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  • Love to show up to order a food and see "$1.75" change to "$2.95" as my finger hovers over the "buy" button.

    I think they need to take this to the next level and make every purchase order one of those penny-auctions, where you pay $.25 to bid on something that starts at $0.01 and has an army of bot-straw-purchasers bidding up the price every time you place an order.

  • This will absolutely tank their sales. Nobody buys anything except the "biggie bag" (which used to be the 4 for $4) anyway and if they start charging more for that at their busiest times that drive-thru line will clear right up. Everyone bitches about McDonald's but the fact remains they got their 2 sammiches for four bucks thing which is still acceptable.

    • I can't wait to get the red snapper: market price experience when digging the couch for coins to see if I'm getting a 4 for $4 today or not

  • of course they'd figure out a method & excuse for this eventually. the only reason not to was the difficulty in organizing price elasticity at scale, but these days, and with computers to organize it automatically? they wouldnt want to give managers/franchisees this kind of latitude but a computer the C-suite have complete control over checks all the boxes

    and during a period of constant inflation going on anyway no-one knows what their bill will be going into a restaurant so the adjustment period shouldn't be a shock.

    pretty soon algorithm-derived elastic pricing won't even be blamed on the company, its the Alogorithm, its the other people trying to get lunch, there will be "hacks" and strategies for this to be 'cheaper' than it was before if you calibrate--only an idiot would pay full surge price for a baconator, fuck you for complaining

    • Looking forward to the day the pricing algorithm fucks up and increases prices by 2000% because it gets an error and thinks that 10000 people are about to all walk into the store at once.

    • only an idiot would pay full surge price for a baconator, fuck you for complaining

      you'll also have people making youtube videos about paying surge prices for baconators because they want to have life experiences or make the most out of life.

  • Huh? So this is the second largest burger chain in the US? Weird that they don't really seem to have much of an international presence then, I would've expected them to be everywhere like McDonalds and KFC.