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banana for rule 😔

  • Trump calls for prosecution of Google over search results he says favor Harris
  • Has there been a single time that it has been?

  • New York City Mayor Eric Adams indicted in federal corruption investigation
  • "I've seen several people say it on truth and Twitter!"

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Your answer is fucking stupid

  • Elon Musk’s popularity plummets to 6% among Democrats, poll finds
  • They bought a Tesla and now feel like they have to defend their decision

  • Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers.
  • Taylor Swift blocked him and he can't have that

  • Vance mocked for saying eggs cost $4 — while standing in front of a dozen for $2.99
  • Are the some that say that on Twitter? Or Truth perhaps?

  • California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores.
  • That sounds like a problem that you're inflicting on yourself then.

  • I love England rule
  • I like lovecraft. But he's definitely a piece of shit

  • The Ohio Supreme Court Just Greenlit an Egregious “Fraud Upon the Voters”
  • First boneless wings can have bones now this? Ohio is not ok.

  • The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election
  • I truly doubt that you're 4.604 billion years old

  • Trump safe following gun shots near Florida golf club, says New York Post.
  • It's Florida, isn't there gun violence regularly?

  • Dinner guest cat in Mugello, Italy
  • A lot of us are lucky we don't live in Ohio (I'm from Michigan)

  • We need to stop using /s unless there is a need.
  • I agree! There never is any confusion in text, it's so incredibly obvious when people are being sarcastic. Tones are so easy to portray. /s

  • Could I ask you to critique this build?

    I haven't built a PC in quite a few years, but I kinda like how this one is turning out.

    I don't want any rgb.

    Use case is going to be gaming, model rendering, upscaling, and photo editing.

    I was thinking about going to an i9.

    Osmc and Bluetooth Xbox controller

    I installed osmc in onto my raspberry pi 4 in order to easily have a portable movie player station.

    I know you can buy a remote that works with osmc but I was hoping to get my Xbox controller synced up with it via Bluetooth. At first I was having tons of issues getting it to even connect (my phone did easy enough.) I figured out that it didn't autoreconnect to the Wi-Fi network I had connected it to last time I used it, when I reconnected it the controller was able to sync with it no problem. Anywho I'm at the point where it's connected via Bluetooth, but the buttons do nothing.

    Is there something I'm missing?

    Edit: I installed Libreelec and it seems to work great.

    Hole in the wall restaurants in Dublin recommendation

    I'm visiting Ireland in January, and for the first night I wanna book a hotel in Dublin and walk somewhere for dinner. All the recommendations I find on Google are for fancy restaurants that serve Italian, authentic Chinese or what have you. But I'd really like a hole in the wall local restaurant that serves local cuisine. And I'd like to base the hotel off where whatever I decide.

    So what's your favorite local restaurant in Dublin?

    Does it seem as though the myrmidon hit box is obsurdly large?

    I took few screenshots but apparently you can't include your cursor in screenshots. Test it for yourself though, the hit box is gigantic

    Looking for a timer app that you have to unlock the phone to turn off the timer.

    So I use my phone timer almost constantly throughout the day. I just use the stock Google clock which has for the most part has been more than sufficient. However, lately as in the last few months I've noticed I accidentally hit the stop button as it's going off in my pocket. Which causes me to miss my alarm. It'd solve all my problems if I could just set it so that I'd need to unlock my phone to turn it off, but as far as I can tell that isn't an option.

    The Brewery Cheems
    Timer app.

    So I use my phone timer almost constantly throughout the day. I just use the stock Google clock which has for the most part has been more than sufficient. However, lately as in the last few months I've noticed I accidentally hit the stop button as it's going off in my pocket. Which causes me to miss my alarm. It'd solve all my problems if I could just set it so that I'd need to unlock my phone to turn it off, but as far as I can tell that isn't an option.

    My question would be, is there any timer app that you like or would recommend? Or am I just missing that setting in the app?

    The Brewery Cheems
    What do you have coming up that you're excited about?

    New tanks, beer, equipment?

    What about it is exciting?

    The Brewery Cheems
    Brewery Workers, What Boots Do You Use and Why?

    Hey fellow brewery workers and enthusiasts!

    A crucial aspect of work attire is the boots we wear. Whether you're brewing or cellering, having the right pair of boots can make a significant difference in comfort, safety, and overall productivity.

    I'm curious to hear from all of you about the boots you use in a brewery setting and the reasons behind your choices. Are you a die-hard fan of a specific brand, or do you prefer certain features that cater to the brewery environment? Perhaps you've found a particular style that strikes the perfect balance between functionality and comfort? Share your insights and experiences!

    Cheers! 🍻

    The Brewery - A place to talk about all things brewing related from beer to liquor and in-between.

    The Brewery - A place to talk about all things brewing related from beer to liquor and in-between. Focused on the professional aspect rather than homebrewing.

    The Brewery


    The Brewery Cheems
    Welcome to the brewery

    Happy Friday everyone, what are y'all brewing today?
