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Ideas with storing electrons and or light in a container
  • They've been posting this everywhere. Not sure why.

  • Biden urges de-escalation as Israel bombards Lebanon
  • You know what would urge them? Stop supplying the bombs.

  • Voting Third Party this year. Don't try to stop me.
  • Getting Kip vibes.

    Don't be jealous just because I've been voting for third parties online all day

  • .dev It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.
  • Slow down there, what's wrong with good ol' assembly?

  • Self-portraits of Joseph Ducreux, 18th century French painter
  • Dang, I must have fallen behind. I didn't recognize any of the others. All fantastic.

  • Self-portraits of Joseph Ducreux, 18th century French painter
  • How is only one of these a meme?

  • Chrono Cross, a bad sequel but good game
  • I actually played Chrono Cross before playing Chrono Trigger, so I had the "clean" experience with CC. Can confirm, I thought it was a good game and was confused about all the flack (until I played CT, then I could at least understand a bit better).

    One thing I appreciated in CC (compared to a lot of other RPGs) was the color mechanics. I think some found it confusing, but I found it quite engaging and unique.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Not aware of Bill Hicks' take, but marketing effectively amounts to manipulating people into buying things that they otherwise would not.

  • go lower
  • I'd hit that

  • Life hack
  • for a little while, at least

  • For his birthday, we got my son a bass drum.
  • So he can practice his scales.

  • Unsafe hand holding
  • No glove, no love.

  • to make people curious.
  • The real question: is it better or worse than Oreo Coke?

  • What do you want to do when you retire?
  • Probably sleep late, then spend some quiet afternoons digging through the wreckage for a can of something that doesn't seem too radioactive. Maybe get into painting or something.

  • All the animals on the African savanna got together for a meeting

    but they couldn't start because someone was missing. Who was it?

    It was the giraffe. It's still stuck in the fridge.

    How do you put a giraffe in a fridge?

    Open the door, remove the elephant, put the giraffe in the fridge, then close the door.

    How do you fit an elephant in a refrigerator?

    Open the door, put the elephant into the refrigerator, and close the door.

    Grunk hate looking for job

    Grunk need job. Grunk see job carving. Carving say need ten season experience with wheel. But Grunk invent wheel 5 season ago. Grunk think job giver have wheel in place of head.

    What did you have to learn the hard way?

    Bonus points if someone warned you and you went ahead anyway.

    Connect A Song owenfromcanada
    Gaelic Storm - Blind Monkey

    More monkeys!

    Photo share by default?

    This might sound antithetical to the privacy-by-default standard, but my wife and I currently share our photo rolls with each other (using Google Photos)--everything we take is automatically shared with the other.

    Is there anything in Proton Drive/Photos that would allow this? Even if it's only available within a family plan or something. I know that with Drive, we could share a directory and everything in that would be available to the other, but I don't see this as an option in the photos.

    Alternatively, I suppose we could both sign in to Proton Drive using a third account just for that purpose, but that's less ideal.

    In the heart of the Rocky Mountains was a monastery.

    It was founded by a group of monks from the southern USA. Rather than building a chapel, they chose to live in a series of underground tunnels. The nearest town only saw the elusive monks once a year, when they would break their usual stoic diet and make traditional southern fried chicken for everyone in town.

    They were known as the deep friars.

    Connect A Song owenfromcanada
    Trace Bundy - Elephant King
    An Idea to Steal Regarding Courts and Sentencing

    In one advanced culture, which has largely achieved pacifism through technological and cultural advancements, legal cases are heard by judges who have studied law and ethics extensively. Their maximum sentencing, though, is limited to temporary incarceration. For more severe sentences, such as permanent incarceration or death, the case is brought before the Matrial Seats.

    The Matrial Seats is a group of seven volunteers who have physically borne and lost children. Only those who have brought life into the world, and felt the terrible loss of it, have sufficient authority to pass the most severe sentences. Unlike the General Courts, the Matrial Seats are not specially educated, and contain members from various social standings.

    owenfromcanada owenfromcanada
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