot.

    Competent imperial managers are overall worse than incompetent ones. Take the W.

  • JDPON Don has done more in a month to destroy the empire than leftists have been trying to do since WW2.

  • exonym


    Don't you mean Zhongguo Renmin Gongheguo.

    Why don't you just come out and accuse me of whatever it is instead of trying to beat around the bush?

    Is my communication style bad? Sorry I'm literally autistic.

    Am I not fitting in? See above.

    Am I an evil lib seeking to spread anti-China sentiment?

    What is it?

    It's complete debate pervert behavior to engage with a theory effort post by fixating on a technical label.

  • I'm using a common term not the technical term because if I use technical terms people don't understand what the fuck I'm saying. They might as well be called the FJKOSJAFAIFO if everyone calls them that. This isn't an academic paper. Also it's practically an exonym vs endonym issue. You should also berate me for calling it China and not Zhongguo or it's full endonymic name of Zhongguo Renmin Gongheguo.

  • it will have to be imposed on them from the outside.

    I think historically this has been proven out to be the opposite after all the USSR fell.

    The only real hope that this is a way is that the CCP:

    1. CCP economically (and at one point militarily) is able to defend itself against global imperial capital
    2. CCP brings about real communism, moving more towards MLM roots in terms of social and economic arrangements
    3. CCP brings in the tanks.

    I have doubts about the practicality and reality of each of these steps. Even if you believe that steps 1 and 2 are going to happen. Step 3 is the most tenuous of all. China is very much a mind your own business country. They CCP does not and will not care that the people of the imperial core are suffering. It's not their problem.

    I think the real problem for Marxists is they get too stuck on the "scientific" parts, and assume that means "determinism". This leads them to advocate ripping off previous playbooks (What Is To Be Done posting) wholesale rather than understand what from each previous playbook would work for their specific situation. You cannot build even a nascent state capitalist state that is attempting to build socialism let alone communism through a set of replicable steps. When in reality Marx describes the interaction purely through base and superstructure. There is no "if this then that" of building communism, you have to move these structures into alignment and continually reinforce base and superstructure in the direction of communist development. What works in one society may not work in a different one, (See Sino Soviet Split) what works in one society in the past may never work again in the same society in the future.

    It's a similar reason why typically our capitalist societies cannot make good software. Not only is there simply not a "single way", but most people have their own experiences from the negative problems they have suffered building software for previous companies. These experiences may reinforce practices that seem to be helpful, but were only helpful in the context of the previous company.

    Meanwhile China has done great things for its people, but it has put itself into the same position as those in the imperial core. There are contradictions in the Chinese economy. In order for China to make good on socialism by 2050, it essentially needs to kill its guided capitalist prosperity engine. This is going to make a lot of people uneasy and upset and many of them are also people who are in the CCP. Chinese development has also made it become a treatler country in many respects, I think American Communists don't recognize that. I think in practice we're all just doing a prisoners dilemma with each other and ultimately ourselves.

    A huge example of the difference between China and the USSR right now is food. The USSR had always been a seasonal agriculture country, because having Western style supermarkets that are both price stable and more-or-less unaffected by seasonal availability is based on a network of global trade that requires extraction by its very nature. If you cannot produce food half the year, and the people that can produce food the other half of the year are equals, you can maintain price stability of food through trade. But the reality is that the Global South where this stability is based in, are not equals. So the way price stability is maintained is through deprivation, extraction and manipulation of global markets. In a socialist global system we're back at third worldism, you have to convince people who have it good to sacrifice for those that don't in a place they've never been, for reasons that are extremely difficult to articulate. China is a rich country now and in this way has created this problem for itself and historically benevolent internationalism hasn't really been a cultural tendency. Culturally and politically to China trade is trade, no more no less.

  • No offense, but I think fetishizing movements in the imperial periphery is a way to absolve responsibility from people in the imperial core. Communism tells liberals they need to do more, Third Worldism tells Communists they need to do more. It's not a hierarchy based on who has to deal with the most suffering, it's a hierarchy of who gains more benefit from the current state of the world and therefore who has more responsibility and power to fix it. You are simply shoveling the responsibility to those who comparatively the hardest battles.

    Hamas can't save us. That idea is the idea of Red Dawn -- the same silly fantasy that libs have about the poorest taking their things -- but for potential allies of the invading communist movement, rather than its enemies. It's Communist Big Mommy

  • There are rules against much of what trump is doing.

    The rules you and I exist under are strictly policed and enforced. That is what most people think of when they think of rules. Liberals think of Big Mommy. The problem for liberals is that Big Mommy is not coming to save us. In reality our rules are enforced by a monopoly of violence done to us by the state, no such thing for those in the Ruling class in practice. For the Ruling Class the only enforcement is inter-class squabbles, oligarchs shiving oligarchs thru the state.

    In as much the rules that Trump is breaking might as well be a completely different concept.

  • Why go extinct?

    Behold: The Shoebilled Stork, Lord of Change, Supreme Mutator, Feathered Lord, The Watching and the Eyes of Tzeentch

  • Haha. Liberals suddenly knowing about Myrotvorets style shit would be hilarious since the ones that knew about it were like "Well yeah, they have their reasons".

  • Yeah, but the lesson here is: if they don't read your theory they'll read theirs.

    In Software this is called Cargo Cult Programming. Where programmers do things without knowing why they do them, simply because they've seen them in the code before.

  • perhaps I'm an ally of the JDPON after all.

    There's often no difference in form of newly minted communists punching left against third worldism, and liberals punching left against communists. Newly minted communists are mad that third worldism is both correct in its observations and morals. Third worldism is taking away the new toy they found tells them why their lives should be better than they are. Same thing happens with liberals and liberalism in respect to communism.

    Liberals see their place in society as cosmopolitan educated socialites. Communism reminds them they are in reality subjects of a capital order, whose only worth is based on the money they accumulate not on any acculturation, morality, or valor.

    Communists see their place in society as "proletarians" (I'm using this loosely and not technically), a solidaristic class of the oppressed, not as a class of oppressors. Third Worldism reminds them that in reality they sit on the backs of a global proletariat living in even greater precarity than they do, and their emancipation as a proletariat cannot be moral or ideologically consistent if the global proletariat is not emancipated.

  • horror

    Because in practice late 80's early 90's slashers basically murdered the genre. They were too commercially successful at first and then quickly became trash until they burned everyone out.

    The indie and art house horror scene was still good in the 2010's and 2000's. Irreversable, Enter the Void, Let the Right One In, The Descent, Antichrist, Melancholia, The House of the Devil, 28 Days Later, Insidious, Ponty Pool, Pan's Labrynth, REC, Gozu, Ichi The Killer, One MIssed call, Ringu, the unfairly maligned Session 9, Martyrs, Ju-On

    Also Final Destination was ahead of its time. Nobody realized that they were ironic horror comedies. Also Teeth and Jennifer's Body were good in this category.

    The main problem you're talking about is that general audiences didn't think of horror as anything but JASON KILLS TEENAGER FOR HAVING SEX

  • I really wonder if people who hate on JS / Web Frameworks have made UI's in another language/toolkit. Everything but QT is awful compared to web.

    Also I just contend that people have never really worked with a well designed system because most shit out there is either dead simple, or quickly became a mess because the devs and managers were out of their element. I can sympathize. I'm currently bashing my head against the wall trying to get PMs to understand fairly difficult concepts. I had a meeting today where it was me, 2 UX designers, and 2 PMs on a call, and the PMs literally couldn't functionally understand from either perspective the reason the propsed processes were needed.

  • On a more serious note, I'm glad the whole valorization of "nerd culture" seems to be dying/dead. There was a recent cultural shift of making "nerdy" shit "cool" and it got really obnoxious really fast, especially since a lot of fandoms still seemed to keep this victimhood mentality even as their interests entered the mainstream more and more.

    God I hate this one. In reality the only thing that was valorized was being a fucking treatler.

  • news news

    El Salvador is transitioning from Bitcoin to a body based legal tender

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse

    This is what Reading No Theory does to a MF. Marx Never Predicted....

    music music

    BRAT by Charli XCX despite taking down a whole Presidential campaign and dominating from the spring then summer into the fall did not win Album of the Year.

    music music

    MasterCard and Lady Gaga just destroyed my soul

    electoralism electoralism

    Nothing Ever Happens