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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
mathemachristian[he] @ mathemachristian
11 mo. ago

  • When you sell your home, you won’t get back any of the money you gave to the bank as interest, but in theory everything else including your down payment will be returned to you.

    and your partner would get nothing if she "bolted" even though she paid money so you could have it

    I mean when you’re renting a place you’re more than likely helping the owner pay off their loan anyway. It’s just another step removed.

    and you think thats fair??? "It's a bit like I'm the landlord and my partner is the tenant" is the argument I'm trying to make

  • well to me it doesn't seem fair for the non-owner to help pay off the house and the other getting to own all of it.

    The price for owning that house is not just the loan but the interest as well. A home is more than a financial investment, but a necessity. Imagine buying a car that you let your SO use but insisting that she pay a quarter of the cost because the car loses half its value as soon as you drive it off the lot and it's only fair that she pay half of that money thats "lost" but then keeping all the money once you sell the car to yourself

  • if she helps pay the mortgage or renovations or anything that increases the value of the house she gets to own part of the house otherwise its completely unfair, split utilities according to income and thats it.

    Probably best to let her dictate the price though since there is such an imbalance of power at play

  • Is it supposed to hit profit margins? Because I doubt it will, people will still be buying necessities at the same amount and call me cynical, but I believe almost everyone will be buying the non-necessities the days before and after.

    To be candid, it just sounds like the most toothless, do-nothing, slacktivism kind of protest that's only meant to generate backpats