both pretty extreme
both pretty extreme
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both pretty extreme
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The left will feed a thousand people, in fear that one may starve. The right will starve a thousand people, in fear that one is undeserving.
I myself become a hard core social liberal, but can get along with social democrats, classic liberals and conservatives, other than that steer clear
The extreme left wants state managed fascism to the benefit of in groups, and the extreme right wants wealth managed fascism to the benefit of in groups. We're just so used to choosing between the mild right and the extreme right that we've begun to confuse the mild left - the political group who wants to meet everyone's basic needs - for the extreme.
I'm tired of seeing run-of-the-mill social democracy paraded around as "the far left."
So far, the guy in the middle killed a lot more people than the guy on the left.
Lmaoooooo what
Watching centrists talk to the far right like they're some sort of sensible:
meirl talking to some dude just the other day who was complaining because i was talking mean about trump voters, "just help people to be a better person" etc., but wouldn't give concrete examples of how to do that with people whose literal goal is to be as shitty as possible
No no, they pretend (even to themselves, I think) that they can't tell them apart, but they can and like what they see from the right more. They deny it because it's not politically/socially expedient, but this is why when push comes to shove they invariably fall in with the right.
All centrists are basically leftists.
most centrist are secretly fascists, they just don't have the balls to say it outright like right wingers
this bait sucks try harder
This is only true when considered on a different scale. In the United States where left and right are both still on the right, absolutely not. In a country when both sides lean more left, maybe.
Wish it was this mild. Centrists are more like "Hmm, how can I get the votes of the bigot? A riddle for the ages." And "Why can't those assholes complaining about affording healthcare shut the fuck up, they're breaking my concentration on how to win over the bigots".
Centrists hate the left but will take their vote. They are horny for the right and will abandon any left principle of it'll get their vote.
Hence Kamala running a Republican campaign.
Much more like we would love to help with these leftist plans, but when the people asking for them storm off in a huff if they don't get promised a day 1 soviet utopia they're seen as entirely unreliable. When the 'left' run off because 'you blue maga are no better than fascists' how is anyone meant to even try and help them?
So better to go court the racists right? Because the plan of setting up concentration camps is so concrete and easy to achieve.
But now, let's just talk about how disingenuous this argument is. Most leftists aren't asking for the world and most of the the leftist demands can boil down to "Give use social programs, pay for it by taxing rich assholes". Most leftists aren't asking for a communist utopia and plenty of leftists are also anarchists.
Yet all we hear from centrists is "Oh, it's just so pie in the sky, It'll never work. We couldn't begin to work on this!" All because they don't even want to acknowledge "tax the rich" or "expand workers rights" for fear they'll scare off a donor or two.
I would accept pretty much ANY social program being pushed by dems paid by taxes. One that is absurdly popular is single payer healthcare and it's real easy to achieve because we already have these programs in the form of medicaid and medicare. Making the program literally is just expanding the programs to everyone. You could even phase it in over years, much like SS is slowly being phased out.
Yeah allowing even a single Palestinian speaker at the DNC, with vetted speech, and a promised endorsement of Kamala is really a lot to ask, what were those tankies thinking? Even the smallest step in the direction workers rights or not doing genocide was one too many for the Kamala campaign. The democrats rightly lost by pandering to billionaires and oligarchs rather than courting voters.
That's more like "center left".
At least some definition of "Far Left" would be more: "we're gonna get everyone's basic needs meet by exterminating entire social groups because they're impure". It's not the only one, but it's the one that "centrists" would say it's no different from the "far right".
At least some definition of "Far Left" would be more: "we're gonna get everyone's basic needs meet by exterminating entire social groups because they're impure".
What the hell are you talking about? "Exterminatidg entrire social groups because they're impure" sounds very right-wing to me.
Are you trying to peddle some weird horseshoe bullshit?
people will refer to landlords as a 'social group' rather than advocate for anything non-milquetoast its par for the course
China? Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?
I know the horseshoe theory is problematic, but it's fact that some nominally "left" groups in practice resemble the "far right"; today's China specially in practice resembles more Nazism than Communism.
Change "impure" for "bourgeoisie", "imperialistic", "exploitative", or some other arbitrary bs
That’s why there is a political compass. Which is actually a political cube. Which is actually a political tesseract. /s
I didn't think voters had access to "exterminate the rich" type representatives though. I can vote for neoliberal with a dash of mildly left (the Radical Left™)... or GOP which are actually far right.
Tax the rich, restructure police, equality at a snail's pace. That's the far left in reality for voters. Centrists really are bastards.
The problem with the US political system is that it's so far skewed to the right that the moderate right Democrats are called "far left", and by hearing "far left" people will associate it with Stalin and Mao...
The sole concept of having a political option whose basic program, purpose and goal is NOT to allow everyone equal rights, is nothing but WW2 german Nazism and should be met with contempt, disgust, unacceptance and SEVERE resistance, even violent one if necessary.
Equalizing such option with any other (left?) option whose goal IS to provide everyone equal rights - is also nothing but intentionally shaming and devalueing that (left, socialist) option and intentionally supporting the Nazism option.
Whether posts, such as this one, come from being (politically) illiterate (as almost 55% of USA is below 6th grade literacy, which puts them in the cotegory of huge crowd of useful idiots) or simply because one is (momentarilly) safe from being endangered by any political stream, is trivial in the matter.
This is not the issue of politics. It is the issue of common sense.
If by "far right" and "far left" you mean people that prefer authoritarian forms of government over democracy, then yeah, it's not all that much different. From my discussions with MAGAs and tankies I've concluded they're the same kind of people, they just quote different talking points.
I see you fall into the centrist category.
Nah I'm not bound by political "categories" because I'm actually capable of thinking about issues. But sure go on believing the complexities of humanity can all be placed onto some arbitrary one-dimensional line. Come up with as much terminology as you can to make that sound like a smart way to understand the world LOL.
Do you not think far left or far right anarchists exist?
Isn't this 2024 in a nutshell?
While what the far left want is to "get everyone's basic needs met", what they tend to end up doing is exterminate entire social groups because they are impure... So really they are the same, just different roads to the same hell.
Can you explain to me how single-payer healthcare leads to exterminating social groups?
Like I understand there's some wacky left people out there just like there's some wacky right people out there. But like what has Bernie Sanders done to spook y'all?
Not the OC, but I think it's a difference in definition. The U.S. thinks that things like single-payer health care are "far left," while in the rest of the world, that's a centrist policy. Bernie Sanders is a centrist; the Democratic Party is center-right. The far left is utterly unimaginable for Americans.
You Americans have such wacky ideas about what "far left" means...
Bernie Sanders isn't close to being far left, he is center-left, classic social democratic. He is a sound centrist by European standard.
Here is what far left really means:
This is a bad meme and is actually toxic. It’s far from being logical. If you just add another line to explain what they mean by that, there wouldn’t be a center or far right confusion. If you want to continue this joke, go deeper. Logical jokes sting harder.
How many far rights justify exterminating social groups with "bc they're impure"?