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Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?

You are buried in a coffin 6ft deep, with no light or cell phone. There is only a small tube connected to the coffin from outside that allows you to breathe (edit: you can breathe with no difficulty). After 48 hours, you are dug up and given 1 million dollars. Do you do it?

Edit: No food and water, no diaper, and no contact with the outside world. Once buried, they leave for 48hr and come back to dig you up. The coffin is only wide enough for you to lay on your back (no rolling around), and the inside is wood and not particularly comfortable. The only items you're allowed to bring with you are life sustaining medication (e.g. an asthma inhaler). No knocking yourself out with pills or anxiety meds. The money is a briefcase full of cash.

  • I'm visualizing the experience, sitting in a 10'x12' room, and totally unconstrained. Just that makes me feel anxious.

    I think that I'd have a mental break in less than a day. Probably in less than a few hours.

    I couldn't do it.

  • So what you're saying is, would I lie in my own waste in the dark for 2 days tops for


    60+ years worth of my current wage? I'll go in right now

  • Nope. I’d freak out before the first shovelful of dirt hit the coffin lid.

    I’m not generally claustrophobic, but that level of confinement would be unbearable.

  • No way. Imagine being stuck in complete darkness unable to move your body for that amount of time. I'd lose my mind and probably have a panic attack thinking to myself what if they don't dig me up?. The money isn't worth the mental trauma that would cause me.

  • No. There's not a thing that exists in the known or unknown universe that could convince me to go through with that.

  • No. Money is not that important, by far. I'd play you for 10k, holdem or Omaha, anytime, though. Send me location.

  • Yes as long as I'm certain that I'll get the 1 million dollars after the end. But if allowed by the rules I'd prepare myself some time before being buried. Mostly to make sure that I'm hydrated and fed just enough to endure it, but not enough to shit/piss in the coffin.