1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden
1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden

1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden
it would be intersting to get a side-by-side pic of then and now
hey thanks!
Trump's version looks like the speech the Emperor gives announcing a new super weapon to crush the Rebel Scum.
Looks like a smaller turnout for shitler.
Interesting :
20,000 Nazi attendees inside.
100,000 antifa coutnter-protesters oustide.
2,300 police outside and inside.
The Bellamy Salute was used by schoolkids in The Pledge of Allegiance until 1942(basically the Nazi salute).
And the pledge of allegiance was invented by a desperate grifter that needed to sell excess flag inventory. He targeted school classrooms. Pledge also didn't originally have the "God" part either. All true, will try to add link to a good video if I can find
Same with American currency.
Frankly, the "under god" part kinda fucks up the flow of it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"
When you cut out the "under god", it becomes clear that the idea of the pledge is that America is about the unity between the states and its myriad peoples. Throwing "under god" in there was a cynical Cold War propaganda tactic.
All that said, it's a weird ritual regardless.
And people insist America isn't full of its own propaganda. We're so high on our own supply we can't agree on basic facts about reality anymore whenever they clash with American nationalistic narcissism.
Sorry for writing so much, apparently I needed to let that rant out.
Steal it. Post it in comments that need a reminder. Spread it around.
I share this as often as I can: https://youtu.be/iQ0ct9bglYo?si=1DTzZ8Z3ml-o-ypf
Dear God! I bet they drink water like the Nazis did too!
The only way you wouldn't see the overlap is if you're not paying attention.
Trump has basically paraphrased from Hitler on numerous occasions, has the support of the KKK and neonazis. All he does is spread hate.
The comparison here is valid.