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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

Ask Lemmy

What musical artist do you connect to most emotionally.

  • I have read some novels where their history straight up breaks if you think about it for too long. Not saying this happened in this case but I read a fantasy novel that had a history that implied that people existed in the wrong times. Like this person was said to have died in X year yet someone met someone who was born in X+100 years.

  • You can like the game but please stop with the revisionism of it was always playable. When I first played it I could not get through the first non tutorial mission because there was no ground. after restarting the mission just would not progress. It launched in a horrible state on PC I can't even imagine what it was like on consoles.