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  • You. I like you

  • Do you pronounce "Data" as "Day-ta" or "Dah-ta"?
  • I like to use the linguistic Molotov cocktail of 'Datums' pronounced 'Day tums'

  • Cloud finder
  • Nah that's just microplastics

  • Deuces
  • Need a lift?
  • I disagree.

    Floods and fire can impact ecosystem composition at a local or regional scale, but these components are entirely necessary for ecosystem renewal and diversity. As parts of an ecosystem are disturbed, it opens niche space for early seral plants. Fire cycles can vary substantially even grasslands.

    The reason these systems need human management now is because they have been highly disturbed, and the whole system is out of whack. Roughly 2-5% of the tall grass prairie remains. The overgrazing and invasive pests/plants issue you touch on is anthropogenic in origin, not so much in undisturbed systems.

  • Capitalism rule
  • Completely fine with me.

    What's your opinion billionaires?

  • Major music companies send letter to Canada’s CRTC, urging it not to regulate streaming as if it were radio
  • I'm for it as long as they don't force Canadian content on users in Canada. I'm all for supporting Canadian artists, but radio in particular is fucking awful bc all they play is rush and metric ad nauseum to meet their content requirements

  • Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
  • stops mid stroke wait, those things are for saliva?

  • Cloud finder

    This is borderline shitpost material, but I actually kind of like it so it goes here.


    The whispering is all in her head and says she sucks

    Need a lift?
  • That's an incorrect hypothesis. Tall grass prairie, while definitely manipulated by indigenous people, doesn't really require management; it's the climax community for the biome. Further, fringe areas, like parkland, actually encroach on grasslands, not the other way around.

    Grasses are disturbance specialists, and prairie has a natural and short fire cycle that maintains this disturbance. Take away the disturbance and you get woody species coming in on the fringe areas. In this regard, First Nations would burn parkland to create more area for grassland. If their population were declining, the lack of management would result in less bison habitat, not more.

    E: I'm hilariously lost with the original comment - everyone point and laugh please. Lmao.

  • D) all of the above
  • Yeah I'm for sure reading that later. My brain is just reading this like one of those sovereign citizen rants right now, despite there actually being valid points. I think it's the emphasised word that's messing with me.

    Hell of a 'first post reply of the day'

  • Deuces
  • Oh hey it's my old work

  • Deuces
  • Yes, yes we do. I've recieved them personally

  • D) all of the above
  • Hives
  • Buck Bumble would like to know your location. Best game on N64

  • Deuces
  • Well fuck.

    What a weird word. Thanks

  • MRW someone is shocked to learn that there's a science dedicated to just soil
  • Nothing really, but I get a lot of 'huh.. didn't know that was a thing'

  • I finally ascended
  • Make sure you use torches. They help a lot with being able to see them. Mind vision is helpful but you don't get them that often. Never chase them. If they hit you you can hide and wait them out

  • Scandinavia

    Why do Swedish ships have bar codes? So they can Scandinavian

    \* Smacks Lips \*
  • If you pull that apart and it reminds you of grilled cheese you might want to reconsider your dining location

  • Druid free runner.

    Combo of blooming and camo worked super well with a high damage glaive

    I finally ascended
  • For your Scorpio problem, lure them to a door and suprise attack. Glaive is great because you can actually trade, if your armour is high. Fireblast is v. Useful

  • I finally ascended
  • Make sure you have armour and weapons that arent too heavy. Plant a seed of poison or fire in a door way, piss him off and run.

  • Microblog Memes Track_Shovel