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What are your costume ideas for Halloween
  • I have some cool ideas for a Harley Quinn costume with my own spin on the character... but the odds of me somehow attaining a social life in the next 33 days is astronomically low so the idea will have to wait for a year when I might actually be around other people

  • I want them to bring back Lovecraft Country (FINALE SPOILERS, SPOILERS, DON'T CLICK IF SPOILERS BAD)
  • cancelling Westworld was such a slap in the face when they planned to finish it with one more season anyway. the latter seasons never lived up to S1 but it was still a good show. season 3 was all about predictive AI which is something we should be very worried about because Palantir is doing that shit right now

  • SOPHIE - SOPHIE (2024) thoughts?

    I know there's some SOPHIE fans here so I'm wondering what you all think of the new posthumous release, which seems to be quite polarizing.

    Personally I really enjoyed it for what it is, which is an unfinished album, sadly. The production and composition is stellar but there are some issues with the mix and mastering on some tracks that makes them feels a bit lacking in sauce. Sorry to say but there's a leaked version of Reason Why that blows the album version out of the water.

    Criticisms aside I'm glad this album was released because it's still really great, I love the way it starts out darker and more abstract / experimental and gradually becomes poppier and more accessible and then gets weird again at the end, but there's a mix of both throughout. It's not just a collection of tracks, it really flows like a story in the way it continually builds and releases tension. The whole second half is good and has some of SOPHIE's greatest bangers which I'm very grateful have gotten an official release.

    My Highlights: "Why Lies", "Berlin Nightmare", "Exhilarate", "Always and Forever", "My Forever", "Love Me off Earth"

    PS I recommend finding a flac on soulseek or something, YouTube is pretty bad with audio

    is it gay for a man to perform stand-up comedy?

    these guys sure spend a lot of time holding an incredibly phallic object real close to their mouths. idk, seems pretty gay to me bro

    I just got dumped by someone who is really into astrology, so I just wanted to say...
  • it was a joke about how they share a name with a horrifying disease. I don't know if it's actually true but I'd bet money that cancers are the least-represented sign among astrology believers. most common is probably one of the cool-sounding names like Gemini

  • "I'm a gun owner. Tim Walz is a gun owner. If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot." Harris told Oprah.
  • Very few burglaries are done in the middle of the night while the residents are home. Unless the burglar is very stupid they're gonna burgle when everyone's at work or on vacation etc. So in the extremely rare case that someone does break in at 3AM while you're sleeping, I wouldn't necessarily assume it's definitely a robbery.

    This isn't to defend Kamala, I hate people who fantasize about implausible scenarios where they get to lawfully shoot somebody. A security system would likely deter any home invader regardless of their intentions.

  • political texts suck even worse when you don't have friends

    I don't mean to be all "woe is me" but damn it really drives home the loneliness when literally the only texts I ever get are trying to get me to vote for some shit. or like, texts from my cell carrier trying to get me to upgrade my phone

    and the only texts I ever send are just "STOP" lmao

    there should be juggalos but for people who like good music

    I love the idea of dressing up like a scary clown and hanging out in a big field with a bunch of other scary clowns, getting high and listening to music... just not that music

    7 reasons why Gen Z should support Israel
    1. the IDF has W rizz
    2. Hamas is in its flop era 💀
    3. still being a Zionist in 2024? that's brat af
    4. Gaza is not the vibe y'all...
    5. campus protesters are giving the ick
    6. settler colonialism is goated
    7. "from the river to the sea" is cheugy

    share this with all your besties and remember - Gen Z stands for Generation Zionism!

    is population growth good? bad? neither?

    so I don't know a lot about this topic other than that some fascist freaks are concerned about "overpopulation" as an excuse to cull the people they perceive as inferior, while other fascist freaks support population growth to satisfy their breeding fetish and seed the planet with their "superior" genetics

    my perception then, is that we should just be normal about population growth rates and it's probably chill either way, like stop being so weird about it

    I don't believe the overpopulation myth because there's plenty of room if we build cities smarter, most scarcity is artificial and our impact on the climate has more to do with the capitalist mode of production than the number of people. underpopulation doesn't concern me either with 8 billion people on the planet, idk seems like a lot to me

    but again I haven't actually researched this subject at all, are there any genuine / non-fascist concerns with regard to population growth or degrowth?

    edit: guess I should add that population growth is bad in say, a settler-colonialist state and population decline is obviously bad if it's the result of genocide or oppression

    what's some good shit to get at Trader Joe's

    I never go there but I have a gift card and I need to go there to replace some garlic naan that I stole from my dad

    edit: I have completed my trip to Trader Joes and got:

    Garlic Naan x2

    Roasted Vegetable Pizza

    Chocolate Pretzels

    Roasted Cashews (50% less salt)

    Mango Smoothie

    Aloe Vera Juice

    Chili & Lime Chips

    Moroccan Mint Green Tea

    Soft & Juicy Mango

    PS the cashier was very pretty !crush

    sucks to realize that a cool person died shortly after you were born and therefore you can't be their reincarnate

    it's a bummer that I'm not the reincarnate of Kurt Cobain but hey, on the bright side at least I'm not Jeffrey Dahmer either

    X Redesigns Water Pistol Emoji Back To A Firearm X Redesigns Water Pistol Emoji Back To A Firearm

    X (fka Twitter) has quietly redesigned its 🔫 Water Pistol emoji to display as a firearm. This diverges from the cross-platform conversion of this emoji from firearm to water pistol from 2016 to 2018.

    X Redesigns Water Pistol Emoji Back To A Firearm

    >the X engineer responsible for the change ... stated that this design is "not the final design (going to make it look more badass)"

    incidentally this engineer is a fascist weeb who complains about gay characters in TV shows and bragged about getting trans flags removed from a grocery store by leaving a negative google review

    skincare Q: what should I use to exfoliate my face?

    idk much about skincare but I've learned that I should be exfoliating, especially to prevent razor bumps which I get a lot of around my chin

    but there's a lot of different types of exfoliating products out there and I find it a bit overwhelming, so what should I be using to prevent skin irritation from shaving?

    fuck Ron Howard

    just wanted to say that. fuck Hans Zimmer too and everyone else involved in this horseshit

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