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[Question] Recipes for 12 egg YOLKS?
  • You would need 3 more yolks for this recipe. I've never tried this dish myself, but it looks really interesting.

  • 👣👣👣
  • It's a real bummer interviewing these external applicants that you know won't get the job. Like I wish I could just let them know, but we're required to go through the entire interview process.

  • ELI5 If Trump is a supposed billionaire why does he keep promoting cheap crap to get money?
  • How does one go about proving that money laundering occurred? Genuinely curious because I know it's illegal. I guess you'd need to catch someone admitting that they did it?

  • Couch menace
  • It's almost a direct quote from him.

  • Multi-Account Containers extension is looking for more contributors
  • This is the use case I use it for.

  • White ass
  • Thank you for the clarification! I saw the clip so this made sense to me, but I can see how it would be confusing if you hadn't seen it.

  • Political Memes The Giant Korean
    White ass

    I don't think this counts as a meme (so feel free to remove), but I found it pretty amusing.

    Edit: Context -

    Couch menace
  • Is this made up? Maybe. But if it makes the American media actually pay attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what you've gotta do.

  • Might not even have to change the acronym
  • WYSIWYG = why see wig

  • What is one of your favorite Star Trek quotes?
  • "I am... fully functional."

  • Who wore it better?
  • Neither of them are anatomically correct.

  • The best hill of them all.
  • My car is a 2024, and thank fuck it has knobs, dials, and switches.

  • AeroPress Premium
  • Yes definitely. I already worry about the container I'm pressing the coffee into.

  • What do you want to do when you retire?
  • I have a ginger bug going. I made naturally carobanted "cola" using it. Def would love to try making ginger beer!

  • AeroPress Premium
  • I love the look and the idea of this, but this also exactly the type of thing I would drop and break.

  • What's your go-to comfort food when you've had a rough day?
  • Chicken fingers and fries. Or ice cream if I want something sweet.

  • What do you want to do when you retire?
  • That would be pretty neat to do. What would you want to study?

  • Witnessed a miracle
  • You have truly been blessed.

  • What do you want to do when you retire?
  • Same. I don't hate my job, but it's also not what I want to do any more.

  • What do you want to do when you retire?

    Or do you not intend to? Or have you already? Retirement is coming up for me in a few years, so I'm considering my options.

    Gotcha Day Girl

    She turned 11(ish) last month.

    Political Memes The Giant Korean
    Harris / Electric Shark 2024
    The dreaded Karen Crawler

    She asks to see your manager. You take 52 points of psychic damage.

    Sigil pronunciation

    For many years I've been pronouncing Sigil as Sij-ill, like the word sigil. Recently I read something in a post from WotC saying that it is pronounced sig-ill (hard G). This just sounded weird to me, so I am continuing to say it with a J sound. You know, like in GIF 😏

    Anyway, are there any other names of things in D&D that made you go "huh?" when you heard the official pronunciation?

    Vietnamese-ish Meatball Noodle Bowl

    Going for a bun cha kind of thing here. Chicken and pork meatballs with lemongrass, fish sauce, and garlic. Pickled carrot and radish (only had red radish so that's what I used), wide rice noodles (again, what I had), and nuoc cham. Pretty tasty for something I threw together quickly!

    Out of Context DnD The Giant Korean
    "You return from behind the tent, nude. Elyse the Erinyes returns from behind the tent wearing your clothing. The ogre returns from behind the tent wearing her clothing."
    Lightly smoked + grilled chicken with grilled squash and potato salad

    I'll post recipes later if anyone is interested. The potato salad doesn't look great in the photo, but it was a real winner.

    Tips on starting furniture making?

    I'd really love to start making something, even if it's basic. Any tips on where to start? Tools, wood, etc?

    TheGiantKorean The Giant Korean

    Some say that giant Koreans don't exist.


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