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Square peg, round hole
  • "Square peg, round hole" is not a lesson in shaping, it is a lesson in tolerances and overkill. Anything will fit in anything if you just leave a big enough clearance fit. Machinist big brain.

  • Do you donate money? How, why, why not?
  • I donate to quite a few people close to me, as many are much worse off than my family and I are. I help them with projects, car repairs, house repairs, and dinners when things are tight. They never ask, I offer, and they'll accept maybe 50% of the time. I keep good company.

    I've also put a few hundred dollars this one election cycle towards a few select political campaigns I care about, especially now that I'm in a good paying job. Not something i've done before, and it's not much but enough to at least feel like I'm helping get rid of fascists.

  • Musk’s X blocks links to JD Vance dossier and suspends journalist who posted it
  • People forget Musk isn't actually technically smart, he's just good at buying into and investing in already good ideas using money he got by playing the capital machine (and his parents south africa money).
    He didn't found PayPal; he merged another company with them and capitalized on their already good idea.
    He didn't found Tesla, he invested in them and then drove the original founders out.
    He did admittedly create SpaceX, but only by bringing on good engineers from the start after failing to buy ICBM's from Russia. Yes, he tried that... spaceX has been successful only because he gave them the runway to let engineers work right.

    The cult of personality is insane, he's just another average investor bro who got lucky in the crazy growth of the 90's/00s.

  • Just Stop Oil activists throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers after fellow protesters jailed
  • Hot take: I swear a lot of these kinds of "protests" are funded by the oil companies themsleves to make climate activists look like crazy crackpots easy for the media and average Joe to dismiss. Like with the Stonehenge paint bullshit. Really?

  • What's a Nato?
  • The gangs getting back together again!
    Austria-hungary! Czechslovakia! Yugoslavia! Soviet uni- ohhhhh fuck.

  • Mozilla grants Ente $100k
  • This being self hostable makes me instantly like this. Something like G photos that I could self host and dump a lot of shit off my phone storage would be amazing.

  • I think we may be double-dumbassed.
  • Yo pass the joint maaaan

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • It may be snapping multiple in a small period of time, everyonce in a while. Compressing them in the background then trickling them back out.

  • [newbie] Does one need special drivers for running 3D printers?
  • Ok, so a vast majority of 3d printers do not connect directly to a PC these days. They have a self contained microcontroller.

    The workflow is:

    1. You design or download a 3D model you want to to print.
    2. Open the 3D model in a slicer software. The slicer takes a 3D model and, using a profile designed for a specific printer's nozzle size and controller, converts the solid volume of the model into G-Code, or machine readable code that is a series of coordinates and move rates. This tells the printer where and how to put plastic.
    3. Export the G-code to a .gcode (or other) file. Save that file onto an SD card.
    4. Put the SD card in your printer.
    5. Select the file on the printer display and away you go.

    Now, some printers use a network connection component, eg Bambu printers have a wifi adapter. This let's them download firmware updates and receive print jobs from a computer remotely without needing to move SD cards. This does require the right software, e.g Bambu printers require proprietary Bambu Studio (or it's open source fork OrcaSlicer) that has the networking module to talk to it. This doesn't require special driver setup though.

  • Special counsel can present ‘substantial’ new evidence against Trump in January 6 case, judge rules
  • the only thing that's going to Finish Him! at this point are hamberders in the next 6 to 8 years

  • Trump briefed on alleged assassination threats by Iran, his campaign says
  • Whether he remembers it at all is a totally different manner.

  • I feel attacked...
  • me too thanks

  • I feel attacked...
  • It's not even a mode

    You are the goblin

  • Sen. Rick Scott Says Florida’s Abortion Ballot Measure Is a Gimmick to Turn Out Women Voters
  • Sooo he actually thinks women voting is a bad thing, huh? Again with the quiet part...

  • She just ain't having a good week... Deservedly though...
  • It's a year old account on .ml with zero comment history.... take a guess on that user's seriousness lol

  • She just ain't having a good week... Deservedly though...
  • Taken 6 months after Stein announced her candidacy for President in 2016

  • Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate? (Dan Osborn, Independent)
  • Don't just hope, consider donating money or your time to his campaign. You don't have to be in Nebraska. This fight isn't over.

  • Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate? (Dan Osborn, Independent)
  • Oh you lucky bastard! I hope he won your support and you'll consider supporting him outside of the ballot box too.

    Bingo! I will absolutely take someone who is staunchly pro-labor and pro-Roe, but maybe iffy on other "liberal" policies, over someone who is an out-and-out a corrupt corporate shill willing to overthrow American democracy for the party line.

  • United States | News & Politics empireOfLove2
    Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate? Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate?

    An independent’s strength could give Democrats hope in hostile territory.

    Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate?

    cross-posted from:

    > Dan Osborn is a strong pro-labor independent candidate who has a legitimately good chance of flipping Nebraska out of the GQP's shitty hands. He's sure not a super liberal, but he isn't going to roll over for corporate interests or corruption either, and I consider that a massive win. Deb Fischer is wildly unpopular and a whopping 23% of voters are still claiming undecided in polls that are otherwise tied- this election HAS A CHANCE. The battle is far from over. > > Please check out Dan Osborn ( and consider donating and volunteering for his campaign. He needs every tiny ounce of support he can get in Nebraska, he has no party backing and no major PAC in his corner (he even actively rejected a large donation from George Soros) while Fischer has millions of dollars amassed from every corporate donor you can think of. >

    Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate? Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate?

    An independent’s strength could give Democrats hope in hostile territory.

    Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate?

    cross-posted from:

    > Dan Osborn is a strong pro-labor independent candidate who has a legitimately good chance of flipping Nebraska out of the GQP's shitty hands. He's sure not a super liberal, but he isn't going to roll over for corporate interests or corruption either, and I consider that a massive win. Deb Fischer is wildly unpopular and a whopping 23% of voters are still claiming undecided in polls that are otherwise tied- this election HAS A CHANCE. The battle is far from over. > > Please check out Dan Osborn ( and consider donating and volunteering for his campaign. He needs every tiny ounce of support he can get in Nebraska, he has no party backing and no major PAC in his corner (he even actively rejected a large donation from George Soros) while Fischer has millions of dollars amassed from every corporate donor you can think of. >

    Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate? (Dan Osborn, Independent) Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate?

    An independent’s strength could give Democrats hope in hostile territory.

    Could Nebraska Cost Republicans the Senate?

    Dan Osborn is a strong pro-labor independent candidate who has a legitimately good chance of flipping Nebraska out of the GQP's shitty hands. He's sure not a super liberal, but he isn't going to roll over for corporate interests or corruption either, and I consider that a massive win. Deb Fischer is wildly unpopular and a whopping 23% of voters are still claiming undecided in polls that are otherwise tied- this election HAS A CHANCE. The battle is far from over.

    Please check out Dan Osborn ( and consider donating and volunteering for his campaign. He needs every tiny ounce of support he can get in Nebraska, he has no party backing and no major PAC in his corner (he even actively rejected a large donation from George Soros) while Fischer has millions of dollars amassed from every corporate donor you can think of.

    Oregon voters to decide on ballot measure to give every resident $1,600 that has sparked massive opposition fundraising -
  • Supposedly. My other problem is sales on all gross receipts multiply on finished goods. as now you're charging 3% on raw materials, 3% on any intermediate goods, and 3% on final products, plus whatever % the companies are going to redirect to administer the collection of the tax... so what was a reasonable tax at first now results in a possible 9% or more increase in costs on all finished goods, which further eliminates a lot of the lower income benefit.

    It would have been fine if it was a profit tax, since the point of profit taxes is to disincentivize profit hoarding and promote reinvestment/wage growth. Thats why the ridiculously high federal marginal corporate tax rates of the 50s and 60s actually worked, businesses would make more overall by keeping profits (percentage wise) low but reinvesting their excess in the business and their workers.
    Of course theres a downside on profit taxes too, if implemented in this manner, they have the additional knock on effect of driving business (and higher paying jobs) away from the state and are harder/way more expensive to quantify/administer if you want to do it per product sold in the state.

    I fully expect to get railed in the ass by the average Lemmy left-winger by this but I'm honestly not voting for it.

  • Oregon voters to decide on ballot measure to give every resident $1,600 that has sparked massive opposition fundraising -
  • I'm largely opposed to it. Because it's (seemingly intentionally) mis-marketed as a corporate tax when it is definitely by any sense of the word a sales tax. Sales taxes on gross receipts are inherently regressive and passed onto those consumers who are dis-proportionally impacted more the lower their income.

  • Federal appeals court tosses damages, recommends dismissing Oregon senator’s free speech case

    > Sen. Brian Boquist said rules requiring him to give 12 hours notice before coming to the Capitol were retaliatory.

    Get fucked idiot lmao, fuck around and find out

    School district slated to lose timber revenue under conservation plan spends big to sue state

    > The Jewell School District in Clatsop County plans to “bet the farm” to overturn a habitat conservation plan that threatens the district’s timber funding

    Political Memes empireOfLove2
    broken record 2: electric boogaloo

    literally every single question was this lmfao

    Political Memes empireOfLove2
    Not a one! How weird is that?

    Not mine, stolen from a comment by ozma that stole it from other social media

    Political Memes empireOfLove2
    I gave up on the "Trump lies" drinking game, I don't want to die of liver failure
    Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX

    The raids have triggered outrage and cries of voter suppression in a state with a long history of discrimination against citizens of Mexican descent, which helped give rise to LULAC.

    Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX

    cross-posted from:

    > Ken Paxton is a textbook definition bonafide out-and-out Nazi. Straight up sending the Gestapo to eliminate enemies of the state. He should be removed and jailed for treason, this slimy fucking sack of rotting corpses.

    Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX

    The raids have triggered outrage and cries of voter suppression in a state with a long history of discrimination against citizens of Mexican descent, which helped give rise to LULAC.

    Raids of Latino political, civil rights leaders' homes set up voting rights battle in TX

    Ken Paxton is a textbook definition bonafide out-and-out Nazi. Straight up sending the Gestapo to eliminate enemies of the state. He should be removed and jailed for treason, this slimy fucking sack of rotting corpses.

    Fred Meyer workers in Portland area vote to strike, accuse grocery chain of unfair labor practices Fred Meyer workers in Portland area vote to strike, accuse grocery chain of unfair labor practices

    Workers at Fred Meyer stores in the Portland area voted to authorize a strike this week, accusing the grocery chain of unfair labor practices, the union announced Saturday.

    Fred Meyer workers in Portland area vote to strike, accuse grocery chain of unfair labor practices
    Stratasys files patent infringement lawsuit against Bambu Lab Stratasys files patent infringement lawsuit against Bambu Lab

    Stratasys files patent infringement lawsuit against Bambu Lab to be judged in the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division

    Stratasys files patent infringement lawsuit against Bambu Lab

    Stratasys is losing ground because their massively overpriced ecosystem is getting outclassed by literally everything else in the market. So why improve if you can just sue your competition out of the US market?

    Portland Commissioner Rene Gonzalez spent thousands in city funds to polish Wikipedia page Portland Commissioner Rene Gonzalez spent thousands in city funds to polish Wikipedia page

    Gonzalez’s office at City Hall hired a New York-based company in March to develop a handful of requested edits, records obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive show.

    Portland Commissioner Rene Gonzalez spent thousands in city funds to polish Wikipedia page
    Supreme Court returns Trump Jan. 6 immunity judgment to lower court Supreme Court returns Trump Jan. 6 immunity judgment to lower court

    One month after the Supreme Court's presidential immunity ruling, the judge overseeing former President Trump's Jan. 6 case now has jurisdiction over the case again.

    Supreme Court returns Trump Jan. 6 immunity judgment to lower court
    If you're cold, they're cold! Don't forget to tuck your printers in at night when starting those 21 hour prints :)

    I've been doing functional ABS and ASA lately and had a couple very annoying warpage spots. One was a total failure. (We won't talk about the other 3 failures that were wet out-of-the-box Bambu ASA...)

    The X1C is definitely nice, but the all aluminum-and-glass side panelling has a sometimes-unwanted side effect: thermal conduction. The aluminum sides are so conductive that they do not allow the chamber temp to go above 40C, even after a couple hours of heat soaking the build plate at 100C before starting an ABS print. Enter: One random bath towel. doesn't look like much but just covering the three sides with a thin layer means it's good enough insulation to get the chamber up to 50C now! And the ABS parts look better than ever- every C counts.

    Political Memes empireOfLove2
    what a stupid way to gain a photo op
    Oregon’s transportation system is due for an overhaul next year. Here’s what you need to know Oregon’s transportation system is due for an overhaul next year. Here’s what you need to know

    Finding a solution to the state's road funding problems is one of the highest-profile — and politically tricky — problems lawmakers will consider next year.

    Oregon’s transportation system is due for an overhaul next year. Here’s what you need to know

    Potentially big changes are coming to ODOT's funding model in the next few years. There are holes that the state can't patch.

    Feds award $1.5 billion toward replacement I-5 bridge (Portland - Vancouver) Feds award $1.5 billion toward replacement I-5 bridge

    The grant brings the total federal allocation to $2.1 billion.

    Feds award $1.5 billion toward replacement I-5 bridge

    Sorely needed.

    100% chance that they'll still need to toll traffic to cover the remaining few billion in costs but it is a good step forward.

    empireOfLove2 empireOfLove2

    A Reddit Refugee. Zero ragrets.

    Engineer, permanent pirate, lover of all things mechanical and on wheels

    moved here from because there are no active admins on that instance.

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