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Elon Musk’s X Suspends Journalist Who Reported Leaked J.D. Vance Docs
  • Can you link to that conversation? I'm not seeing in your history or on their mod log.

  • America's youngest voters turn right
  • You've identified the problem many see, but what is the solution?

    This demographic is notoriously hard to reach and the nature of its age and inexperience leads to having their priorities woefully out of whack and susceptible to shit like Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate to Jordan Peterson. Asking or forcing them to watch Mr. Rogers isn't going to cut it, if you know what I mean.

  • Eric Adams Never Had a Mandate
  • New York Dems... From Bloomberg to Cuomo to Hochul and Donald Trump himself... They're definitely... Special. (I should include Menendez in that, too).

  • Harris stretches lead over Trump in what could be significant increase
  • His entire methodology is contingent on history repeating itself. But we know we live in times of historical firsts that defy extrapolation.

    With key 2 it's less about the definition and more about the allotted weight of importance. Like, imagine if the DNC simply said that "we are unilaterally awarding all delegate votes to Biden and skipping a Primaries voting process for our Democratic voters." Yes, the key would still be True, but would that mean jack shit? Not really. And again, Incumbency is more a liability when the incumbent President's approval rating matches Jimmy Carter. His Charisma keys are another example of subjective interpretation and which itself is clearly reflective of opinion polls.

    For all our sake, I hope he's right. But his prediction is just as if not more useless than the aggregation of A+ polls in moments of time that can actually adapt to changing circumstances, including things like impactful scandals, military success / failures, and social unrest.

    At the end of the day Perception is Reality; even if the economy is doing well in short and long-term on paper, we again unfortunately live in unprecedented times where that is not being felt by the actual people who are, you know, going to the ballot box.

  • Michigan man charged with assaulting postal carrier over Kamala Harris flyer
  • Their word choice could be a little better but if you understand the various degrees of Nazism 1930s Germany, this kind of rings true. Most nazi party members weren't these dyed-in-the-wool SS types with full knowledge of the gas chambers; but they certainly conveniently looked the other way and enabled and benefited from it just the same. Naturally, many of these would continue to radicalize. Ignorance, greed, apathy, psychopathy, sure.... Varying amounts at the individual level — yet all volunteer to reside under the same unifying banner.

  • Harris stretches lead over Trump in what could be significant increase
  • Many of the keys are subject to arbitrary interpretation; Nate Silver criticized his process and arguably has a better probability model with more consistent accuracy across thousands of races somewhere around 90%. Key 2 was given to Biden despite the writing on the wall that 2/3 of Democrats wanted a contest both before and after the primaries. Key 3 Incumbency these days is more of a liability with both candidates distancing themselves. Key 9 Scandals have lost a lot of meaning in the Trump era.

    Should be noted that he gave a full-throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton... only to predict she'd lose. The thing is, he had originally referenced in two different publications ahead of that prediction that she would specifically lose the popular vote. She didn't. He then changed his model.

    Also I'm not a fan of this guy because he belittled with insults those who called for Biden to step down... Despite not giving a prediction on Biden at the time.

  • 2,189 Miles, 40 Days, and 3 Showers: How Tara Dower Destroyed the Appalachian Trail Speed Record
  • Both of you are kind of right. It's still an insane feat of endurance but averaging an 18 minute mile is pretty damn slow and likely zone 2-3 even in rugged terrain for an athlete like her.

    High intensity isn't just a generalized term but specific to heart rate, lactate buildup, and anaerobic states.

  • 'Public’s interest is fully vindicated': Smith slaps back as Trump tries to cloak evidence
  • I'm really curious about this. We know Trump changed his residency from NY to FL and I wonder if that had anything to do with this. To my knowledge Cannon was an unfortunate product of randomized selection.

  • Maggie Smith, star of stage, film and 'Downton Abbey,' has died aged 89
  • I can't get over what a star-studded cast the Harry Potter films had... Smith, Harris, Rickman, Oldman, Thewlis, Coltrane... I could go on. The child actors were so fortunate to have that experience and to meet and learn from such legends.

  • Sanders Files to Force First-Ever Vote in Congress on Blocking Weapons to Israel
  • This is the part where you deflect away from the substance and attack the person with ever-moving goalposts because you know you have nothing and were proven wrong at every single turn of our little conversation — yet your ego will not permit you to walk away from this. So here, I'll do you a favor buddy and show you how this is the part where I walk away because you bring nothing of value to add to this discussion:

  • Maggie Smith, star of stage, film and 'Downton Abbey,' has died aged 89
  • McGonagall was always my favorite professor... She imbued the stern English teacher with a gentle heart. Maggie Smith played that role phenomenally, right there with Richard Harris as Dumbledore.

  • Sanders Files to Force First-Ever Vote in Congress on Blocking Weapons to Israel
  • You're saying there were more Sanders supporters in 2016 than Hillary supporters in 2008? Yeah... That's not exactly helping your argument.

    But anyway: 15% of Hillary supporters voted for Mccain; 12% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump.

    But don't worry, I'll be voting Harris.

  • Sanders Files to Force First-Ever Vote in Congress on Blocking Weapons to Israel
  • Whew, more salt than the dead sea.

    So long as you learned from your mistake, little buddy :)

    Say here's another fun fact! More Sanders supporters would go on to support Hillary than did Hillary supporters go on to support Obama in 2008 when she lost the primaries.

    Guess they didn't get over it :(

  • Trump dodges question on pulling Mark Robinson endorsement
  • Will probably be a, "never heard of him... Though I wish him well."

    Strange trend with Donnie when he's trying to distance himself from someone he definitely knows. Like Ghislaine Maxwell.

  • McConnell: Democrats would end the filibuster if they sweep on Election Day "I don’t think they’re kidding. I think they’ll do it"
  • Is that quote accurate?

    I thought there would be 30 seconds worth of ellipses in between.

  • Sanders Files to Force First-Ever Vote in Congress on Blocking Weapons to Israel
  • Fun fact: Sanders consistently out-performed Hillary in head-to-head matchups against Trump.

    The same establishment that derailed Sanders and propped Hillary up were the same ones trying to force Biden down our throats while castigating any dissent.*

    *I know the progressives supported Biden until the end, but this was purely a strategic reason where if anything, their calls for Biden to step aside might've had the opposite effect.

  • JD Vance's past remarks on car seats deterring people from having kids go viral
  • My wife and I both work. She has a demanding stressful job (that she loves, mind you) that isn't exactly conducive to pumping. So she breastfed as long as she could and then switched to formula. Let me tell you... Car seats aren't shit compared to buying formula and diapers these days. I'd have to double-check but formula alone is somewhere around $300-400/mo...

  • Japan to provide Ukraine's hospitals with modern equipment worth $30 million
  • This is a huge deal. I remember watching early on in the war and one neurosurgeon was using a single CT scanner well beyond its duty cycle and knew once it went down they'd be screwed. MRIs by contrast (heh) are a massive step up.

  • For younger generations, what was it like growing up with the internet?

    I guess I'm curious about generations (namely GenZ and Alpha) who didn't live in a pre-Internet time. Like,

    • How was the concept first explained to you, or when did it click?
    • Do you understand how insane it is to have the aggregate of all human knowledge — the only comparable thing once being a physical library or university — one search away? That it's absolutely insane you can engage in a real-time conversation with someone on the opposite side of the world? That you can find niche communities in an instant?
    • Were your parents super strict about internet usage? How quickly did you find workarounds?
    'I am absolutely voting for Donald Trump': Undecided voters react to Biden's debate performance

    >June 28 (Reuters) - A group of U.S. voters who were unable to choose between Joe Biden and Donald Trump before Thursday's presidential debate delivered their verdicts after the contest and it was almost universally bad news for Biden.

    >Of the 13 "undecideds" who spoke to Reuters, 10 described the 81-year-old Democratic president's performance against Republican candidate Trump collectively as feeble, befuddled, embarrassing and difficult to watch.

    Undecided voter focus group leans toward Trump after debate

    >All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.

    UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron

    Foreign Secretary David Cameron tells the BBC the UK should focus on getting humanitarian aid into Gaza.

    UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron

    >Lord Cameron said while he would not support a major ground offensive in the Gazan city of Rafah, the UK would not copy US plans to stop some arms sales.

    >He said the UK supplies just 1% of Israel's weapons and warned Israel must do more to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid through.

    US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows | Reuters US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows

    U.S. public support for Israel's war against Hamas militants in Gaza is eroding and most Americans think Israel should call a ceasefire to a conflict that has ballooned into a humanitarian crisis, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

    US public support for Israel drops; majority backs a ceasefire, Reuters/Ipsos shows
    PSA: You are legally entitled to receive a .zip file of all data related to your account that is stored on Reddit's servers.

    They must oblige within a certain time frame — even if your account has been suspended and I believe even if you've deleted your account. Curiously, this might be one effective way to protest. Golly I wonder what would happen if many people requested such reports simultaneously. It seems these must be processed manually by admins.

    As a bonus, it's nice because all your comments and messages are searchable.

    Live For Them lennybird
    Aeroflot 593 crashed in 1994 when the pilot let his children control the aircraft. This is the crash animation and audio log.