Court records say a Kansas City-area man who’s charged with killing his hospitalized wife told police he couldn’t take care of her or afford her medical bills
Oh I'm sorry. Taking care of someone for the rest of their lives, not being able to, not having the means to and all the while suffering for it is something you think is a walk in the fucking park?
I think the key word here is "suffer". Americans worship suffering. It gives them a hard on. So when someone wants to end the suffering, that's an insult. Typical ugly American mentality, devoid of any understanding for human nature and full of piss and vinegar. Also, it's unrealistic and kind of naive, because I bet this happens more often than you think - but it's hard to actually figure out. Why? Let me count the ways.
You have a judicial system committing mass judicial murder on a weekly basis "because you can't afford the fight the case", a for profit health sector that would pull plugs in concert if an insurance company told them to, doctors and surgeons dodging malpractice suits on a cross-state basis like it's a sport and you're probably happy knowing he'll be sent to a for profit prison system that makes profits in the billions, where he'll become a slave for the state to "pay back his debt to society".
But sure, means and needs were not the issue. He should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and gotten that 4th job.
I'm seriously ill. Nowhere near as ill as his wife was, but ill enough to not be working and to have gone to the Mayo Clinic. I'm fully aware of what a huge, overwhelming burden I've been to my family in terms of both finances and emotional toll.
Do I condone what this person did? Absolutely not. But dealing with a seriously ill person is a hell of a lot more than an inconvenience. I do everything I can to make my wife and daughter's lives as easy as possible despite my issues, but I can only do so much. There have been a lot of very difficult moments for all of us.
This is one of the possible results when medicine and hospital care is run but cutthroat corporations. All healthcare should be required, by law, to be non profit.
I work for a nonprofit Healthcare system, unfortunately the companies we buy our materials from are definitely for profit, as are the insurance companies that do their damnest to not spend their money.
Someone recently memed a twitter post that said, "The Have-Nots and the Have-Yachts."
These right-wing assholes bitch and bemoan injustice and the working man and elite, but ignore how fucked it is we have rising childhood homelessness let alone poverty... But hey at least wealthy shitheads own multiple mansions, yachts, and private planes amirite. The King of Jordan owns at least 2 beach front Malibu mansions; Saudi Arabia, Russia, Japan, China own vast swaths of American land... And there's not a peep over that; just blame the poor mother and child fleeing crime and poverty in South/Central America for geopolitical disasters WE largely caused or ignored in the first place.
I guess they don't think it would stick. In Missouri, murder in the first degree is "if he or she knowingly causes the death of another person after deliberation upon the matter". The defense would probably argue that in this instance, he did not deliberate, but took advantage of a brief opportunity.
I don't know how true that is, but it seems like a likely argument.
Except he admitted to having deliberated on it and tried it before, he had also planned it on a third occasion. This could not have been more premeditated.
Have they done any investigation into the cause of her illness? I have no sympathy for this man. If anything, I would be questioning the cause of her illness after hearing that he attempted to kill her multiple times. There are a lot of toxins that can damage a person’s kidneys. I didn’t trust eating my husband’s cooking after he announced that he would rather have a mail order bride from Eastern Europe, or Russia, instead of me. I guess only the blood bank would know if he ever did anything to me. That one time I was seriously ill, vomiting, with diarrhea, and it only lasted one day, I had to question his motive for demanding to make dinner the night before that.
Just FYI, this person is likely suffering from schizophrenia. Not just because of this comment, but dozens of comments about the many, many people that have tried to kill them in a variety of ways, some nonsensical, since their childhood, not to mention their "law enforcement ex boyfriend that causes planes to fly low over their home".
I filed for divorce twice, but each time, he would disappear right before the last court ruling to finalize it. The judge threw out my last attempt at divorce because he wouldn’t show up. He showed up to divide assets because he wanted one of the cars in his name. He ditched out on the last court date and now we’re still legally married. We have been separated for almost seven years now. I’m still not free from him, though. He has had his friends using his license and email accounts to terrorize me. I don’t know where he is now. All I can figure is that he found that mail order bride of his dreams and swapped ID’s with one of his single friends to have a chance with her. That, or he got into a fight while drunk, again, and some guy beat him to death. I want to file a missing person’s report just to have some legal closure and remove my name from anything that could legally bind me to him. Others say I should let it go. If he has some DUI and hurts, or kills, another person because of it, I could be sued. Honestly, I have nothing left even before a lawsuit.