mathemachristian[he] @ mathemachristian Posts 0Comments 81Joined 11 mo. ago
Ukraine? Because from what I understand the maidan would be a prime-example of it
Don’t worry. The protest won’t matter at all and a large majority won’t even hear about it.
But that's precisely what worries me, people spending effort that goes to waste instead of organizing something that effects a change
Well I guess you can't undermine a protest that isn't protesting anything but that still doesn't explain what the point of this non-protest protest is? How would a bunch of people not buying stuff for a day keep "the powers that be" (who? the capitalists? Their politicians? The police?) on their toes?
The issue with that is that the production of arms in the EU is next non-existent when compared to Russia and the US. Europe has been heavily de-industrialized and already has problems covering its energy budget. You can't just throw money at that problem, because you don't just need to rebuild factories, but infrastructure. Not to mention the brain-drain caused by academics moving to the US and China where actual research happens.
I don't see it
what is being protested then?? Why make the effort if they themselves don't know what they want?
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ok and I will be judging you for it. I am that invested in how strangers on the internet do their grocery shopping after all.
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no such thing as bad weather only inappropriate clothing. Unless it's so bad you can't even walk but then you probably can't drive either.
yeah spends it on US weapons. It's a money laundering front to funnel european public money to private US investors
what are the demands of the protest?
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4 minute drive?
I mean it hits some of the notes of the people that make fun of "strong female characaters" so I can see how a tired mod might have mistaken it for one.
Like a strong woman is artificially created and an alpha male shows her her place or whatever
deutsche bank does some of the evilest shit out there
KeepassXC + webdav
Yeah they let it slip towards the end lol
Unless someone is doing a very elaborate and well executed bit (not completely out of the question....) It might be bidding on it
The funny is back on
aw that would've been funny
Theres also the possibility it's the owner of the scamcoin which is also named hexbear
all good
you donate directly to the people asking for it. Have you even opened the page?