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Purple Earth hypothesis
  • Not the Bobiverse. I don't know that series yet. Do you recommend it?

    I had to check my history:

    Snowball Earth->Tonian->Boring Billion->Purple Earth Hypothesis

  • Shamrock Shake
  • Jesus christ I forgot about that song entirely.

  • Shamrock Shake
  • You're right. It's been mint since the 1980s, but it started out as lemon lime sherbert and vanilla, then vanilla with green color added, before Ronald decided on mint.

  • Shamrock Shake
  • I don't know how to feel about lemon lime milkshakes, to be honest.

  • Bad faith actors are busy these days.
  • Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed. Nothing less than a knight, shining...

  • Bad faith actors are busy these days.
  • Vermin Supreme for Every Elected Position 2024. The one true choice.

  • Gimli Glider
  • That's one of the things I miss most from reddit, tbh. I need to remember about medium.

  • Trying to come up with a list of vague words for different "kinds of animals". Help?
  • Collective noun might be the word you're looking for. This list is for animals in particular.

  • Which is your favorite app icon for Voyager?
  • Final Frontier. It's the dark mode of icon choices.

  • Vampire pumpkins and watermelons

    > ...this transformation occurs if these ground fruit have been kept for more than ten days: then the gathered pumpkins stir all by themselves and make a sound like 'brrrl, brrrl, brrrl!' and begin to shake themselves.

    The More You Know

    Thatcher effect
  • Maggie Thatcher jumpscare was not my intention. I'm so sorry. Here is some brain bleach.

  • Thatcher effect
  • This doesn't do it for you?

  • Jonathan (tortoise)
  • What a sweet old man.

  • Three Mile Island accident
  • I posted it because I read the article, and thought other people might like to read about it too. So tangentially yes.

  • Three Mile Island accident
  • Facts get overshadowed by constant oppressive news cycling. And nuke plants do have a chance of going badly wrong.... But even Chernobyl stayed operational in one of its units until December 2000.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Star jelly
  • .... I want it to taste like lychee.

  • This is a Hoary bat named Zeus aka Zeusy Poo
  • This looks like my in-laws' 16 year old dog. Same vibe. Same side-eye.

  • Anurognathus
  • !!!

  • Plum Plum
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