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Except medical gaslighting is a very real thing. Look it up.
Women being told to stop complaining about things that are best treated via uterectomy because doctors were taught by the old boys club to just assume its them trying to get out of ever having kids is not the same thing as you being told you're an idiot for eating horse dewormer instead of just getting the fucking jab already.
them trying to get out of ever having kids
As if it was a bad thing. Or the doctor's decision for that matter. If they don't want to have kids, it's well within their right to keep it this way.
We just went through COVID, and what OP posted speaks to me more than your empty message. Why don't you fill us in, and with something on the level of COVID disinformation?
I obviously cannot speak for OP, but I think they are referencing how women and people of color have historically had their concerns discounted by the medical field. Women were hysterics, black and brown people did not feel pain like white men do. That kind of bologna. Things are getting better, but these sorts of problems still exist today.
I hear you with these examples. These were even some of the reasons given why some people were hesitant to take up vaccination for covid. So, yes, these things do exist, but I think the original message in this post speaks to me more. I have to image, too, it's truer than the reverse these days, especially after having just witnessed the fiasco surrounding covid prevention and treatment.
I appreciate you supplying these examples. I had heard of them before, but did not link them to this other person's post. Thank you.
No worries, I like good discourse on here :-)
dO yOUr owN ReSEarcH
Hey why don't you explain it to us instead. I'm excited to hear this fanciful tale of brutish rogues, magic pixie dust and thoughts and prayers
That does not justify the wholesale rejection of all medical experts whenever they don't like what they hear. It falls squarely along party lines. That is indicative of a huge problem.
Since y'all can't manage a simple google search, here you go.
I think I can say that we all agree with what you wrote, it's just not a valid response to the post which is not related to the medical mistreatment that women and POCs can experience