Advertisement for the right wing AfD party in Germany
Advertisement for the right wing AfD party in Germany
The poster says; "We protect our children"
The extended arm i guess shapes a roof over the children?
Advertisement for the right wing AfD party in Germany
The poster says; "We protect our children"
The extended arm i guess shapes a roof over the children?
damn, that's not subtle
Can't you see it's a house? /s
It's pretty gross that nazis are willing to sell out their own children to grab power. In character, though.
AfD logo looks like an erected penis
Its also like a Nazi salute
What do you call a dog whistle when it's screeching this loud?
a nazi salute
"Aryans" keep calling themselves the master race yet continuously show off the dudes with the most disgusting hairlines.
Rush Limbaugh taught us all that evil always disguises it's intent by saying it's protecting "the children".
I don't see what the big deal is. This is just a Roman roof shape.
Also the swoosh logo is a sieg heil
Looks like a WikiHow graphic on how to do it, that's crazy
How did they manage to make the family look soooo white? Even before I processed what the topic of this post my mind recognized how white that family looks. That and the nazi salute they were doing. So weird.
The Nazi salute is worse than weird : it's horrifying. People creating such propaganda are obviously racists ... which is also very bad.
But skin color, would it be extremely white-pink or extremely black, is never weird. You would see a lot of such impossible-to-tan-skin in some Nordic countries 😋 !
It is like they photoshoped out all the healthy red color out of this children faces.
Besides the not so subtle gesture, Nazi propaganda often emphasized an idealized family like this.
Midsommar is an excellent film about exactly how this type of back-to-basics all natural anti-modern vibe can be a vehicle for fascism. I recommend going in without learning more if you haven't seen it, but there is a lot of symbolism, foreshadowing and deeper meaning in easy to miss moments.
I think there’s also something to be said about fascism as a comfort. There are many people I’ve seen argue that it’s somewhat of a happy ending for Florence Pugh’s character. These also seem to be the types of TERF radical feminists who are more likely to be in lockstep with the current administration based on its treatment of transgender people.
When you have been hurt in that way, burning it all down can make sense. The movie does make you feel comfortable with the deaths of the characters I think - they all very much come across as more “deserving” of what happens to them than is typical in most horror films. I think that’s another amazing aspect of that movie - you don’t feel bad about them dying and maybe that should concern you?
Hereditary is another movie that has so many layers to it. The problem there is that it’s basically impossible to watch more than once to form a proper analysis of it lol
Not a phone or iPad in sight
Down to the shorts and shirts for the boyz..
Just to be clear about the timeline... This was going around the internet months ago and it is guaranteed Musk saw it before he decided to do his little socially awkward gesture.
They're trying to normalize the "Sieg h*il" in the public. Very basic Propaganda strategy but highly effective.
And punishable by prison in Germany
Yeah, watch that go away after the coming election.
Check out to see that germany is not as democratic as it seems.
It is "vote hard left or die" in germany now. Otherwise we have more blood on our hands.
I'm sure if they take power, their first order of business would be to legalize all Nazi symbolism and drop the "we're just run of the mill conservatives" facade entirely.
It's a nod to the Nazis that's ensures them that behind all the denials and propaganda they are still going to do what Nazis do. just like project 2025 and the elon salute.
A dog whistle?
Sieg what?
Very aryan family
Maybe the parents are just socially awkward and autistic
please don't. this is the second time i have seen this today. yes, i know it is /s, but it's still reinforcing an association with the potential to hurt people.
lately i have been thinking about the notion that one way to fight fascism is not to use their language. every day i read comments on lemmy that are intended to mock fascists by repeating their narratives, and i fear they are only feeding it.
didn't we learn anything from the fact that internet shit-posting played a part in putting fucking 47 into power in the us?
but yeah. please stop conflating autism with nazism, regardless of what idiot felon-fans say to try to downplay it.
What other wonders can we blame on shit-posting?
Maybe those are the people my grandfather was killing in WW2
He was a great man!!
"We protect your children"
Fourteen wording pieces of shit.
President Musk recently did a thing too...
I feel like the Facism is in the room with me, doc
There are so many fucked up layers to this, like using the term "Schutz," as in "Schutzstaffel."
doesn’t Schutz mean protect? And in the case off the SS doesn’t it mean “guard”?
AfD are neonazis but im not sure the word choice is that odd.
Yes, Shutzstaffel means "protection squadron." Maybe deliberate, maybe not, but combined with the Nazi salutes and blond-haired, blue eyed kids it's not great phrasing IF you aren't trying to invoke Nazi imagery.
Mein Leben!
Gotta admit, that's a clever dog-whistle.
I mean, it's horrifying, but I appreciate the level of guile behind it.
Mildly interesring? More like mildly horifying
The poster actually says "we protect your kids".
Thanks. I only used Google translate as a service to readers 👍
Minor correction: We protect your children
Technically is the multiple-you form. So, if you're southern: "y'all's kids"
This isn’t a seig heil, it’s a seig home.
Is there any news on this ad? It is from September last year. Has there been any statement?
Jesus even the checkmark in their logo is giving the ole Hitler Hiya
'Making the family blonder'
This might actually be illegal. If you kbnow where this is, go to the police, they might at least be able to order AfD to remove it.
This is from august of last year in Frankfurt (Oder). Police removed them.
Move them together until their arms cross and it’s a new ad for X.
Why wouldn’t you do a nazi salute? /s
Ok i get it, the roof means a house in Capital World Germania. Edit: World Capital Germania.
Sorry, you can't. Baldness is heditary.
Не могу я понять зачем использовать такие провокационные символы, все всё понимают, и как бы то ни было это символ маргиналов
I can't understand why such provocative symbols are used, everyone understands everything, and anyway it is a symbol of the marginalized
Is that AI? Something about how it's hanging and the light on the poster tells me it's AI.
You don't need to fake shit just to say AfD is bad. If anything, lying about the AfD hurts you and helps create a victim narrative for them.
No, it's real. I saw them when they were new.
Here's some news regarding that and legal action (German)
It's 6 months old.
Reported on by some major news outlets.
AfD has form for doing exactly this kind of ambiguous gesture.
You denied Musk's obvious Nazi salute.
You don't care about the truth or you'd look it up for yourself and find out this is real. Instead, you'll continue to poison the well.