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Favoirte indepth youtube channels?
  • mehhhh... he's a bit corporate now. he started as an excellent channel for teaching concepts in physics to layfolk using engaging questions. and he does great research. but i think more bias has crept into his content since he got big

  • Favoirte indepth youtube channels?
  • Real Life Lore sucks. he's algorithm bait. he isn't necessarily factually wrong, but he's just shallow. it plays better to the algorithm. he is pretty much the antithesis of "in-depth". so I'm not really sure what you're looking for if that's the benchmark

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • so I'm not interested in this conversation but I do need to acknowledge that you're misusing the term "gaslighting". it matters. disagreement, or sharing a perspective you don't agree with, is not gaslighting.

    gaslighting refers to a specific form of domestic abuse by which the abuser attempts to control their victim by making them doubt their own faculties of perception, question their grasp reality, and ultimately become dependent on the abuser.

    in other words, if you say it was great weather yesterday and i say "what? were you in the park at noon? the weather was so hot!" that's not gaslighting. that's having a different experience. likewise if you ask if I went to the park and i say "No", but i really did go, that's not gaslighting. that's called "lying". lying is not, in itself, gaslighting.

    now if you say "but i saw you! you were carrying a green parasol!" and this were true but I went and threw out the green one and got a yellow one and replied "no you didnt, i dont even have a green one, this is my parasol it's clearly yellow, are you sure you recognized me? maybe you are having some brain damage, let's make an appointment and get you checked out" that's getting closer to gaslighting. hey, that's actually sort of similar to what you said to me, although I dont think you were gaslighting me, i think you were just being a self-righteous american jerk.

    I know this is irrelevant to what you were hemming and hawing about with that other commenter and you probably won't care, but this matters way more to me. please don't misuse words that we depend on for understanding IPV

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • Just a few years ago you weren’t downvoted just because someone disagreed with your opinion.

    Lol what? What year did you join Reddit? As someone who's been there since 2008, I promise you that this is nothing new.

  • Selective rage
  • Valid point. Although I bet there would have been some outcry if they had cast anyone without red hair TBH. Some people are just obsessed with red hair.

    But there would definitely have been less outrage if they casted a blond white lady instead of a black lady. Still relevant point.

  • Is "food" a social construct?

    Hear me out. There's nothing innate to an object that makes it "food". It's an attribute we give to certain things that meet certain qualities, i.e. being digestible, nutritious, perhaps tasty or satisfying in some way, etc. We could really ingest just about anything, but we call the stuff that's edible "food". Does that make it a social construct?

    How to unfilter keyword?

    I accidentally added something to the filtered keyword list and i dont see a way to remove it.

    (Please don't include the word "fat-taco" in your response...)

    Help me understand Voice Recognition tech

    Help me understand Voice Recognition tech

    I am interested in getting an app that would allow me to make notes via voice-to-text. I work in a field with HIPAA protections. I'm having trouble figuring out the nuances of privacy related to these apps.

    First off, is this kind of software considered "AI"? How does it even recognize that a sound equals a word? Do they use LLM tech? Does the tech learn to recognize my voice better over time? Does it use my recordings to learn to understand other's voices? Is this all a black box? How can I take precautions such that no one except me hears the things I transcribe?

    This is just such confusing tech! It seems like it's fairly old and common but the more I think about it in relation to current age AI, the more creeped out I get! And yet my doctor uses one regularly... I'll be asking her about it too, don't worry.

    Thank you!

    is there no way to rotate landscape gifs?

    I appreciate all the hard work you do, but this is a hard No for me. I can't use an app that forces me to view landscape gifs in portrait mode. Is a rotation button a feature you'd consider?

    I dont like video games with story

    Someone told me to post this here and that's all I got to say.

    My popular opinion is that I don't like this flavor of subcommunity

    Rendering Tr as Chr ?

    Huh! In my speech, the Tr in "tree" or "trigger" is really close to Chr as in "chree". In fact to pronounce "chree" I have to aspirate so hard to distinguish it from /tr/.

    Is this common? [ˈt͡ʃɹi:] instead of [ˈtɹi:]? Why does this happen? Is there something about going from a plosive to an approximant that creates an affricate?

    I'm resolved to just watch from my own collection even as I'm checking Netflix

    I am over being disappointed by streaming sites.

    "I wanna watch X, let's see if Netflix has it..."

    \Opens webpage

    "Hmm... Netflix usually sucks, they probably wont have it. I'm just gonna say I'll watch Y off my hard drive instead. But let's still confirm that Netflix doesn't have X..."

    Next thing you know, I'm watching Y off my hard drive.

    Streaming services suck so much nowdays that I already resolve myself to watching something else before I even finish checking. Gotta shield myself from disappointment. Why would you pay for each channel on a TV? Just get the hard copy at that point....

    "Why is X so hard to find?"

    No, I wont name the specific title. I don't want to break Rule 3. But I do want to understand why a movie or show can be so hard to find, because maybe that will lead me to understanding how to find things.

    I am surprised how hard it is to find some titles. Maybe it's because the one I'm thinking of is an old title, 60s or 70s era. But it's extremely popular, even today. It's been on hopping around streaming services. One would think it would be readily available on the high seas too. I don't really know how one creates a torrent but I'm assuming anything that can be streamed can be captured. I guess maybe it's just not as popular as I think?

    Practicing advanced Sudoku techniques - anyone see anything fun here?

    I'm working on becoming familiar with wings, chains, uniques, and all the sea animals and skyscrapers. Whatcha see here?

    Adblocks for TTV?

    I just checked out Twitch again after a while and WOW has that site gotten shitty. But I'm trying to watch someone and really don't want ads every few minutes. Instead of paying Bezos to remove half the ads, how can I configure my uBlock Origin to block them all for free?

    What should I do with old electronics?

    I got a box full of a bunch of stuff from over the years. Some big, some small, some expensive, some cheap. It seems like a shame to throw it all in a landfill, with or without personal data.

    When dies, how will Lemmy grab more users?

    I don't see Old Reddit lasting long. They've cut beloved features before, and they're still calling New Reddit a "beta feature". After they've pumped enough resources into developing it, I'm sure they'll move past the "test" phase and just cut Old Reddit out entirely. That's probably going to be Lemmy's next big user surge.

    Does Reddit suppress mentioning Lemmy? I remember for a while this past June 2023 there were a lot of auto-deletions for mentioning or linking to Lemmy. I was never clear on who was deleting things and where. I guess linking to the r/Lemmy subreddit (or a fediverse sub) could work as long as the subreddit doesn't get banned.

    I accidentally clicked the sub and now I gotta post

    Surprised this place doesn't have more shitty posts like this one if ppl actually followed the rule

    Copyright Infringement notice while using VPN?

    [Resolved, thanks!]

    Weird, but I just got two copyright notices from my ISP. I always use a paid VPN (Proton). How'd they see me?

    I did accidentally open qBitTorrent before connecting to the VPN yesterday, but immediately exited the program before anything loaded. Is that enough time to get two strikes? One was for seeding TNG S03 and the other for TNG S05 lol.

    What confuses me is that that happened yesterday, but the email lists the day prior as the time of offense.

    So I guess it's time to set up a kill switch or make sure the qBitTorrent wont open without Proton connected. If anyone has a guide for that send a link my way.... thanks.

    Talking Over Women

    Assuming that boys are socialized to be more confident, bold, and outspoken, the end result is that men will end up talking over women. In an open forum setting, such as a professional or educational one, when the floor is open to anyone, it seems like men are more likely to speak up first.

    Part of me thinks, "Well, anyone can speak if they wanted to! If I can count to ten and still be the first to talk, then so be it!" But part of me also wants to help uplift others and give them a chance to speak.

    How might men navigate this?

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