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With Stickers on Phone Cameras, Clubs Defend the Party Vibe
  • There are probably still security cameras. You just need to be really good about using them.

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • Anti washing machine thought is revisionism

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • M'=M+M∆ applies here, but the expression C'=c+v+s also applies. The issue with all the equations derived from M -> C -> M set is that they all assume exploitation by the capitalist and don't precisely map to socialist production. I strongly recommend you read Capital to understand how the labor process works. Pay special attention to chapter 1 of volume 1 as that clears up most of your misconceptions.

  • With Stickers on Phone Cameras, Clubs Defend the Party Vibe
  • I'm not sure. They might ask you to go through your photos and ask to delete them, or just ban you.

  • With Stickers on Phone Cameras, Clubs Defend the Party Vibe
  • Why not use the locked phone bags that Jack White forces people to use?

  • With Stickers on Phone Cameras, Clubs Defend the Party Vibe
  • I think they change color once peeled off and they check when you leave. I know that factories make people use these pretty frequently.

  • mask off I guess
  • Well why else do you need to secure the children?

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • The negative effects of washing machines are that they consume quite a bit of electricity. This, however, is negligible compared to transportation, recreation, and cooling. Going back to 18th century technology serves only to waste a considerable amount of effort from the workers in order to save very little electricity. Furthermore, the issue with electricity is not overconsumption from residential sources, but rather industrial overconsumption and poor production.

  • Real Heroes
  • She's a conservative now

  • When the supposedly smartest man in the world misses the joke by about 1 AU.
  • If the sun has ads, you are morally obligated to become a terrorist.

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • I apologize, but this is not a coherent nor Marxist line of reasoning. Since labor is definitionally socially necessary, washing clothes by hand is just wasted time and unused labor. The socially necessary labor required for cleaning clothes is the labor of the washer and a small portion of that of the engineer, machinist, and all of those involved in the production of the machine and detergent. In washing clothes by hand, the labor performed is still only that of the labor it takes to load and run the machine, however, the effort expended by the either is significantly more than that; the labor of those involved in the production of the machine goes nowhere. By refusing to keep labor to socially necessary means, you might as well be using gold plated washing machines. The worker's time belongs to the workers and shouldn't be wasted.

  • More specifically, there is an ending in the later game where, (cw: SA) Jecka is sold into sex slavery in a Palestinian (or Pakistani, she isn't sure) human trafficking ring ran by the talaban and FBI. It seems like an episode of the writer's poorly disguised fetish.

  • I need the SBN3 incident report. Seems like a type of guy.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • There are also many non athletes who eat 4x the normal amount

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • If it's a rotating task, that means someone is washing hundreds of ponds of laundry by hand. Washing machines exist for a reason

  • How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • Have them join a theory reading group

  • What's a good tablet?

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a cheap tablet for notes, books and occasionally movies?

    Small Business Tyrant and Pretentious Restauranteur Livid About Paying Workers Enough to Survive, more at 9. Denver’s fast-rising minimum wage is a boon to workers, but it’s squeezing restaurants and small businesses

    A Michelin star-earning restaurateur is among business owners who say fast-rising minimum wage is a heavy burden on small businesses.

    Denver’s fast-rising minimum wage is a boon to workers, but it’s squeezing restaurants and small businesses

    Death to this asshole. This idiot sells $20 mocktails and owns like 6 restaurants.

    I don't want to hear liberals talk about a single more school shooting.

    Right now, the US is supporting attack after attack on schools in Gaza. I'm not cherry picking anything here. This is just the result of searching "school" on an Al Jazeera RSS feed. All of these massacres have happened in the last two months and not a single one has had near enough media coverage as some lunatic shooting up a school in the West. Some of those demonic shells of people that only cry over massacres in the US might say something about "oh but that's Israel, not the US". To those people, I say, fuck you. The US does it too, you testicle brained buckaroo. You don't fucking care about children dying. You support a government that has committed massacres miles worse than any gunman, and one that currently is committing massacres on the daily. They don't care about kids. They don't care about safety. They don't care about education. They only care about keeping white kids safe.

    So if you're doing this, shut the fuck up and recognize nothing domestically is even half as important as the genocide going on. Any "harm reduction" you support that involves keeping the genocide going isn't harm reduction. It's sacrificing Palestinians to make your life just a little better. It's sacrificing kids, doctors, mothers, sisters, and brothers. It's sending young men to a painful death from bombs and it's sending old ones to slow organ failure. You're single issue is healthcare in the US? Fuck you. At least you have hospitals that aren't being bombed in the daily. You only care about your own kind. You are the "America first" types you claim to hate.

    There is no fate cruel enough for those that support the United States.

    So NASA built the rover but can't launch it because of Bad Country The Dumbest NASA Decision In Years? Why NASA is Being Forced To Ground Rover and Sent Ballast.

    Announced on Wednesday is the cancellation of the VIPER mission to the moon, this is shocking because the Rover is finished construction and just needs a test session. Moreover, NASA is contractually required to pay Astrobotic to fly a NASA payload to the moon, so they have to pay for this anyway. I...

    The Dumbest NASA Decision In Years? Why NASA is Being Forced To Ground Rover and Sent Ballast.