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  • Super Nintendo, or SNES. The Mario and Zelda games were great, and so was Mario Kart, but there were loads of great third party games too, like Castlevania and Super Probotector (Contra?).

    • Same - how could I turn my back on the system that gave us Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Metal Combat, Mega Man X?

  • I suppose it depends on how much I can bend the rules...

    If I'm allowed to use the console only 'as-is', then probably the Nintendo DS. This gives me DS games (which are great), but also GBA games as well (though you'll miss out on GBC/GB games, which is a bit sad); this also nets you a smattering of NES/SNES ports to boot, so that's nice. But most importantly, it gets me Chrono Trigger and a bunch of my favorite Castlevania games all in one place (sad that SotN doesn't get here, but...)

    If I'm allowed to use the console with no hold's barred, then Playstation Vita. Mod that little sucker and you've got access to a ton of stuff... PSV games obviously, but emulated PS1, PSP, GBA, GBC, GB, NES, SNES, and Genesis also (and maybe more, I don't think I've tried any others though).

  • Since 10 y.o. is old enough to be a cutoff for me, PS Vita, and because modding community never stopped. You can even play some Android and PC games through wrappers in it. -

  • It's a close call but I would pick the original PlayStation. It still gets regular action to this day and I've barely scratched the surface of the games library.

  • By my definition, the Vita is Retro. In which case that since it can emulate everything I want to play and more.

    If I have to go pre 2010 probably a DS or PSP due to the vast library of games I like

    Pre 2000... PlayStation 1 or Super Nintendo leaning heavily on PlayStation