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Couples, what secret language do you use to tell each other details that the company you're in doesn't understand or notice?

What words, phrases or signs do you use and how do you get your partner's attention?

  • When my wife can't remember someone's name, she'll grab my hand and squeeze it with two quick squeezes "Help. Me.".

    That's my cue to either work their name into a comment/question or, if I don't know them, introduce myself followed by a "And you are..?". Works pretty well all of the time.

    Of course, being together so long, and loving to fuck with each other's heads when we can, sometimes I'll just stand there and give them my best Aussie "owzitgoin?", and watch my wife squirm. That's usually when the nails dig into my hand, hoping to draw blood.

    Worth it.

  • Any fizzy lemon & lime drink is now Sauvignon.

    This stems from a meal nearly 20 years ago where she asked for "Sprite or 7-Up" and was given a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc by a slightly hard of hearing waitress.

  • A “look” is usually enough to let each other know something is up.
    We haven’t really figured out how to communicate what that “something” is though and always end up more confused than informed.

  • Very rudimentary Japanese, or incredibly elaborate/old Englishy stylized speech

  • We have a code for when we're ready to leave a party. One of us will go to the other and do the finger walking up the other's arm. This means "I want to go home."