I made a giant chelada
I made a giant chelada
3 Mexican lagers, 8 ounces of spicy V8, 4 ounces of pineapple juice, and some Tapatio for extra spicy.
I made a giant chelada
3 Mexican lagers, 8 ounces of spicy V8, 4 ounces of pineapple juice, and some Tapatio for extra spicy.
No hate to your tastes, however
Liquids should not be spicy, especially cold liquids. I have never understood the desire to make cold alcholic beverages spicy.
To each their own I suppose lol
Is their anything in particular you like about it?
[mexican intensifies]
Have you tried chile infused hot chocolate? You are missing a lot
Cool, I have the exact same Stein.
Nice I have two, one is a 24 oz this one is.... uh... bigger.
Looks like a liter 😎
Never done one with pineapple juice before that’s probably pretty good. Usually my family does purely savory cheladas so it has like lime, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, sometimes ceviche.
I have the same stien, I mainly use mine for water so I don't have to constantly get up for more
Hell yeah brother
Looks like heartburn in a glass. Sign me up!