I stole your penis and you cant stop me dont even try punk
I stole your penis and you cant stop me dont even try punk
Haha its mine now get wrecked dweeb
I stole your penis and you cant stop me dont even try punk
Haha its mine now get wrecked dweeb
"what's your argument?"
dude wtf i was gonna use that later
Pffft no you weren't
Couldn't you at least have had the decency to also take my balls? I fucking hate those things.
Maybe. If I can find someone to pawn them off to.
Yo any trans men here want some free balls? Balls! Get ya balls here! Come to Dirt_Owls Krazy Ball Shack and get ya first pair o' balls half off. Wow, with prices this good, I must be KUH-RAAAAAZY! camera spins wildly
I have evolved into a used genitals salesperson
Got any cloacae? Been thinking about upgrading to the one-hole solution.
Now I can't piss
Haha no piss no piss
Ok but watch out, it bites
I don't know. I've been worried that it might have rabies after a raccoon bit it (long story, nothing weird)
Good luck!
I now have collected a total of 5 penises
This is going to be great for the polycule
Wait if you have it what is this thing between my legs??
can you take the balls too x
okay just remember to feed it twice a day. Dry kibble only.
Oh so THATS why I don't have one. I thought I was just broken
oh thank god
Free SRS penectomy
I just checked and it's still there
Unless you mean the title deed but that's stashed away in my safe deposit box
NFT but for penis.
I replaced it with a fake one when you weren't looking.
If you check, it says property of A DWEEB underneath
But I am a dweeb
Not again
Bro you can keep it!
never had one
you want my boobs? they give me really bad back issues.You too?
im gonna get them off at some point, surgery is scary though.
I'm a body without organs
I finally understand Deleuze
This is a common fear/curse in many cultures. I'm happy to see us returning to our roots and I believe that makes you a witch Dirt_Owl.
yeah you also stole my oat milk
how am i going to have breakfast
What are you going to do, peg me with it?
(betrayal. unimaginable. bent over and fucked... with my own damn penis.)
If you get any extra lmk, always wanted to have one for myself