Depart, men of education.
Depart, men of education.
Depart, men of education.
This is a sign we are collapasing. When the smart people wanna leave we are left with a bunch of narrow minded, uneducated people.
I work in big tech. 10 years ago, nobody was talking about going back to India, Pakistan, and to an extent, China. Now, people are talking about it. They're talking about Indian stocks, Indian houses, and dreams of retiring to go back.
Most people aren't - but the number is now non-zero.
Pediatric. Oncologist. That dude is an absolute hero and treasure for taking on such a horrible and bleak profession. I hate that those words are combined in existence at all. God I'm so ashamed to be an American.
Some people are built different. My dad worked as a pediatric hospice nurse for almost 10 years. Talk about a shitty sad job. Every single patient is a child and every single one of them is GOING to die on your watch. Fuck THAT. I do not know how he did it.
I figure we have to have some angels to balance out the demons that end up in positions of prominence in our societies.
They are just doctors. No need to glorify them. They do no more or less than a bus driver. Most jobs have an emotional toll.
I'd have to imagine that the stress and emotional toll is significantly higher for a paediatric oncologist than a bus driver. There's not so many people that could cope with that.
Let's agree to disagree. I respect bus drivers as much as you do. Some people, however, have a greater positive effect on humanity as a whole, and that deserves its own form of respect.
Good to know. Next time I have a medical issue, I'll ask my bus driver for a diagnosis. What are your thoughts on subway drivers or Uber drivers?
Different energy. Bus driver has to deal with many potentially grumpy people in many potentially unsafe areas. Not an easy job.
A doctor that is specifically specializing in a field where he has to get to know and take care of children as they die in a potentially painful way, has a much different challenge. Less for safety or aggressive people (though maybe parents could be I guess) but more in being the one to watch as the hope fades for each individual child in their last days.
I wouldn't love the bus driving job. I don't think I could do the pediatric oncology one for more than like, one patient ever. I'd be depressed forever.
Agreed, I would be equally angry if a bus driver were detained by ICE. Their immigrants status and then solidarity is more important than their profession.
Having known several healthcare workers with PTSD from the pandemic I strongly disagree.
Granted, the pandemic was traumatizing for people from all walks of life but I don't envy hospital based nurses or doctors from that time.
It was so painful for nurses that many quit leading to a shortage that'll likely go on for the next decade as a result.
Some of that is due to corporate healthcare enshittification but there was a mass exodus during the pandemic for a reason.
is the title a pun on "depart-ment of education"?
It's from a presidential directive for dissolving the "Departmen of Education"
It does appear to be so.
Extremely sad news, this is what an authoritarian state looks like for anyone who still didn’t believe it. Wish them all the best wherever they land.
Replacing education with idiots. The perfect republican scenario.
Wont last long until only the abolutely immoral scientists remain that are willing to experiment on political prisoners.
Can someone send me a direct link to his post?
If you want to live a happy life in the US right now, make sure your parents are in Russia.
Whoever does not realize that THIS IS FAR MORE DEVASTATING than any nuclear bomb or even SIGNED capitulation in a war - is nothing else but an utter fool.
brain drain
I can't wait for these brave visionaries to build capitalism and white supremacy in Europe. \s
Welcome to Europe! You get to keep your healthcare plans into retirement!
Why use Meta when Mastodon is available? The less we all use corporate social media the more resilient we become.
You have to say that on Meta if you want them to read it.
You have to keep evangelizing. They've likely never heard of it.
It's pretty likely they've heard of it as a niche option, as a forgettable factoid years ago.
Then they may also have learned it's a very small platform and something about decentralization.
if they went to sign up regardless, it seems likely they didn't end up picking an instance. (Possibly having left the page open, briefly looked up Mastodon instances and read a few sentences, then moved on to something else.)
Now that they wouldn't have had to pick an instance, they've long forgotten about it, maybe you could get them to try the normalized sign up process.
But anyone who knows anything about people knew from the start that Mastodon wasn't really even aiming for successful growth. Of course the instances were gonna be an obstacle.
Exactly. We need to get really obnoxious with the promotion
B/c these people are just libs.
and women
Of course.
I'll mention you probably missed the Depart men(t) of Education wordplay in the title.
And the children, too.
Why are you always going on about women, Stan?
is this a reference to something
Brain Drain time.
Scientists left nazi germany for the US, now they'll leave nazi US.
Also nazi usa took in nazi "scientists".
Well if you don't like what's happening... before trump it was very extreme letting too many people in unobserved, and now we have it the other way. If the laws concerning immigration had just been respected in the first place, this probably wouldn't be happening the way it is now.
(I'm not taking sides here, just making an observation.)
The US immigration system has been broken for decades, as a everytime a Democrat tries to fix it, the Republicans refused, to the point the democrats started getting Republicans authoring laws to fix the problems, and AGAIN the Republicans refuse, then we had Republicans author their own bills 100% and the Republicans REFUSED to fix it.
People as fucking stupid as you are why. ''Well why didn't they just follow the law'' because THE SYSTEM IS INTENTIONALLY BROKEN YOU FUCKING IDIOT, FAMILIES ARE GETTING DESTROYED AND PEOPLE ARE DYING WHILE YOUR DUMB ASS FAILS TO PAY ANY ATTENTION PAST ''oh gee golly why didn't they just do it legally'' 90% + of immigrants come on legally. How do they get illegal? They need a hearing. With an immigration judge, where are those? Oh... we don't have enough by the 100s. How far back is the backlog for immigration hearings? Oh its thousands of cases? Who represents people who need representation that our laws require they have? No, no, we don't have attorneys, that's not important. Just have the 5 year old that no one has any documentation on represent themselves? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense let's do that.
Wait in line properly? BUILD THE FUCKING LINE!!!!!
Anyone who says its all one side's fault, is not being honest. Chill out.
Those are Americans, they are unable not to go to extremes. And most extremes are shit. Sausage is somewhere in the middle but Americans never look there.
Why is this in the "memes" community? It is not a meme, is it? We should have a general discussion community for topics like these! (if it doesn't exist already).
To annoy you specifically.
all pictures with text are “memes” now
Check the sidebar. We use the Dawkins definition of meme here.
I stand corrected! Thank you!
In the context of Dawkins meme, this post is definitely a meme!
idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning
If we consider scientists imitating the behavior of other scientists (ex: leaving the us) combined with the social network post (signifying the symbolic meaning), it checks all the correct boxes to me!
Would another peer review my analysis?
All shared ideas are memes.
That person's solidarity with a colleague is remarkable and probably worth sharing, but indeed doesn't look like a meme.
Yet I see why one would accept such post in a science-focused community. It's hard to ignore all the attacks on science by US politicians.
Time for scientists to leave the nazi country, just like they left nazi Germany in the 30s and 40s
Not to mention the nazi scientists... Nobody wants to talk about them...
Damned scientists. Everywhere they go, the place turns into a nazi shithole
It seems like the administration is trying to discourage travel across the border. Not just people on work visas, tourists and even citizens are reporting being detained. It's like East Germany or something.
Citizens too? I've not heard of that. Scary
Didn't Albert Einstein flee Nazi Germany which advanced our research into what became the atomic bomb. Hmm... Should be fun century for USA.
Trump has already dismantled the American empire. The decline will be rapid and terminal. Even if they returned to sanity tomorrow, the damage cannot be undone any time soon. Nobody is going to trust the US again in our lifetimes.
Tbh he's just finishing off a process decades in the making.
Oh no, all the trust america built up is suddenly gone...
When will america be the worlds best step dad again!
Hoping that they flee to somewhere that leads to fusion energy and not cheap rods of god.
Rods from God require space infra no one has and won't for a long while
How dare you point out something so relevant and foreboding.
The US is trading science and reason for zeal and faith. At least the scientists will be welcomed in the EU.
This is the bobiverse future...
Why did they leave the EU in the first place
Most probably money
I seriously considered it at some point, as in my (former) field many top researchers lived in Philly, New York, Boston + Toronto. Becoming a top researcher means travelling where other top researchers are. It was definitely not about money, pay is often equivalent between the EU and the US.
Eventually decided it was not worth it for me (had other priorities in life), but this is a sacrifice many EU researchers make (or should I say, made) to become top researchers.
Operation Paperclip back in the day. Grants and such recently.
While it is not the point, I am curious if his colleague is white or not. Is ICE targeting all foreigners or just the non-white-Europeans?
It's not like ICE has a plan, a clue, a reason... They're just trying to attack as many people as their daddy commands.
They had a white Canadian woman who they just sent home last week
They've been torturing white people for about a month now
Absolutely all foreigners -
*except for Ted Cruz and Elon Musk
I hope he's already put of the country before he posted that, or he'll be stopped and disappeared for being a security risk or something
They're welcome to come to Europe. In fact, Europe is actively trying to accommodate it as soon as possible link
Haha, did this months before trump the first, enjoying early start fruits!
The middle finger in the end 😂 😂 😂
Based if real
“Too” well
Yes. Brings some doubt to the post. Semi illiterate yet professional? On the other hand, it is on a Meta platform...
Might have been working in the US to long.
Ones mind boggles.
The worst thing about that Onion article was the abuse of the Arabic script, otherwise a timeless piece of prescient satire.
Any form of alliance with the U.K. should be chucked out the window then…
Agreed. Completely agree. And I'm from the UK.
I'm fucking sick of that rapey fat orange turds criminal bullshit.
Seems like you might be in a cult, blink twice if you need help
rootless cosmopolitans 👆
What's that, a drink or something?
Teeehehehehehehe hey look a troll!
It's okay to do the same to poor Latinos. But catch a scientists and I'm out of here!
"And then they can for the white 'science' bros... but there was no left to speak up..."
It completely not, obviously. But it's unreasonable to ask the not-yet-disappeared poor Latinos to draw ICE attention to themselves, and those already caught in the orphan-crushing machine can't access social media.
These legally-documented scientists are the people who CAN speak out, and the loss of whom might matter to those whose worldview is entirely transactional. They too are now unsafe but at least they probably have lawyers looking for them.
Nobody said it was OK.
Yeah what a piece of shit.
Just saying, even this argument is a double standard. But OK. You gotta draw the line somewhere.