Sen. Rick Scott Says Florida’s Abortion Ballot Measure Is a Gimmick to Turn Out Women Voters
Sen. Rick Scott Says Florida’s Abortion Ballot Measure Is a Gimmick to Turn Out Women Voters
Sen. Rick Scott Says Florida’s Abortion Ballot Measure Is a Gimmick to Turn Out Women Voters
Coming from a state (NC) where Republicans regularly use asinine amendments any time they need to fluff a presidential candidate...
Yes it is. Suck on it, dickbag.
Maybe they should have thought about that before overturning Roe.
I mean if Trump wasn't running for President, and Roe was gone as it is... It would still be on the ballot. Who honestly thinks otherwise?
Sooo he actually thinks women voting is a bad thing, huh? Again with the quiet part...
All the other sentient castrated-pig-scrotums were already thinking the same thing.
"Because it's devastating to my campaign"
I hope it fucking works
Yea... and politics is a gimmick to make people vote.
What's the problem with trying to get more women to vote, Scott?
More voters is always bad for Republicans.
I know that. I want Scott to explain why it's bad.
STUPID Women trying to Vote for Life Saving Healthcare. It's SICKENING!
"Hey, I'm threatening you. This is a very real threat, and it's going to happen if you don't do something too counter. Don't act accordingly." - Rick Scott
Yes, it could absolutely be construed that way.
And it would be 100% ok if it was.
Its super weird how they keep coming out all the time with these alternative, "can you believe they're gonna do this thing that every non-weird person is strangely on the same page about" or warning something obvious that isn't bad to non-weirdos.
They just can't themselves fromi threatening us with a good time
If Republicans are that scared of turnout, they could legislatively overturn their own abortion ban.
How dare women have an opinion on our laws that we created that reduce their body autonomy?
— Sen. Rick Scott while sucking Trump's cock at Mar-A-Lago (during the día de la cocaína party on April 21st, 2023)
Sen. Rick Scott probably thinks women voters is a gimmick.
Gimmick in the sense that your party leader used his opportunity to stack the Supreme Court with "Justices" that overturned almost 5 decades of precedent based on "because we wanted to". Maybe stop using the system to push wildly unpopular policies on the majority of Americans if you don't want people to vote against them.
Can’t have those uppity women voting can we?
Trump is a gimmick to turn out racist voters
Heaven forbid women vote! /s
why the /s?
That's exactly how they think.
Just wanted to make sure it was abundantly clear that that wasn't my opinion!
Sadly, you're right. They don't want demographics to vote that would threaten their ability to hold onto power.
Rick Scott is a gimmick.
Rick Scott probably thinks a female orgasm is a gimmick of some sort, because he's never given one to anyone.
I consider myself a man of science. I don't believe in everything that random people make up online. People say they see ghosts. People say they see Bigfoot. People say they see ladies cum but until I witness it firsthand, it's all just myth and legend.
Rick Scott, Douchbag.
We need these amendments on every state ballots because the majority of voters want them. They passed the Kansas and will pass in Florida. Let the states decide that it should be legal everywhere