camera is set at a low and to your left angle, showing the side of your head and your arm lazily scrolling through the official IDF twitter account on a smartphone with the underside of the desk out of focus in the background. after a few moments of this the you suddenly freeze, but your expression isn't visible so we don't know why. focus slowly shifts to the background as a dark blob against the desk becomes clear. a stamp reading "MADE IN PALESTINE". cut to camera from the stamp's POV, showing your pupils dilating as you stare up into the camera for just a couple silent seconds. explosion. end scene.
israel pioneering new techniques in war crime cultivation
i always interpreted prime directive type stuff being more about the concerns that you might help a society that would (should) have otherwise destroyed itself through its final reckoning and oops now the United States of Space is out here genociding the Martians instead of wiping itself out and giving it another spin on The Wheel of Not Being Dogshit This Time
the idea was pipes like this throughout the tunnels that you can affix the traditional mortar to the underside of and launch a shell timed to explode at whatever the optimal airburst altitude is to hit troops above you, like mortar extension tubes so to speak. i don't really know why you would put this much work into it when you could just have the mortar team use the tunnels to fire from an advantageous position above ground, or just plant the explosives above ground beforehand, or do almost anything else. but to my critics I say this: It would be funny.
i'll have to scrap this design, but i'm not giving up on my IED dumb waiter idea
folks who know military stuff better than I do: i had a funny idea the other day where a guerilla force that made extensive use of tunnels could place vertical pipes leading up to the surface which one could secure a mortar to and launch it to the surface. is something like this possible?
i tentatively agree. dense urban area that by now there are probably Palestinians who have spent their entire lives fortifying and turning into a deathtrap. not to be the sun tzu guy, i'm a poor excuse for even an armchair general, but an important part of the art of war goes over how if you have your enemy surrounded you need to always leave some avenue for escape - otherwise people know there is no alternative but to fight to the death and even if you manage to win an assault you will take extreme casualties. there are over 2 million people in gaza who have now been made exceedingly aware that they either win this or die. the idf would have to have rock solid morale and based on what we've seen so far I think they are likely far from it.
merkavas don't mean shit if you're driving a column through constricting urban ruins filled with tunnels and woops wouldn't you know it the tank in the rear just blew up and there's 100 guys crawling out of the ground all around you at close range.
unless the tunnels aren't deep enough so that they really can just bunker buster all of gaza i genuinely do not know how any force on the planet could conquer the territory for any meaningful length of time. though i admit again i do not have the expertise to make a real call.
i would usually agree with you - I think most of the concerns I see in leftist spaces about nuclear armageddon are overblown. but we have never seen a nuclear armed state faced with imminent defeat in an existential war. a nuclear strike from israel is not an unreasonable thing to be concerned about.
thank god i was wearing my explosive reactive armor vest
probably thinking of Bhagat Singh
as i recall workplaces would regularly have competitions against each other to try and outproduce one another and if you won you'd get a little parade and medals and such
i also have a similar flag
getting real boss baby vibes from this toilet