Gros Michel, often translated and known as "Big Mike", is an export cultivar of banana and was, until the 1950s, the main variety grown. The physical properties of the Gros Michel make it an excellent export produce; its thick peel makes it resilient to bruising...
Yeah, I counter my addictive personality with being cheap as fuck and being like "you don't deserve my money" to everyone and everything.
Also than smuglord Chapo posters.
I guess you could say you like the 1st strand-like.
Yeah, it's definitely at least partially YouTubers influencing this. Games that are kinda' bad are treated as the worst thing. I remember people trying to point out that there are worse games than Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, not defending them, just pointing out there are some uber-bad games that run and play worse on PS2, Wii, NES, etc. And that was met with a lot of smug opposition. Not sure if AVGN and outrage YouTubers did that or maybe YT reviews in general.
A lot of people repeating opinions of others on games they didn't play. Which is annoying although slightly more understandable since games take so long to play and can be expensive sometimes, so people still want to be part of the conversation but might be able to actually play them sometimes, but it also leads to people just repeating arguments and factoids that aren't necessarily sound or genuine. Might also tie into my first point about how gamers have such low control of their urge to buy games they need a game to be the worst thing ever to stop themselves from buying it.
They didn't sign NAFTA, the conservatives did that.
Get his ass.
Historian Søren Mørch has characterized the Danish cuisine as a "garbage kitchen" of insipid, sweet and unspiced "baby food" where the tastes of milk and sweetness form the key elements. He believes that it arose because the export policy of the Danish food sector was to use the Danish home market as a "gutter" for left-over products, after high-quality bacon and butter had been sold abroad. Skimmed milk, meat scraps only suitable for chopping up, and the replacement product margarine are all products which Søren Mørch describes as residue products.[119]
Honestly. Maybe he's onto something. Maybe one of our beloved dirtbag left podcasts (except YKS) could do something cool for once.
Good post. I present thee the Banana Cup Trophy of posting.
Elon's advocate: a loser Elon superfan of that level might copy the way he talks.
Might be multiple developers realized that having fully-developed/realistic stages is costly and doing abstract/dream stages is cheaper and easier to design and produce since they're less burned by having the spaces make sense realistically and fewer background things to make/render.
The mobile games that are good aren't discounted by "Serious" gamers as far as I can tell, honestly. Infinity Blade, Downwell, Crayon Physics, Jelly Car, Monument Valley, Alto's Adventure, Pokemon Go (sorta'), etc. all seem fairly respected when they're brought up. The mobile gamespace, for whatever reason, just sucks fucking ass and people trying to vindicate it seem out of touch. I found some Japanese game called Pythagoras' Perpetual Motion on iOS that's a fully featured singleplayer puzzle platformer with a nice soundtrack and decent visuals and no one's heard about it because games like that are impossible to find due to whatever factors.
Candy Crush by comparison sucks ass. The closest non-mobile-ish equivalent to it I could think of is Peggle or any of those drop-'em'ups like Puyo, etc. and they all offer way better experiences.
Also recommend turning the in-game music off after awhile and playing your own dungeon synth albums you enjoy. The snow track in the game is nice but the rest of it's kinda' grating and limited and repetitive.
To add to what Frank said, it's great if you can intrinsically motivate yourself by role-playing your character and stuff. You can just speed through the main quest, I guess, but the game's best when you use the Unity version and you bumble around doing quests as your character. The character creation system's pretty robust and varied.
I had a Redguard spellsword and people were racist against me so I had to wander towns trying to find the non-racist NPCs to tell me where the places I was going to were located and my character was afraid of the dark or something so I slept in inns and camped a lot to make sure I was operating during the days and stuff.
Yeah, there's a setting that shrinks them down. Also there's a spell in-game you can get that points the compass to the main item in the dungeon too if you really want to make them easier to navigate. Been awhile since I played but I think that's how those two things worked.
I don't know. For some reason he said Burma and I didn't bother to change it in my mind this time.
That's Big League Chew.
And when I asked for $50 on here to get food delivered because I was too tired to cook after I had to spend 2 horus inchworming my way to the bath tub and arduously turn on the hot water tap with my face to dissolve the honey-infused bedsheet straitjacket I was trapped in, I got it. Hexbear has my back.
When my wife wouldn't stop listening to a loud and looped version of the Reba TV show opening, Hexbear was there for me.
When my wife covered me in honey while I slept and then laughed as I struggled to get out of my cocooned state, Hexbear was there to call me misogynist at first, but after I explained myself most of the people who laughed at me got banned.
Thank you, Hexbear.
Eunice from Rune Factory Frontiers is the best girl. Look at her. Even a single still image conveys her sweet bubbliness.
Anyone becoming increasingly estranged from your parents as they get ruined by the fascism portal known as the internet?
My dad's always been an anti-intellectual prick but now he's a smug one having his worst impulses reinforced by assholes on the internet and his workplace.
You know what?
FUck you, Hexbear. border-radius: 0
Unrounds your website
Regarding video game consoles with internal HDDs, do we know if they benefit from any sort HDD maintenance?
Like, should I be booting them up once every few months, keeping them plugged in, running any sort of database rebuilding program like Sony consoles have, or pulling the drives and using DiskFresh on them every few years? I'm assuming the manufacturers didn't really plan for longevity beyond the 5-6 year console cycle so I don't know if they'd be utilizing any of the built-in tools HDDs have and I'm trying to think of how to do any sort of HDD preventative maintenance on them.
Name technology/technologies that you like (or even dislike maybe) that aren't just consumer electronics/software. So much discussion of technology is just new computer stuff.
Hopin' China's reforesting tech proves sustainable. Also Prolekult/James Bell was mentioning hempcrete, which is another that I'd think would help a lot. Hopin' for new sword technology. . .
At an A&W and this handsome guy in a grey coat just got ID-ed because apparently they're not selling teen burgers to anyone over 24 anymore.
They quoted some wokeshit called "power dynamics" or something. Anyway, I called Crimestoppers to let them know about this crime. A man and his burger shouldn't be fucked with. Guy got his burger but he ran out of here as soon as he got it. Probably the embarrassment of whole situation.
What it feels like looking into this website.
What it feels like looking out of this website.
Christmas Special 2024 | The Infinite Review
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
The Christmas season has officially begun (for me)!
Does YouTube allow user-catered thumbnails?
Saw this video. And it changes depending on if I view the thumbnail in my browser or in private mode/logged out of YT. Went back on their channel page logged in and it remains saying "You Are Not Right Wing" so it's not specific to their channel page showing a different thumbnail.
YouTube also will not stop trying to show me right-wing "downfall of Canada" videos. Maybe YouTube thinks I'm right-wing.