catch22 @ catch22 Posts 1Comments 149Joined 1 yr. ago
Yep, or "IDF causes muderous mayhem in unprovoked slaughter of more than 100 innocent civilians waiting for humanitarian aid." Even a bit of alliteration, news outlets love that.
explaining “wallpaper” to the currents in the ocean…
If this isn't just a saying I haven't heard of, I'm doing my best to make it a common place phrase, absolutely perfect in this context!
It'll happen one day... maybe...
Billionaires and organised wingnuts love their corrupt puppets and unfortunately most people are very easily led.
I've been trying to think of how to do a meme about wingnuts loving plane memes at the moment, but I'm only good at stealing templates... 100% this is ham fisted right wing astroturfing.
Unfortunately this is not a new idea. But it is usually framed in, the young will support the older generation, as if there isn't ample resources to do that as is...
I'm pretty sure it's thedonald refugees from Reddit, they're posting about shidding fardding, and posting how scary they are, while banning anyone who says boo to them. I can see why iron fist Bolshevik fascism appeals to these cunts.
Land of the free 🤔
This, he's also really pissed the unionist lunatics off in northern Ireland by laughing in the face of their leader with the leader of Sein Fein. Poor Jeffrey was so excited that day too...
“I always say Al Capone was treated better than I was treated.”
Sounds fair to me, Al Capone was just a gangster, this fuckhead is trying to start the fourth reich
Yep, this'll do nothing but end of in the pockets of a few very carefully selected funding applicants
The UK actually agreed to shoot itself in the face with Brexit to keep those tax loopholes
Rat face and melon head are just a few of the vermin in the Tories, yet the UK public gobble their shit up regardless