If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
First I am. And then...
I'm not.
Or being thrown out of a second story window during karate lessons.
In some sketchy den with a khajiit
Some of you may die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
It's fairly self explanatory
Does it have any resemblance to Ice9?
Well, my username is because I got tired of a website only allowing you to set opening all links in new tabs if you had an account, so it might be hard to die by internet tab. I also religiously close tabs as soon as I'm done, so I never have that many open. If we can loosen the rules: drowns by bad genie wish in tab cola.
So many ways...
Painfully, I'd assume
Something the Scooby gang could have prevented.
With a bang
I cant die because some asshole cup threw me off a cliff and turned me into a Hylander.
you ever see those pictures of birds with their guts exposed and it being full of plastic?
thats this benzing ring (plastic)
On an intelligent journey.
Drive errors would pile up on critical systems because they didn't filesystem check themselves before they filesystem wrecked themselves
I am very satisfied with this outcome
Digimon incident. I might cringe if I were alive to care.
Suicide I guess.
Pulverized and set adrift as an interstellar cloud
A Japanese Math Rock band murders me
No doubt, it would be an epic tale.
Saving the world a lot.
I probably say something
And it gets me in trouble
A horrible accident involving a pair of eyeglasses.
Died in a rocket accident and quickloads didn't work
Choked to death by the Canadian Prime Minister.
His name is Candy and he has a good shot.
In a blaze of TexMex
A 60ft wave off Mullaghmore, Ireland
Brake failure on a mountain road.
Shmurdered Murdered....
Death by snu snu? Not really how I wanted to go -- unless it kills both of us.
Oh, no…
Oh god
Self Explanatory actually.
Sleeping with the fishes
Having the time of my life
Obesity, and bounciness.
Not sure how I die, but I guess I’m coming back to life after …
Guess I run into traffic, yelling and waving at the taxi that just deliberately passed me by. Then I get hit by a truck.
I’ll donate so much to research I won’t have money to eat?
No idea
You wouldn't understand
....that last step will be a doozy.
Not sure how but I will be underground, nostalgic and depressed when I do.
I get ackshually'd to death in the comments. 💀
By Japanese sword thrust
Don't! Sudoku is not the answer D:
Too many pineapples
Death by simulation crashing.
Or if going by the actual username and not the display name: Death By Air Conditioner Crashing On My Head Beacause I'm Too Indecisive To Choose Anything