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Pumpkins and Ooze Discussion for October 30th to November 5th, 2023 - The International Ghouls-Based Order - COTW: Lebanon

Image is from the January 2023 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos. Over 50 heads of state and 600 CEOs attended.

holding flashlight under face

Imagine a terrifying world where we are all ruled by monsters of every stripe. And not hot ones like werewolves, but instead decaying zombies and mummies who are both insensitive to, and actively benefit from the immense suffering they cause on a daily basis. The top echelon of society, filled with profit-seeking, bloodsucking vampires. And the worst of it is that they repeat on a daily basis that what they are doing is not only just, but there is no other possible way to do it.

Pretty spooky, right? What if I told you that this world... was our own?

Happy Halloween!

Friendly reminder: when commenting about a news event, especially something that just happened, please provide a source of some kind. While ideally this would be on nitter or archived, any source is preferable to none at all given.

If you have evidence of Israeli crimes and atrocities that you wish to preserve, there is a thread here in which to do so.

Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:

UNRWA daily-ish reports on Israel's destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.

English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news (and has automated posting when the person running it goes to sleep).
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis.

English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.

Various sources that are covering the Ukraine conflict are also covering the one in Palestine, like Rybar.

The Country of the Week is Lebanon! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

Here is the map of the Ukraine conflict, courtesy of Wikipedia.

This week's first update is here.

  • Blinken's son wearing a Zelensky costume for Halloween and then begging Biden for treats is unintentionally one of the funniest things I've seen. America is so fucked lmao, this country isn't serious anymore

  • One of the Jewish groups at my university just sent a campus wide email about how all the Palestinian groups on campus support terrorism and are making Jewish students feel unsafe. This was directly in response to a statement a Palestinian group made that did, in fact, condemn Hammas, but then said blatantly anti-Semitic things like cutting off water to Gaza was bad, and bombing densely populated areas of Gaza is bad and should be stopped.

    When my Lib/Reddit brained colleague went into FULL Russophobia last year, I thought I saw the high water mark of Lib overreaction IRL. But here we are.

  • Iron Dome interceptors are now under extreme rationing. Most rockets fired from Gaza are now hitting Tel Aviv.

    Very likely they're now shitting themselves about Hezbollah and having wasted almost all of the Dome's stockpiles on Gaza's fertiliser rockets instead of on the real missiles they might be dealing with soon.

  • The feeling in my stomach is very weird. I'm oddly calm considering that tomorrow may bring a level of death and destruction that is unprecedented. You news mega regulars know that Mr LargePenis here is Syrian-Lebanese with family in both Beirut and Damascus. Despite that, I'm not scared, don't really know why tbh. Feeling some sort of insane optimism that I have never felt when it comes to Palestine, Lebanon and the general state of the Middle East. My brain is telling me that this is irrational, but deep inside I feel like I fully trust Nasrallah, Iran and the Palestinian resistance. I just want tomorrow to come quick, my brain is all scrambled and I'm finding it hard to focus on anything.

  • Tiananmen tank man stands in front of tank, tank drives around

    "What a cruel display of authoritarianism! Literally George Foreman 1989!"

    Rachel Corrie stands in front of a bulldozer and gets crushed to death

    "A shining beacon of democracy in the Middle East! Uncritical support to the freedom-loving Israelis!"

  • The world has voted nearly unanimously for the 31st time at an annual UN vote for a resolution calling to end the US blockade on Cuba

    Against 2: Israel, US

    Abstention 1: Ukraine

    For 187: Everyone else

  • The UK government and media rhetoric around anti-genocide and pro-Palestinian is getting more and more dangerous.

    At first the protests were 'upsetting' and 'insensitive'. But they continued to grow.

    Then they escalated to being inherently anti-semetic, with anything as mild as displaying a Palestinian flag being called anti-semitism, as well as hyperfixating on the phrase "from the river to the sea". Police have begun harassing people flying Palestinian flags in public, in their own homes, and 'detaining' people with clothing featuring it at public events.

    The Home Secretary wrote to police forces saying "I would encourage police to consider whether chants such as: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ should be understood as an expression of a violent desire to see Israel erased from the world. Behaviours that are legitimate in some circumstances, for example the waving of a Palestinian flag, may not be legitimate such as when intended to glorify acts of terrorism.”

    The needle on the 76% of people who support an immediate ceasefire didn't move, so the state and media escalated again.

    Then the allegations became that they were inherently pro-Hamas, with numerous journalists and political guests stating without a shred of evidence that Hamas was present in the protests and were "handing out Hamas leaflets". This tactic isn't just a smear for publicity, because Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK it's an attempt to create a framework to apply terror charges to peaceful protesters. Numerous labour politicians have openly called for all Palestinian solidarity protests to be banned outright.

    Still, it hasn't swayed opinion and the protests have continued and are growing.

    So now the new framing is that the protests and protesters are being controlled by Iran. Half a million people at the London protest alone, apparently being directed by Iran. This isn't just cranks on the extreme right channels like GBNews, this has been the framing from Sky News and the BBC this morning. This has been coming from people affiliated with the government, who are today holding an emergency COBRA meeting to discuss 'the rising threat of terrorism' associated with the reaction to the state's support of genocide.

    The head of the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley went on television and said “When you’ve got state threats from Iran, you’ve got terrorism being accelerated by the events and hate crime in communities. For Jewish communities, it’s now about a 14-fold increase in antisemitism in London, and for Muslim communities it’s nearly threefold. So this is really precarious. In the middle of it, we’ve got these big protests.” Both the BBC and Sky News matched government and police accusations of Iranian control and terror concerns with images of the peaceful marches.

    The police have announced that 5 people have been charged with offences during this weekend's marches. 5 out of what some are saying was 500,000 in London. And they haven't released what those offences were apart from "assaulting a police officer" which is the go to bullshit charge for anyone suffering police aggression and "carrying an illegal placard" which is worth remembering that police also arrested people for holding up blank placards to protest the King's coronation.

    Obviously this is incredibly dangerous, but it's also disgustingly Islamophobic, just as it would be to state that all British Jews are secretly controlled by Israel, while completely erasing the numerous Jewish peace activists and groups at the centre of these protests. And of course, it's going completely unchallenged.

    The good news is that it doesn't seem to be working. The bad news is that they're getting ever more desperate and so a much worse crackdown seems inevitable.

  • A Palestinian Fedayee (fighter) from Al Qassam runs up to an occupation tank and puts a grenade onto it (to blow the reactive armor) before running back into the bush to pick up his RPG and destroying the tank. He then descends into a tunnel to fight another day. One of the most incredible videos I have seen.

    This is a far cry from the rocks and stones of the first and second intifadas!

    Edit: Twitter link too

  • Holy shit there are sooo many accounts on

    that have been dormant for months or even years, and are now posting non-stop in defense of "Israel"

    I've never seen astroturfing this blatant

  • Me, the week after October 7th: Yes, Hamas is terrible and there is no justifying the attack, but Israel is a terrorist state and their uncritical endorsement by the West is criminal to say the least

    Me, nearly a month later, completely jokerfied: Inshallah our brave Hamas fighters will bring an end to Israel in righteous jihad

  • New cuck n chad ranking. RUS vs UKR still gets the first row as I'm a man that respects traditions. The last row is a new addition, mostly covering non-world leaders who have been chads or cucks this week.

    GigachadChadNeutralBeta (Fe)MaleVirgin Cuck
    Lukashenko (Forever chad)Rybar (has upped the production quality and still has the GOAT maps)Putin (still chilling doing nothing)Zelensky (It's so over for the Z-man, even Time Mag are doing hit pieces on him)Western attention span (crazy how quickly people stopped caring about Ukraine)
    Hamas, PIJ and the rest of the boys (keep rocking dudes)Hezbollah (being annoying in the north is good, but do something pls)Qatar and Kuwait (American colonies, but still wildly sympathetic to the cause when they could cuck like everyone else)International law libs (ackshually the rules say that genocide is ok)IDF losers (colonizer scum)
    The people of Gaza (more brave and faithful than any people in the world ever)Iraqi, Yemeni and Syrian resistance groups (being infinitely more useful than any Arab government)Erdogan (still the most confusing world leader, but had a nice speech last week)Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt (reaching levels of cucking for America that I haven't seen before in life)Europe (the pro-Israel derangement by random Germans and Brits has been insane to see)
    Wael Al Dahdouh (bravest journalist in the world, still reporting after Israel killing his entire family)Hasan, Greta and other left-ish internet personalities that took a strong brave position when others cuckedPiers Morgan (his quest for views and engagement has accidentally platformed great pro-Palestine voicesFaris Al Hammadi (random Emirati sheikh that claimed that boycotting McDonalds and KFC is haram)Vivek Ramaswamy (being a republican nominee in 2023 is already cucked, but begging for genocide and calling Israel a sacred state when you're literally Hindu sends you to cuck hall of fame)
  • When Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border on the 24th of February 2022, I was pretty unsure on what position to adopt regarding that war. As the annoying politics guy in the lives of the people I love, I had to adopt an official stance. I spent the first week of the war just confused, then I leaned towards the pro-Russian side because of vibes and contrarianism, then solidified my pro-Russian stance after realising the effects of that conflict for American hegemony across the planet.

    Now 600+ days later, I've never been so confident about the legitimacy of an ideological decision. The way the Ukraine-Israel-USA axis has coalesced around being the most delusional, evil and cringe axis in history has really solidified my hate for these weirdos. Hating the illegitimate zionist entity has been the only consistent position in my life, and seeing the Ukraine freaks align themselves with the entity has made my hater life easier. I remind you all of what Chinese social media people said, supporting Russia and Palestine makes you a real geopolitics understander.


    "There are no innocents in Gaza, there are 2.5 million terrorists. After the first attack, we had to kill 50,000 Gazans."

    Former Israeli military officer at Israel's elite intelligence unit 8200, Eliyahu Yossian, calls for an ethnic cleansing in #Gaza.

  • BREAKING: Bolivia ends relations with Israel

    Minister of the Presidency: "We are sending this official communication to the State of Israel, in which, as stated, we make known our decision as the Plurinational State of Bolivia to break diplomatic relations with Israel."

    Deputy Foreign Minister: "Bolivia decided to break diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Taking this into account, we are going to communicate officially through the diplomatic channels established between the two countries."

  • Burkina Faso nationalizes sugar industry:

    Burkina Faso appears to be having a relatively great year! For even more good news from this Sahelian state in west Africa, President Ibrahim Traoré's administration has announced it will be nationalising the sugar sector. The SN SOSUCO sugar company, which was once state-owned, was privatised during the term of the counterrevolutionary president, Blaise Compaoré (1987-2014). Now, Burkina Faso's largest employer will be back in the hands of the people, providing even more jobs and benefiting the local economy.

  • 2023 liberal dems upon inheriting political power from the nazis in 1945: "we have to finish the holocaust. it's the law and the funds have already been allocated. there is nothing we can do."

  • And here we go...

    UK Home Secretary has said that all pro-peace/Palestine marches are "hate marches", straight up lying that they all call for "wiping Israel off the map" and is looking at changing the already insanely draconian, dubious, and misinterpretable laws to specifically go after anyone participating or criticsing Israel (and her government by extension).

    Clip from SkyNews here.

  • sir, we strictly followed your orders for the implementation of a tactical incursion as part of the strategic plan to neutralize Gaza and the subterranean nexus within, and in the process, an incident code-named delta bravo charlie two-niner occurred in which a series of islamic-style teenagers launched some anti-tank munitions towards our position. a kinetic event then occurred in my military-grade underwear involving the tactical release of a semi-solid substance. investigations into who committed this act are ongoing with haste; initial findings indicate that the terrorist organization known as Hamas was responsible.

  • Israel calls on Colombia and Chile to condemn Hamas. The appeal comes after the Latin American countries recalled their ambassadors to Israel.

    Chile’s President Gabriel Boric cited Israel’s “unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law” for the recall, while Colombian President Gustavo Petro accused Israel committing a “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza.

    In a statement, Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Lior Haiat said: “Israel calls on Colombia and Chile to explicitly condemn the Hamas terrorist organization, which slaughtered and abducted babies, children, women and the elderly...“Israel expects Colombia and Chile to support the right of a democratic country to protect its citizens, and to call for the immediate release of all the abductees, and not align themselves with Venezuela and Iran in support of Hamas terrorism,” he said.


  • Dude walks up to a Merkava. Plants a bomb on the side of it by hand. Runs away. Turns around and fires an RPG at it. Escapes into tunnels.

    Literally playing Battlefield irl planting C4s on tanks to destroy them.

    Quite possibly the most remarkable piece of combat footage in the last 50 years.

  • Nasrallah delivered a realistic and clarifying speech that set the new terms of engagement. High quality leadership as always.

    This is what was needed and we can be sure this speech has psychologically eroded and confused the Zionists and their American masters.

    His speech clearly explained how Hezbollah has been involved in the fight and that this fight today is driven by the SELF DETERMINATION of the Palestinian nation as represented by the Resistance Leadership, specifically Hamas.

    His speech exposed the hypocrisy of Arab nations and Lebanese compradors begging Hezbollah not to act; showing how shameless and munafiqeen so called Arab leaders are.

    He specifically identified the US as the cause of the massacres in Gaza and the region and, as a small non-state paramilitary threatened the United States of America! And revealed that Hezbollah has the capabilities to sink the American navy ships! Alhamdulillah

    When he says "now is not the time for the knockout blow" is because the entity is bleeding out every day. Hamas is winning in Gaza. The occupation gets weaker every day. Unless the imperialists carry out a pre-emptive strike on Lebanon then Hamas will dictate when Hezbollah joins the fight. Its a long game and you have to understand these leaders are responsible for literally millions of people. This isn't a video game.

    Liberation wars are paid in the blood of hundreds of thousands of martyrs. If or when escalation occurs then the massacres in Gaza these weeks will be only a small fraction of the pure blood spilled by the imperialists. If you have no skin in the game then it is beyond deplorable to be calling for escalation of a war.

    May Allah grant victory to the Mujahideen and peace for the martyrs. Inshallah

  • The NYT confirms that in northern Gaza - an Israeli tank fired on that civilian vehicle driving away.

    A Palestinian media worker, Youssef Al Saifi, has shared video showing an Israeli armored vehicle firing on what he said was a civilian vehicle today on a main road that links northern Gaza to the south. The New York Times has verified that the video was filmed this morning south of Gaza City on the Salah Al-Din Road. The road is one of two major routes used by Gazans to heed Israeli warnings and flee to the southern part of the enclave. The vehicle was traveling north when it encountered an Israeli position, and was hit as it was turning around.

    When asked about the video at a morning briefing, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the chief spokesman for the Israeli military, said that he would not detail the location of Israeli forces. The New York Times has identified multiple armored vehicles at an Israeli military position at the location of the incident.

  • Bernie panders

    John settlerman

    Genocide joe

    Aloof scholtz

    Emmanuel makkkron

    Ursula "i was hiding from red army faction in london" leyen

    Liz cracker warren

    I got nothing for rishi sunakkk, need them maoist brains for this