Ask the Kamala voters in your life
Ask the Kamala voters in your life
How many dead Palestinian kids will it take for you to change your vote?
Ask the Kamala voters in your life
How many dead Palestinian kids will it take for you to change your vote?
Yeah, zionism was invented in the 1880s and zionist attacks in Palestine only started in the 1920s.
Go ahead and downvote/ban me
You dumbass we don't have downvotes, we're going to tell you en masse that we hate you for being a Nazi (and then you'll end up banned)
honestly if you support Trump
Nobody here supports Trump
you either haven’t been paying attention or you aren’t just an idiot
you’re a fascist idiot.
You're going to vote to continue a genocide in a short while, why don't you shut your filthy mouth you genocidal crybully coward?
There's nothing in this world lower than you, supporting the mass externination of a people, of a million children while acting like anyone who criticizes you is an evil irrational child.
People like you are going to drive me back to Christianity because I need to believe that there is a hell for genocide supporters.
People like you are going to drive me back to Christianity because I need to believe that there is a hell for genocide supporters.
Lol that's a great line, love it. Keep up the good posting
The mental gymnastics you’re doing to paint me as a genocide supporter is baffling.
I am against all war, all killing, but I’m a nobody and can’t fix any of this. I can only point out that a vote for 3rd party candidates are almost a wasted vote in todays political climate, and allowing Trump in office will be a worse outcome than Harris
you are EXPLICITLY voting for a candidate who has STATED SHE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPLY ARMS TO A GENOCIDE. you support genocide. you just don't like how that feels.
i recommend dying to deal with it.
You're campaigning for a candidate who has signaled full continued support for the genocide you disingenuous Nazi prick.
I’m campaigning against Trump, not for Harris.
If we had a third option that had an actual chance at winning I would be singing their praises and campaigning hardcore for them. Unfortunately if it’s not Red or Blue most of the population doesn’t pay attention.
You're trying to get people to vote for the administration currently committing genocide.
You're going to bubble in Harris, not "not Trump," so say it with your whole chest you cowardly fascist.
You want people to vote for little girls like Hind Rajab to sit in cars with their dead parents and siblings in terror until bullets that you also voted for kill her.
You're voting for the systematicremoved of Palestinian hostages.
You're voting for young men to burn to death on their hospital beds.
You're voting for men to be buried alive in mass graves.
You're voting for schools and hospitals to be bombed.
You're voting for children to be deliberately starved to death.
You're voting for bulldozers to run over living men women and children.
You're voting for the genocide.
I don't care if you say it's for abortion rights.
Where I live, the last several elections have seen every county go Red. It doesn’t even matter how I vote.
That being said I have also voted third party the last few elections.
Do I want the genocide to end? Fuck yeah I do, but I also don’t want it to start here in America.
It has been going on here in America since before the country was founded motherfucker. Look up wounded knee then shut the fuck up forever I am done with you.
you don't want genocide to start in America? It's already here and its' been ongoing for centuries, what the fuck are you talking about
Every time one of your kind talks like this it sounds like you mean "genocide for middle class white liberals." Try and look inside yourself and ask what's already happening or has happened to the most vulnerable groups here in America. Look inside yourself and ask what you're actually afraid of happening, and what you're doing about it. If you're worried about queer people, bipoc folk, Native Americans, Muslims, refugees, whoever, they're already in dire straits and it's been this way for hundreds of years, and it happens no matter which president in is power. The only fight against it comes from mass organizing in spite of whoever the president is
try and ask yourself why you think Kamala Harris, who is currently committing genocidal actions, would not extend these genocidal tendencies towards our existing vulnerable populations. Why would you trust a genocidal imperialist at her word? Do you think America will be the first empire in history that keeps its violence external? Did we solve Foucault's boomerang? That's already not the case, the external violence is already here. Go do some work at a shelter, join an org, get on the ground and do some fucking mutual aid and stop patronizing people over bubbles on a piece of paper. Some of us would rather not offer ceremonial support to a literal imperialist arms dealer which the hope that maybe, maybe she'll be less murderous than the other one.
like why would you ever put any amount of trust in this plan that Harris will sacrifice Palestinians for the sake of vulnerable Americans. Why do you think she'd even be a different administrator than Trump? It's already shown to be false, can't you see that? The Biden administration has been exactly like the previous Trump administration. There's no fundamental difference other than Biden is less funny.
You don't want the genocide to end or you wouldn't be getting on the internet telling people how important voting for more genocide is Adolf.
Do I want the genocide to end? Fuck yeah I do, but I also don’t want it to start here in America.
Western chauvinist idiot. America was founded on genocide and it has not stopped! But I'm sure as oblivious to the genocide of indigenous american people as you are of Palestinians
Ah, the fuck you got mine mentality
There are at least two distinct ongoing genocides in the us, and we're enacting at least two overseas right now.
So your county is 100% going to Trump, in which case what was the whole point of you wasting time here lmao. You know how a dictator would have elections but you could only vote for the dictator. That's (probably) your state right now. You can vote for whoever you want, but the giant (metaphorical) Trump portrait staring down on you while you're at the polls says it all. Harris is going to get BTFO in your county just like Biden was BTFO in 2020 and Clinton was BTFO in 2016.
Is this a thing where because you're de facto disenfranchised in where you're living that you waste so much time and energy online trying to convince online randos to vote for Harris in the hopes that you'll convince some dude living in Michigan or Georgia to vote for Harris instead of "wasting" their vote on a third party?
Hey, what party did you vote for? Hey hey real quick, what party? Why be vague about it? Weird that you're so vague, when you've been so open and honest otherwise.
Do I want the genocide to end? Fuck yeah I do, but I also don’t want it to start here in America.
Ah I see, you belong to the "fuck you, got mine" ideology. Glad you can at least approach honesty.
You obviously do not give a shit about the genocide. If you did then you'd not argue for Kamala. Saying stuff is real easy. That's how it always is with you types. "Oh I support the cause" Yeah now do something "uhhh no uhhh actually uhh that might impact me uhhh" you're a worm.
not for Harris.
Whoever it takes to keep Trump for winning.
she's electable if you vote for her
Cool, I'm writing in Yahya Sinwar then.
I thought you were just arguing against trump? Now you're telling us to vote for someone?
Oh wow, so clever!
Disgusting fucking worm
What state do you live in where you have a ballot option for "Not Trump"? Oh, what's this? You're planning to pick "Harris"? But I thought you said you weren't voting for her . . . . Oh! I see, so you're doing the same thing a "real" Harris supporter does but you just are renouncing it in your heart as you tell everyone else to do the same? That's weird, usually the people saying "vote Harris" talk about hating "purity politics," but I can hardly imagine something that better fits that phrase better than imagining that holding an ideal of moral purity in your heart means absolutely anything to identical political actions.
Voting for Harris isn't a vote for Harris, but voting for neither Harris nor Trump is a vote for Trump. Gotta love lib mental gymnastics.
She can win if you vote for her
Nobody here is voting for Trump, so what are you even doing here?
I’m campaigning against Trump, not for Harris.
They said as the tried to get people to vote for Harris.
Are you really so stupid you do not realise this, or just kinda stupid enough to think we'd believe an obvious lie?
If you're campaigning against trump, then why are you wasting your time here? Nobody here is arguing that people should vote for Trump.
So you don't want us to vote for Orange Hitler (as if anyone here was going to do that). You also don't want us to vote third party, or abstain from voting. Process of elimination leads to only one conclusion: you want us to vote for K-dolf Hitler.
The incredible mental gymnastics of pointing out you are voting for someone who is currently supporting a genocide
Liberals are truly the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet
Please, enlighten me then, how allowing Trump to get into office is the better alternative?
Oh, you don’t support Red or Blue?
Tell me how we get someone that’s not either of these fucks into the White House?
i don't want anyone in the white house, because the US president is the head blood-priest of a slaughter machine. That's what it is no matter who is in office. The only path to anything we'd like would be complete dismantling of the entire US state apparatus, the economy it functions on, and the balkanization of US land. It should probably balkanize into regional authorities of Native American tribal councils, worker owned communities, given back to Mexico, etc. Who knows how that would shake out.
Honestly I'm probably a bit more lax on the whole electoral thing than most of my hexbear comrades here, like I genuinely don't care about voting in bourgeoise elections and don't think it makes people necessarily complicit in anything, since I don't think the electoral process is attached to any actual levers of authority. It's on the same level as wishing on a star to me, or blowing out birthday candles. Every vote you make in the US outside of very specific regional referendums is pointless, since everything at a federal level has long since been captured by bourgeois interests. And I actually can kinda sympathize with people who'd want to vote for Harris, especially people in my family who suddenly found it a lot harder to get healthcare for instance. Ectopic pregnancies are common in my family for instance, so it is frightening to think our abortion rights are getting stripped. I swear I'm not an ultra though lmao
But at the same time, it just doesn't matter. The stripping of abortion rights happened during a democrat administration. Biden did jack and shit even when a multitude of options are available. Both him and Harris are signing off on continuing weapons shipments to Israel, and Harris seems to stand for nothing other than continued Zionism.
so you should at least try to sympathize why people would simply not care, or would actively dislike both candidates. you should easily be able to understand why literal communists/anarchists would find it distasteful to offer even ceremonial support for the Democratic Party, which is quite literally an organization currently carrying out a genocide and has no signs of ceasing any time soon.
Thank you for taking the time to write that.
I generally agree the current system is broken, both sides have no interest in doing what’s best for humans.
I came here not trying to convince anyone that Harris is good, but that Trump is worse.
I read articles just yesterday about Trump talking to Netanyahu almost every day to undermine any talks that may have stopped Israel’s genocide.
Between that and the fact that Trump is spouting fascist rhetoric, in my opinion, he is worse than Harris.
I came here not trying to convince anyone that Harris is good, but that Trump is worse.
You came here trying to get people to vote for kamala, stop this bullshit ffs.
Between that and the fact that Trump is spouting fascist rhetoric, in my opinion, he is worse than Harris.
The fact that you write this after the deluge of responses you've gotten shows you are in no way interested in a good faith discussion.
I read articles just yesterday about Trump talking to Netanyahu almost every day to undermine any talks that may have stopped Israel’s genocide.
"May have" my fucking god. It's always this with you people. "Behind closed doors", "suggested that", "implied that", "in the future might", "could be". When I pretend to throw a ball to fool my dog, it at least stops and looks back at me at some point. At least my dog is smart enough to realise it's been tricked.
Kamala is openly talking about increasing support to Israel. The government has just sent soldiers to Israel, they give them billions. You people keep saying Trump will genocide "worse". There's concentration camps and mass graves right now, it doesn't get much worse. And do you understand what a genocide is? Do you understand what it's purpose is? Extermination. I'm sure the people being murdered will be happy to hear it's at the hands of a POC woman this time.
When Trump bombed syria you were all out on the streets ready to fight the power. Now that Kamala is campaigning on doing more genocide all you can say is "but Trump"! They're the same you massive ingrate
When I pretend to throw a ball to fool my dog, it at least stops and looks back at me at some point. At least my dog is smart enough to realise it's been tricked.
Damn, the lib's gonna need some burn heal for that one!
At the same time you're a silly conspiracy theorist for thinking the people in power with shared interests have secret meetings in dark rooms behind closed doors where they plan what they should do.
None of this changes the undeniable fact that if you give your vote to Kamala Harris you are endorsing genocide.
That's what it all boils down to. You can't wriggle your way out of this.
I came here not trying to convince anyone that Harris is good, but that Trump is worse.
And you also came in here with a concern troll mindset trying to cudgel people into participating in an electoral process that we fundamentally reject and that is why everyone is telling you to fuck off.
Stop. Just fucking stop. You are insulting all of us and humiliating yourself.
There is zero historical evidence to prove either one of these monsters will be "less bad" than the other. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. Harris forced trans women into mens prisons, is committed to building Trump's wall, is committed to continuing to arm a genocidal apartheid state in the name of imperialism, is against giving us healthcare, is anti-union, will not protect abortion rights.
All your arguments to vote for her have already been disproven so please just pipe the fuck down and if you want to hang around here stop this electoralism bullshit and start listening to people that know a metric fuckton more about how the world actually works than you clearly do.
If I come across as aggressive it's because I am and we are all sick and tired of hearing all this same shit from liberals.
It must be fun being a mod so you can ensure you always get the last word, if you ever need to.
I would not be responsible with a thread like this
If I ever start arguing with someone I make a point to let someone else do the banning. If someone just says some outright hateful shit I just ban them right away
Which wing of the capitalist party helms the yankee reich is no concern of mine
Voting for someone who is arming a genocide is support of genocide
Every harris voter has blood on their hands
enlighten me then, how allowing Trump to get into office is the better alternative?
Ah my mistake the current democratic regime hasn't deported more people than Trump, started more wars, increased funding of the police and the MIC, increased tensions with China, banned the import of cheap EVs and solar cells, expanded fracking to hell and back, cracked down on unions, done fuck-all to protect Roe V. Wade as they were warned it would be overturned, just sent 100 soldiers to Israel as the country is putting palestinians in mass graves and concentration camps, proudly come out in favour of states rights as it comes to queer rights, cracked down violently on protesters, and so much more. Silly me.
Trump isn't worse, you people just give a shit when it's the red team in office. As long as it's blue team you can Go Back To Brunch and have Normalcy.
You should be ashamed. Do the world a favour and change yourself into something less polluting.
They both suck equal amounts of shit and if you vote for either of them you are actively making them suck more by way of validating them in the knowledge that sucking shit is cool and good.
Please enlighten me why the democrats would ever get better if they know they can get away with genocide. Somehow I have a feeling that hell will be worse than a senile man, hated by all, shitting himself to death in the oval office. It's what we have currently.
Join an org.
Political power grows out the barrel of a gun.
pew pew
In the least amount of effort (similar to th act of voting really) voting non third party until one of them loses enough times to get sick of FPTP and institute ranked/preference voting models
Here's our plan for the white house, hope it helps clear things up for you;
I am against all war, all killing, but I’m a nobody and can’t fix any of this.
"And so I will throw my support behind a candidate who could be in a position to fix it and instead uses that position to commit genocide"
Get your head out your ass, you genocidal fuck
I can only point out that a vote for 3rd party candidates are almost a wasted vote in todays political climate, and allowing Trump in office will be a worse outcome than Harris
And a vote outside of a swing state is as much of a waste as a third party vote. So why throw away your vote at the pro-genocide candidate?
I am against all war, all killing.
That's funny, I'm against insulting you, you absolute cretin. You piece of dog shit. You unlovable booger. You emptyhearted hollowheaded ghoul. Fuck your parents for creating you. You are a stain on the collective history of humanity, a black blemish that will forever be an embarassment. Luckily you will be forgotten, but I am sad to have shared the same world with the likes of you. A hole in the ground has more humanity and more value as a creature than you.
You are very clearly for war since you are voting for and arguing that we should vote for a warmongering fascist committing a genocide right now.
and allowing Trump in office will be a worse outcome than Harris.
They are putting people in concentration camps and mass graves right now. Somehow trump will be able to do something that's worse than whatever Kamala will do when the Dems learn that not even genocide is a line too far.
I’m a nobody and can’t fix any of this. I can only point out that a vote for 3rd party candidates are almost a wasted vote in todays political climate.
Okay then if we're nobodies that have no impact then it doesn't matter that Kamala doesn't get the vote.
And jfc "wah wah I can't be the great man of history fixing everything so why even bother." You people are actual babies. Here's a novel concept: Planning for more than the election going on right now. The vote is wasted? As opposed to a vote for genocide which would be well spent I suppose is your argument. Actual insanity. If that were the case then a wasted vote would be better.
Oh no the party won't win a landslide election! Then I guess there's no reason to do anything at all. Are you a sports fan? Do you change your support to whichever team is currently winning?
And finally: Washing your hands like Pontius Pilate.
I hate genocide and that's why I'm voting for the party that's doing all the genocide! I don't know why that extremely obvious contradiction is so hard for you tankies to ignore!
You're wrong , you aren't against war or killing cause you support those things. Also Trump won't be worse than Kamala.
Fucking scum
ultimately a war that has been raging since biblical times is not something I can solve,
All the things you're talking about happened during Biden's presidency.
Democrats don't protect us from Republicans. They just use Republicans to threaten us into voting for them. The more people get hurt by Republicans, the better it is for Democrats. They directly benefit from Republicans killing women and withholding aid.
You don’t vote for the guy that’s telling you he’s going to dismantle the government so he gets to stay in power until he dies of old age, while executing anyone that challenges him
This makes no sense. If Trump was going to "dismantle the government" there would be no more president. Also none of us are voting for him, this is a stupid fucking strawman that comes up every time one of you liberals comes in here and tries to use the plight of vulnerable people to cudgel us into voting for a genocidal monster who literally forced trans women into mens prisons and refuses to take a stance on even that very basic issue. She also is committed to building Trump's wall as well.
So please from the bottom of my heart I mean this with the utmost sincerity: I hate you and every liberal like you because at least republicans are honest about being evil pieces of shit while you smug motherfuckers always try to act like the smartest person in the room when in reality you don't know jack shit and when people try to teach you you double down with your selfrighteous bullshit. Fuck all the way off. I won't ban you just yet but that doesn't mean an admin won't, maybe stick around and listen to the people you presume to care about but please sit the fuck down and shut up unless you have a good faith question and aren't just here to concern troll and use the marginalized as a shield to justify voting for the party that hates you and everyone you or I love.
You vote in the people that will try to make a difference, and if they don’t work out you vote for someone next time.
You've been doing this for how long? The Republicans are never gonna get less fascist. The Democrats are never gonna magically decide to move left either. The only thing that can actually cause a change, a break from the trend of approaching oblivion, is socialist revolution. You're kowtowing to people who will have you killed for marginal benefit. Take the hint and stop trying to move mountains for them.
I agree we need a socialist revolution. I just feel like it will be easier to organize something like that if we still have a democracy to influence.
It will be harder to organize either way.
It was Democrats who brought in the cops to remove the Pro-Palestine camps. They put down the BLM movement. They killed the railworker strike. They failed to enforce any protections for COVID.
If you give them your vote, you're endorsing that. They didn't earn your vote! Vote 3rd party then join an org.
Tim Walz, currently Harris' running mate, deployed the United States Army to Minneapolis to crush BLM and it's terrifying to me that that doesn't register with Democrats at all in any way.
Feels like everything related to the 2020 protests has been completely memoryholed except by conservatives who are still crying about "defund the police".
It really does. It was only four years ago, it was an uprising of global scope and historic scale, and it's already been erased from public and political discourse. Even occupy had more cultural impact. : |
except by conservatives who are still crying about "defend the police"
I'm assuming you meant "defund", because chuds are all about defending the police.
shit, yeah
The problem here is assuming that we currently have one.
Biden has crushed union strikes and protests all over the country and no one gives a shit. Somehow that is more fertile ground than the energized populace that came out to fight everything Trump did? People even gave a fuck about him pardoning a goddamned sheriff! Meanwhile Biden gives billions to cops and no one gives a shit. When Trump bombed Syria at least some of you flipped out (though most started talking about how "presidential" he was finally being. Sickening.) now with an ongoing genocide you can't even pretend to care. These are the conditions you believe to be better for organizing? Organizing for what? Next election where we have to vote for the democrats just this one time if you're any indication.
Tim Walz sicced the fucking military on BLM protesters in 2020!
Can you explain why you feel that?
"Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth."
You vote in the people that will try to make a difference, and if they don’t work out you vote for someone next time.
Great. I voted for em previously and they "tried to make a difference" but it didn't work out and now we have a genocide. Whoopsy. Anyway now is next time and I'm voting for somebody else. Not trump.
You vote in the people that will try to make a difference, and if they don’t work out you vote for someone next time.
So why are you voting for Democrats, when we both know they will just make things worse? They're already promising to be harsher on the border than Trump was, promising unlimited support for genocide, and aren't even going to reform the Court. They won't try to make a difference. They'll try to let Republicans keep winning so that hopeless, cynical voters keep voting for Democrats.
In the current political landscape, if you don’t vote Red or Blue you are giving your vote to whichever way your state swings.
Even if I agree both sides are shit, I don’t want to allow the narcissist, racist, xenophobic, fascist, felon, wanna be dictator to get back in power and dismantle our democracy.
I would like us to swing so far left it makes Rupert Murdochs head spin, but I’ll take the not-fascist if that’s all I can get.
Kamala Harris is a genocidal fascist and you're brow-beating a bunch of literal communists for not voting for her so I'll take the whole "but I’ll take the not-fascist if that’s all I can get," bit with grain of salt.
The message I’ve been trying to convey in all of these posts is that if Trump wins we may not get a chance to vote someone better next time.
I don’t agree with Harris’ stance on Israel, I don’t agree with lots of things going on.
I just want to have the chance to change it eventually, especially as the Boomer generation dies out from old age.
"Look I don't agree with Hitler on the whole Final Solution thing either but we may not have a Germany to reform if we don't support him right now."
I can't express enough that you will never convince us of the importance of voting to continue the genocide, or how much hatred I personally have for you at this point.
if america is so fragile that a 78 year old wet sack of shit can completely conquer it and declare himself king for eternity, then it was never a democracy or whatever in the first place. it's a farcical joke of a country that should have collapsed ages ago. If Trump is the boogeyman that turns America into Gilead, then what good was America anyway? The second dumbest man on Earth (first is Elon) rose to ultimate authority and is going to press the fascism button? He's gonna suspend all elections?
if it was always this easy, then America's been a ghost for decades and I don't know why you can't see that. If this whole goofy constitution beating, spirit of America, our democracy stuff you're talking about, if all of that somehow hinges on one specific guy not getting elected into office
then what exactly do you have
what rights did you possess in the first place, and how flimsy was this stupid country to begin with? jesus christ just listen to what you're saying. "vote for someone better next time" fam I don't know if you know this but when candidates lose it's not like they poof into the shadow realm and take all their support with them. They're part of the American sausage factory for life. The donors that fund both candidates don't go anywhere. The wealthiest of Americans continue to exert power no matter who tf it is. do you really expect Trump to suddenly flip the board over, when the wealthy are mostly content with how things are going?
ask yourself this. Why isn't Trump arrested right now? Why didn't the CIA just shoot him with a polonium dart gun? If he's supposedly this level of a threat, that he'll flip over the whole state apparatus, that'd be a bad time for the bourgeois class, right? I can't imagine the wealthy want to stir the pot, when....they're literal ghouls who control the whole world. Why upset a good thing they got going? Look inside yourself and you'll see the answer: the wealthy don't give a shit if it's Trump or anyone else. He's the same type of American politician you always get, and he's already proven that in the 4 years we had him
Jesus christ I hate talking to libs, you always bring out the worst in me and make me type paragraphs just to content with your mindless pablum. fuck.
if Trump wins we may not get a chance to vote someone better next time.
You're not getting a chance to vote for someone better either way. The Democratic Party keeps moving right towards Fascism because people aren't willing to stop voting for them.
You MUST show that they can't take your vote for granted or they will never listen to you!
Imagine the results come in on 11/5, Trump wins a close race by winning Michigan by 10k votes. What's that? Jill Stein got 12k voted and PSL got 3k votes? Democrats will hate us but also might try pandering to US for a change instead of Dick fucking Cheney!
The Democratic Party keeps moving right towards Fascism because people aren't willing to stop voting for them.
It's really more of a return to tradition. For most of American history, the Democrats were the haven for bigots, warmongers, and other such scum. The Dixiecrats are a far more recent phenomenon than most people think. Joe Biden himself got his political career started under their wing.
The message I’ve been trying to convey in all of these posts is that if Trump wins we may not get a chance to vote someone better next time.
Feels like your election system is completely broken and it's only a matter of time before the Republicans get it and dismantle it or whatever you reckon Will happen
You have a chance to vote for someone better right now.
Let me tell you something I'd bet my life savings on: Trump isn't going to dismantle democracy and be a super pooper dictator scooper. Can you really not cast your mind 8 years back to when people said exactly the same thing, and he won, and nothing changed? He'll just be the same decline that the Dems would have been.
The message I’ve been trying to convey in all of these posts is that if Trump wins we may not get a chance to vote someone better next time.
Last time Trump was in office the entire country rioted. Under Biden you've seen brutal crackdowns on students protesters and the rest of the country applauded like seals.
Kamala has said she will work closely with the GOP, so which is it? Are they threat to democracy or someone to work with?
The Dems are doing everything they can to crush any political movement, yet they're somehow not a threat to democracy? Tim Walz had the army attack BLM protesters in 2020. Somehow he's the good guy?
In a sane country you'd be in a mental institution.
dismantle our democracy.
This country has never been a democracy sit down shut up and listen.
He is saying both:
"We can't vote for who we want, we can't vote for change."
"We must preserve this. Trump is a threat to it."
Voting for Democrats doesn't stop Republicans. Republicans dismantling Roe v Wade happened under Biden. Republicans withholding hurricane relief to people in North Carolina happened under Biden. The Democrats aren't going to protect you.
Vote Blue, get Red policies anyway. There aren't really two sides. Democrats are happy to let Republicans hurt you, because it will scare you into voting for Democrats. Democrats directly benefit from Republican policies. Democrats benefit from fascism.
I would like us to swing so far left it makes Rupert Murdochs head spin, but I’ll take the not-fascist if that’s all I can get.
And that would be Kamala "I am going to give even more support to Israel" Harris? The lady who has said she is going to have republicans (who I thought were a threat to democracy or something) in her government? The candidate with a running mate who sicced the army on protesters in 2020? The person who arrested black people if their children were truant and then bragged about it? That's the not-fascist?
You vote in the people that will try to make a difference, and if they don’t work out you vote for someone next time.
that's what we've been doing for generations; picking the lesser evil since they're the closest thing to "people that will try to make a difference" we have in this country and it's painted us into this corner of a choice between an democrat genocide enabler and a republican who only wishes he was.
"The rich and corporations have owned this country since Regan's (sic) presidency" You may want to look further back in US history...
Oh I understand, but Regan repealed many laws that were holding corporations in check. Since Regan things have exponentially gotten worse.
Oh I understand, but Regan repealed many laws that were holding corporations in check.
Biden literally broke a railroad strike. They are all doing this shit you are just blinded by the narrative that a few bad actors are the problem with the US government and not the entire apparatus itself.
Biden also championed a vast array of horiffic legislation that directly helped lead us here. It really is astonishging just how important Biden has been to bringing us to this point. He's just so fucking evil.
Democracy works when everyone stops paying attention to which color the party was that had the idea, and starts working towards bettering its citizens lives.
I did this, turns out the Green candidate is the one that will better citizen's lives.
You vote in the people that will try to make a difference, and if they don’t work out you vote for someone next time.
That's exactly what I'm doing. Voted for Biden in 2020, voting for Stein now.
I don’t support killing Palestinians at all
Except by voting for Kamala Harris, the genocidal warmongering ghoul who is actively killing Palestinian children at this very moment.
I don't support killing Palestinians at all
You literally support the person enabling their murder
So Kamala Harris is responsible for the conflict between Israel and Palestine? The one that’s been going on for thousands of years?
And let’s put this in another perspective…
Let’s say your best friend has an enemy that lives next door. You and your best friend are not just friends, but business partners.
How do you deal with a best friend and business partner that starts fighting with their neighbor when you know they have been fighting for decades, and when the neighbor kind of started the recent conflict?
Sure you can suggest they drop the fight, you can tell them what they’re doing is wrong, but are you going to start a fight with your best friend and business partner? A fight that may end up with your business falling apart? Or worse your family getting hurt?
Or do you decide to let your Racist Uncle Don take a shit on your dining room table and tell you he’ll handle it, without coming out and telling you what he’s going to do to handle it?
The one that’s been going on for thousands of years?
you are just as pigshit ignorant as any trump supporter
TIL Islam existed before Christ
the crescent and star represent the fact that islam is older than the moon and even the very stars themselves!
The one that’s been going on for thousands of years?
This is bullshit and proves you know nothing of what you are talking about. This conflict has been going on primarily since 1948 when Israel started doing genocide on the indigenous people of Palestine. Like I said before, shut the fuck up and listen to people you claim to support. I can have a Palestinian friend come in here and school your ass if you would rather hear from someone ACTUALLY living there.
But honestly I would rather not even ask him because you probably would not listen to him either.
Or do you decide to let your Racist Uncle Don
again this is utter bullshit and a thought terminating cliche you fucking liberals always use to paint us as supporters of trump. Frankly I hope the next person that comes for him doesn't fuck up.
Trump really was the best thing to ever happen to the liberals. Now no matter how cowardly, pathetic or downright genocidal they behave they can always just say "Trump is worse!" and never bother to reflect on their own abhorrent views.
Right? There's like a hundred million democrats. They can stop Trump whenever they want, if they ever decide they want to.
The one that’s been going on for thousands of years?
This is not a thousand year old conflict! It did not start until settlers colonized the Palestinian peoples land!
So Kamala Harris is responsible for the conflict between Israel and Palestine?
Seeing as she currently has power, and is sending money to Israel, yeah, it tracks that she is responsible.
The one that’s been going on for thousands of years?
Zionism was first articulated by Theodore Herzl in the 1880s. The first Zionist attacks in Palestine began in the 1920s. It's been barely a century.
So Kamala Harris is responsible for the
conflictongoing genocidebetweenIsrael is committing in Palestine?
Fixed your sentence. Your phrasing was a bit weird.
The answer is: to Yes. She is giving immense amounts of aid to ensure the genocide continues.
The one that’s been going on for thousands of years?
It's been going on since 1948, learn your history shit stick.
And let’s put this in another perspective…
Let's not. Geopolitics does not work as individualised analogies, especially not ones you set up given your incredibly lacking understanding of the world.
Buddy, just say you are fine with genocide. Just say you support palestinians getting murdered. At least have the decency to be honest, instead of trying this half-assed attempt at pretending to give a shit.
Racist Uncle Don.
The only difference between Trump and Kamala is that he is rude on twitter, is obvious about what he does and he makes people like you leave the brunch table for a short while. Kamala is sending troops Israhell as the country is burying palestinians in mass graves and putting the rest in concentration camps. Somehow Trump is supposed to be worse?
I hope Hamas hunts you down, drags you back to Gaza, ties you to a rocket, and fires your pathetic ass at Tel Aviv
That honor should go to me, not dogs like them
Yeah the imperialist dogs should be tied to the missiles heading for
The United States certainly has the power to stop this. If you block all arms deals, trade, diplomatic relationships and immigration, Israel will be fighting a 4 front war with no foreign support and the country will crumble. This comes at very little cost to the US and incredible benefit to the world. However, I doubt that even a De la Cruz victory would stop the genocide. The Senate would block any sanctions on the Zionist entity and if that failed, the courts would also block it. The United States is genocidal to its core and there is no way that any individual or party could make the current state apparatus work for the benefit of humanity.
Jews were kicked out of every part of Europe multiple times, and had frequent pogroms against them and laws restricting their land ownership and occupations in Europe. They did not suffer these oppressions under the Umayyads, Abbasids, Seljuks, or Ottomans.
How do you deal with a best friend and business partner that starts fighting with their neighbor
You have your neighbor move in with you, of course!
Your mansion is big enough for his family as well as your own. His neighbors are living in their garage with no heating or AC, with the doors locked and only the windows to pass through. He's got an SUV and a trailer, he hasn't been there that long, he's rich enough to do the move himself, and his whole reason for being there is because your other business partner had a dissociative spell and abused the shit out of him, but that 3rd partner gets to keep his house.
The assertion that "Gazans started the conflict" is islamophobic. Israel kidnaps and tortures and bombs and assassinates Palestinians every month of every year, but you don't call that "starting a conflict"?
You claim to be a leftist but you are 100% carrying water for right-wing figures and ideology, and you are justifying it with your own lack of imagination.
How many dead Americans
So we're playing this game? How many Palestinian children are worth one American? Is it a 1:1 or something different?
Sucks for you Obama didn't codify Roe when he had the chance. Maybe Democrats should be punished for failing to get these things done?
Every life is sacred, because we’re all the universe experiencing itself.
Should someone be punished for not touching a thing that had been working fine for 40+ years?
What is your proposed punishment? Allowing theremoveds to select the mother of their child? Allowing women to die because of pregnancy complications?
Abortion should be legal and free and there should be clinics on every federal plot of land where it makes sense to have one.
Why didn't Obama and his majority congress fail to Codify Roe? Do you know what excuse they used that time?
I agree wholeheartedly, I am in full support of full autonomy no matter what.
You’ll have to ask Obama why he didn’t. I can’t control political asshats, just like political asshats shouldn’t be controlling abortion rights.
just like political asshats shouldn’t be controlling abortion rights.
You're the jackass talking about "the universe experiencing itself" and then act like rights are not a political construct. God or Nature or whoever else you think rights come from isn't going to magically project those rights into existence.
Did you have a point? I understand the societal construct.
I also understand that sometimes you have to play the game long enough to understand how to dismantle it.
Not because figuring out the game is hard, but because you have to get enough people to on your side to make sure you succeed.
You say "you have to", but what actual reason to believe this do you have besides that some other condescending prick told you so? When I look at historical liberation movements (and I can't say I know all of them, granted), they never got by on entryism and, at their most normative, still conformed to Marx's advice of establishing an independent political party, though often they were much more underground than that, often branded terrorists, etc. They certainly didn't fucking campaign for their own opposition like you're supposedly doing now (though in reality I don't think you really are in opposition to Harris) and generating more of a popular mandate for the establishment.
Did you have a point? I understand the societal construct.
I've said this a few times to you already, but Saying Things Doesn't Make Them True. You pretty obviously don't understand it.
I also understand that sometimes you have to play the game long enough to understand how to dismantle it.
You've tried this for more than 50 years. It does not work.
You claim to understand this, but then do not understand why people might vote for a third party candidate, when that candidate cannot win this election.
You are just barely sapient, and that's being generous.
I can’t control political asshats,
So stop voting for any of the ones that are doing this shit. The only power you have outside revolutionary organizing is your vote so don't throw it away giving legitimacy to people literally doing another genocide.
So just to be clear, neither party is going to protect you. The Democrats didn't protect you when they had the chance, Biden doesn't use his executive powers now, and that won't change with Kamala in office.
And why would it? The party gets to collect way more money and keep leading people on as long as they vote. And if they just conveniently forget to do anything they keep their new Republican done buddies too!
Instead of hoping, join an org and help us build a movement that will actually protect women. Not just with words, but with deeds. DSA is a good starting point.
is also good. There's also Maoist orgs and Trot orgs and other groups but honestly don't worry too much about the nitty gritty theory right now. Just get involved somewhere and you can organize with people to protect abortion clinics, go with women and protect them from the right wing, get an "underground railroad" type program going to help women get abortions out of state, distribute morning-after pills, etc.It will feel MUCH better to actually do something about it in your neighborhood than just vote and hope for the best.
I’ll look into those.
I agree that both sides are never going to actually do anything to make life for the “rest of us” better.
Im tired of the political show both sides do where they are “weekend at bernies”ing the constitution,
Unfortunately I remember all of the bad things Trump did while in office, and I’ve heard enough bullshit from him this time around that I feel like his desire to become a dictator is enough to speak up about preventing his ascension to power again.
I understand it's a scary situation. We can't let fear control us. When we organize and work together to solve these problems on the ground we will realize our collective power. And that's where true hope starts.
Best of luck on your journey.
Unfortunately I remember all of the bad things Trump did while in office, and I’ve heard enough bullshit from him this time around that I feel like his desire to become a dictator is enough to speak up about preventing his ascension to power again.
Wish you'd paid attention to all the bad things that happened after he left office
I agree wholeheartedly, I am in full support of full autonomy no matter what.
Words are cheap, but yours are fucking worthless. You are doing nothing to support it.
You’ll have to ask Obama why he didn’t. I can’t control political asshats.
You can withhold your vote you fucking moron. Oh well I'm sure giving your vote unconditionally will totally work this time!
He said why he didn't - he said it wasn't a priority and wanted to find abortion policy elements that the Republicans would agree to.
Thanks Obama!
Every life is sacred, because we’re all the universe experiencing itself.
Jesus fucking christ
Every life is sacred, because we’re all the universe experiencing itself.
Seems like some lives are more sacred than others, considering the fact you're pro genocide.
Should someone be punished for not touching a thing that had been working fine for 40+ years?
Are you talking about the US or Palestine?
Neither has been anywhere near "fine" for any amount of time.Allowing women to die because of pregnancy complications?
Ah yes because Harris has done such a good job of protecting abortion rights and really detailed how she will reinstate it. This time the dens will for sure do it you guise!
I fucking hate you lying libs. "I don't support killing palestinians at all" you do. You are voting and arguing that others should vote for someone who is actively committing a genocide of palestinians.
At least have the decency to be honest. Admit you don't give a fuck about muslims. This whole song and dance gets so fucking tiring.
Your words mean nothing when your actions are in direct contradiction.