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To Americans: How far apart is everything in the US?
  • I'm in the uk too but I'm out in the northern countryside, just to get to the village newsagents is a 15-20 minute walk and it's about 12 miles to the nearest supermarket. Even in the UK there are places where you have to drive to almost everywhere.

  • The recent events will probably be the first time that Gen Z and Gen alpha are hearing about 'Pagers'.
  • Gen Z is a lot older than you think, early gen Z were around when fax machines were still common. Gen alpha maybe though.

  • NSFW
    What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • Ah I read it as terribly named places for some reason

  • NSFW
    What are some terrible places to do road trips to?
  • There's a UK road trip that goes from Twatt to Shitterton through Cock Bridge, Dick Place, Cock Alley, Bitchfield, Whores Wood and Ass Hill.

  • Binotto to be Sauber’s interim F1 team boss until Wheatley joins
  • Valterri, it's Binotto. Spinbala

  • Imagine modern tech could resurrect old movie stars, which movie remake would you like to see them in?
  • 100% the casting was amazing but it still would be cool to see a version with the real people

  • Why egg prices are becoming expensive again - Food Dive
  • do you think you have to kill chickens to collect their eggs?

  • Imagine modern tech could resurrect old movie stars, which movie remake would you like to see them in?
  • I get that they weren't technically movie stars but it would be so cool to see the real James Hunt and Niki Lauda playing themselves in Rush

  • What songs does your local Ice Cream Van play?
  • All the ice cream vans that show up in my area play The Entertainer, idk if it's just a local thing or if most ice cream vans in the UK play that one though

  • What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • I'm in the UK and there's definitely better cider if you're willing to pay £5+ for a single bottle but there used to be a really cheap South African cider that was way better than the big UK brands. IDK what happened but you only seem to be able to get it online at a way higher cost now.

  • He literally wrote an entire nation (And I wish WotC were like that)
  • nvm not as annoying to find as it was when I went looking, wotc posted a 4k version in July

  • He literally wrote an entire nation (And I wish WotC were like that)
  • There are versions out there but afaik it's super awkward to find them, I'll see if I can find the one I used a couple months ago again and send a link here if I do

  • Fallout 1 and 2 (and Tactics) are currently free-to-keep from the Epic Games Store
  • I still need to play these games, I got them for free because I pre ordered 76. But I refunded 76 right as Bethesda started to refuse refunds so I got my money back from the online store I ordered from but kept my copy of the game on my Bethesda account too. (And yet I still haven't played since launch)

  • Series [and also serious]: What's a CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) tool you found useful?
  • I've been doing cognitive behavioural therapy to try and sort out my depression and I found that having to stick to an exact time table actually made it worse, instead I've just got to try and get one thing done at some point every day and then each week I add another job on untill I'm able to get all of them done like a functioning person.

    I'm also supposed to pair it with doing something that I enjoy that gets me out of the house but I keep forgetting to do that bit.

  • [Italian GP] K-Mag has spun and hit the barriers. Session Red Flagged.
  • Everyone's binning it today, at least kmag changed things up instead of going off at parabolica like Antonelli and Maylander

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Make sure to keep copies of all the complaint letters you get

  • Drivers Hate The Tech In Their Cars
  • Even then we still don't use the same control scheme as the model T then, the model T had a separate forward and reverse pedal and no clutch.

    But fly by wire isn't a matter of difficulty it's a matter of redundancy and safety, like I pointed out before, people aren't going to maintain the system properly and if there isn't a back up it's going to lead to accidents.

  • Drivers Hate The Tech In Their Cars
  • Fly by wire would be a terrible design for a car, I've seen people driving on space saver tires or with taped up windows for months. If people already just ignore warning lights until something physically stops them from driving then at least having a physical steering column means there's still control after the power steering fails so that they don't go straight on into oncoming traffic.

    On your other point about still using the same control systems as a model T, modern cars don't. Hydraulic steering came around in the 50s and almost all modern cars have electric power steering, the model T had completely unassisted rack and pinion steering. I can't find any definite answer on what the last car without any hydraulic steering was but I'd definitely like to find out if anyone knows.

  • Crossing the Atlantic on a sailing ship as a passenger?
  • It's the last ocean liner in existence and it's more efficient than a cruise ship but yeah it's still pretty fuel hungry. There aren't any commercial sailing ships left anymore though even in a cargo capacity, companies don't run them because their speed is so inconsistent that they can't run on a regular schedule.

  • Search issues

    Has anyone else been experiencing issues with the search feature over the last few weeks? For me it started out with searches randomly failing to load then working when I retry but now nothing I search for loads. I’ve had to start using the web version of my instance to search for communities and it’s super inconvenient on mobile.

    Logged out every time I open the site

    Every time I open the site I have to manually log back in, even if I just click my bookmark while still on the site. Does anyone know if this is intentional or if there's a way I can get it to stay logged in?

    TheWeirdestCunt TheWeirdestCunt
    Posts 2
    Comments 196