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turns out when capitalists said "buy American" they meant buy Americans
  • A thing to note about those kinds of practices. They quite literally give you brain damage. Humans require socialization, they require a day night cycle, they require stimulation. To not have those things will fuck you up, and even if you do eventually get out it will mean that your ability to reintegrate into society is severely damaged. It means you have a higher chance of recidivism.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • The real issue is low info voters aren’t going to have a nuanced opinion like. It will be 0 or 10.

    Yeah. For the reason I think each candidate should be given one page to explain their policy. And that page should be printed out and available to all voters.

    For mail in voters it should be included with their ballot.

    Far too often I've voted in local elections and tried to research the candidate just to find no information on any of them. It's infuriating trying to make a choice when it's impossible to know anything.

    We are wasting our efforts arguing over the details of a voting system when voting reform isn’t even on the table.

    Agreed. But we can dream.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • and replace it with the election being won based primarily on turnout in California

    No, it would replace it with a majority FPTP country wide system. Californians are a minority of the country. They do not get sole control, nor would they under a popular vote system.

    California was larger than their margin nationally.

    But not all of that margin comes from California, and not all of Californians vote blue.

    Where you live should have no effect on how much of a voice you have in the federal government. Everybody's vote should be counted, and counted equally, because we're all made equally. The current system completely fails at that.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • I can see that happening, which is why I think approval is the best of them all.

    And with that said, so long as not all the votes are given equal scores, their votes would still matter even if they don't believe in 5 star perfection.

    And IIRC, there is nothing actually stopping a STAR system from using a 1 to 10 point scale instead of 5, which would further help with that issue.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • Yes and no.

    The NPVIC may work to get around the electoral college without amending the constitution. It would still be FPTP which wouldn't be great. But it would at a minimum be an improvement, because it would do away with swing states, red voters stuck in blue states, and blue voters stuck in red states.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • I'd take RCV over nothing, but STAR and approval are significantly better like the other user said.

    Some reasons for approval

    • Addition is the only math involved. So it is extremely easy to get live results during counting. It makes auditing votes extremely easy.
    • It is dead simple to understand, so the least amount of voters will be confused by it.

    A longer form explanation of some of the other stuff:

  • Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code
  • just finished bioshock, wow!

    Fantastic series, I'm glad you liked it, because I sure did as well.

    I'm sure you're already loaded up with a backlog of recommendations and games you bought but haven't yet touched. But I'd highly recommend FTL: Faster Than Light, as well as Into The Breach. They're both from the same publisher, and are both amazing games that arguably are a defining feature of modern gaming.

    I hear there are cheats for call of duty type things that people pay subscriptions for. I don’t get it.

    Yeah, I'm right there with you. Could not care less about subscriptions, let alone for cheat subscriptions.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences mate.

    Of course. Enjoy whatever is next on your list!

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • I will admit I'm making some strong, harsh statements. But I think that's a pretty natural result of living in the U.S., a country who's cops operate closer to a gang than Rescue Heroes. They kill minorities with virtual immunity. They racially profile people. The list goes on.

    Somebody who intentionally joins a group like that does not have good intentions, or is ok with their buddies not having good intentions, or gets kicked out quickly for tattling on their fellow cops. So yeah, cops are never on your side, at least not here.

  • Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops
  • But if a police officer were to remove your phone by force, first it would be illegal without a warrant so it would almost made you a favour as all evidence in your phone would be invalid in court.

    Even if what they find on your phone isn't valid in court, it can still lead them to other things that are valid. For instance, a picture taken at a specific place with a timestamp. That picture may not be admissible, but if they find CCTV footage of you at that time and place, you're screwed.

    Cops can and will overreach their powers, and they'll probably get away with it.

    Even locked if they want the info in your phone they are probably getting it. They would have access to some of the best forensics teams and equipment.

    Sure, but it's a lot harder for them if your phone is encrypted and shut off before you encounter them.

    Following the same logic, should we never have an unlocked phone near a police officer? I don’t know about that.

    You really shouldn't. Cops are never on your side.

  • stacked
  • I'm too lazy and incompetent at statistics to do the math, but survivorship bias is very much relevant here.

    Turns out, if you build something that isn't a bunch of stones in an organized stack, it won't last thousands of years like the organized stone stacks.

  • Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code
  • Back in the day, there were cheats in computer magazines, a sequence of key presses that would give you loads of lives or money or bullets or whatever. I used those an loved em.

    I still use those for my Nintendo DS. My dad had an extension card for his Sega genesis that did the same.

    Cheats like that are as old as games themselves, and they're not going to be going anywhere any time soon.

    It's just that now we have online versions, and if you're on PC you can edit any memory address you like, directly, with any value you like.

  • Moon Walker - Regular People Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

    Housing Crisis Olgratin_Magmatoe
    Commie Blocks Are Pretty Good, Actually [6:38] - Adam Something
    Housing Crisis Olgratin_Magmatoe
    The Housing Crisis is the Everything Crisis [42:44] - BritMonkey

    This one is a long one, but a high quality video that explains a lot. Definitely worth listening to in the background if you have the chance to add to your watch later playlist.

    PSA: Maybe don't buy these shitty extruders

    I spent entirely way too much time trying to get one of these style extruders on my Ender 3. Maybe I picked a knock off without realizing it, maybe mine was just defective, I'm not entirely sure.

    But it was ultimately the cause for my printer underextruding on certain layers. If you need a new extruder, go for something better than these cheap $20 ones and get an actually decent one.

    But on the bright side, my printer is finally fixed! It feels nice to be able to get back into the hobby again.

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