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MCU meme
  • we can't even see downvotes lmao

  • Most empathetic Zionist
  • He may be less "I am Adolf Hitler"

    did you see the "they are very westernised, they speak good english and french"?

    Very Adolf Hitler

  • What is your favorite obscure old hot take to ever pop up on this site? For @Civility purposes, nothing from active users, please. Also "power dynamics" isn't obscure.
  • there was this goober named blakeus12, they were frickin insane. i mean, they literally said that america and the wholesome 100 western world wasn't better than ebil cina. i cried

  • joined the work video call without realising my profile picture was antifa
  • thanks, the meeting over and everything's fine, lol.

  • Stop Doing Skill Based Matchmaking
  • but but but seeing iron 3 reminds me im not good enough at valorant to dedicate any time to it

  • joined the work video call without realising my profile picture was antifa

    whoops, i'm praying nobody knows what it means. that or i hope they agree and are based.

    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand literally nobody is surprised

  • Balenciaga is just a massive troll operation to scam rich people
  • this is the beanie guy from jujutsu kaisen. i swear i'm not crazy. i forgot his name

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • yeah, it got kinda nuts. i met my friend and a few more on hello talk, but i deleted it after a few uncomfortable interactions with e-daters.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • my friend from china uses hello talk, which is a languaga axchange app (basically you tutor each other), and this american dude asked to be tutored by her. the catch is, he doesn't know any chinese at all, and he kept being a weirdo, so she made him praise mao lol. she posted these screenshots on her WeChat moments:

    thought i'd share with y'all, just something i found funny

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • my friend from china uses hello talk, which is a languaga axchange app (basically you tutor each other), and this american dude asked to be tutored by her. the catch is, he doesn't know any chinese at all, and he kept being a weirdo, so she made him praise mao lol. she posted these screenshots on her WeChat moments:

    thought i'd share with y'all, just something i found funny

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • my friend from china uses hello talk, which is a languaga axchange app (basically you tutor each other), and this american dude asked to be tutored by her. the catch is, he doesn't know any chinese at all, and he kept being a weirdo, so she made him praise mao lol. she posted these screenshots on her WeChat moments:

    thought i'd share with y'all, just something i found funny

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • playing hexcraft a lot, chapograd is going nicely. shout out to seryph!

    i also still play overwatch and valorant. i suck at both, but hero shooters just scratch an itch in my brain

  • I hereby request to be banned
  • your posting power is too strong

  • I hereby request to be banned
  • we'd be glad to have you, comrade

  • I hereby request to be banned
  • i agree with your bad takes, dirt framer

  • I hereby request to be banned
  • never say never, i thought i would never start one

  • Mastodon thread where a lib shuts down after getting owned Snowshadow (

    ⚠️ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 A message from Canadians to US citizens: Dear US, As the smoke from our wildfires continue to pollute your air and many of you struggle to breathe please think about this: If you chose to abstain from voting or do not vote Blue, your air quality will continue to...

    [for those who don't want to click the link, or for those with visual impairments]

    Snowshadow: > A message from Canadians to US citizens: Dear US,

    > As the smoke from our wildfires continue to pollute your air and many of you struggle to breathe please think about this:

    > If you chose to abstain from voting or do not vote Blue, your air quality will continue to worsen because Trump will increase the use of and development of fossil fuels which will increase our wildfires.

    > Thanks for listening. Breathe easy today.


    > The U.S. is drilling more oil under Biden than it ever has, in history.


    > Sorry but I have seen you try this elsewhere.

    > Let's get your facts straight here.

    > The US is "drilling" in order to keep the economy going, your transportation moving until alternate energy can take over.

    > At the SAME TIME he has invested MORE in alternative energy projects than any other president in history. He also has reduced drilling on federal lands.

    > So please take your right wing propaganda elsewhere!


    >It's incredible that you think "keeping the economy and transportation going" somehow makes Biden's oil drilling different from Trump's — everyone drills oil for those reasons!

    > Yes, if you want to make a case for Biden, argue that he is expanding solar power or something — don't mislead people into thinking he is reducing U.S. fossil fuels when he's not!

    > P.S., fact checking pro-Biden campaigning is not right wing propaganda 👍


    > Please show me exactly where in my post I stated Biden was reducing fossil fuels? !! I will tell you...nowhere!!

    pmonks (replying to DD):

    > Do you think a second Trump presidency would reverse that?

    DD: > No one thinks that. The point is that Biden is not reducing oil output like his proponents are trying to make it sound.

    > We can't solve the problem if we ignore it as long as a Dem is in office...

    pmonks: > For better or worse, our choices are Biden or Trump. Anything else is a distraction.

    DD: > Criticizing Biden is not the same thing as promoting Trump, actually.

    > In fact, criticizing him can push him to do better electorally...

    pmonks: >Criticising Biden without also comparing and contrasting to the only viable alternative (Trump) is misleading at best, and imo downright dishonest.

    > Too many people cling to the fantastical notion that a perfect candidate exists. I don’t even believe such a thing is theoretically possible (let alone even remotely possible in practice). And that’s before I even start ranting about how whack our electoral system is, and how it’s only capable of giving us mediocre-at-best candidates…

    DD: > And here I thought honesty was about telling the truth! My source literally does compare and contrast Biden with Trump!

    pmonks: > So then why did you editorialise it in such a one-sided manner?

    snowshadow: > When it comes to Biden, you always promote the negative take...never the complete truth. I have been through your replies and posts.

    (in reply to DD's claim of comparing and contrasting)

    > Wrong. If you do nothing but criticize him (and that is all you do-I checked through your account) you are pushing people into thinking of not voting or voting for Trump...same result. This is not the time to be full out negative, not this close to an election. Don't aprove of Biden's policies? There will be plenty of time to pressure his administration after the election. Push for Trump there will never be another election and you will never see a change for the better.

    DD: > In case you haven't realized, an environment where citizens can't criticize their elected leaders is one where Democracy is already lost 👍 > Furthermore, it doesn't follow that criticizing Biden for drilling more oil than Trump helps Trump win.

    There are many Trump-to-Biden voters who aren't exactly environmentalists or Left leaning...

    Snowshadow: > You are exhausting. I am done with you. You are completely missing the point. Bye.

    pmonks (after a confused reply from DD): > How childish. Choosing not to engage with a recalcitrant troll is not even remotely the sane thing as losing an argument. Grow up.

    ( Transcriber's note: I did this all on mobile, and it sucked.)

    What's your most irrational/obnoxious pet peeve?

    Something that makes you annoyed as hell when it really shouldn't, or something that makes you feel like a !nerd for getting annoyed at it.

    I'll start with a combination of the two: When people call chiptune music "bitcrunch"

    !nerd !kitty-cri-screm

    what kind of online games are you all playing?

    i got kind of into smite recently, and it was fun, but it felt like i was playing it because i was telling myself "you should learn a multiplayer game! play smite!" and having fun just because i was invested in the current game. i never really WANTED to play it, i just felt like i should. what kind of online/multiplayer games are you into right now?

    very niche question, i apologise, but is there any place you know of that provides linux gog installers via direct download?

    i know, i know, i should have a vpn by now. but i really can't justify it, even the cheaper ones. but only carries windows installers (usually it's not too bad to get them working on proton but there is a few cases where i just can't get them to run at all). do you lovely people at /c/piracy know of any places? thank you for reading!

    it's a sad day, the first time i competely fucked my computer

    i tried to get kde plasma on my fedora, when i booted it up there was just a black screen. i couldn't type any commands either, it was toast

    thankfully i've got windows dual booted because i'm a filthy !gamer-gulag who uses it for vr games. unfortunately windows doesn't let me see my linux drive's files so all of my personal files are unrecoverable.

    thankfully i think the most i had on my computer was my music (yt-dlp is so easy i can get it all back in 30 minutes tops) and a few files from some project i was working on, sucks but not worth spending hours troubleshooting. oh well.

    on the bright side, i'm RETVRN-ing to my old reliable, linux mint with xfce. i'll miss hot corner and the other niceties that gnome has but xfce will be a bit more comfortable for me.

    wait this site is about communism!?!?!

    i thought this was the joe biden fan site???????

    somebody sent me a picture of a pig pooping on its balls i am really scared

    you tabkies are just deolorable!!!!

    Games blakeus12 [they/them, he/him]
    The Hexbear Federation of Star Systems is now open!

    cross-posted from:

    > For those of you who don't care, I promise this is the last post about this. All further discussion can be relegated to the matrix space. > > Matrix Space:! > > The main base isn't anything special, at least for now, but it's enough to protect from the main planet's frequent boiling storms. If any comrades need to be picked up, you can use the S.O.S. channel in the matrix space. All four stars are yellow, so no special hyperdrives are required to traverse the whole federation. > > Portal Coords: > > ! > > Hexadecimal Transcription: 4 0 6 E F E F B 4 9 1 3 > > Atlas Transcription: Tepaavpe Dipedigu Teudzago > > Feel free to join us! No other planets except the main one in System Alpha have been discovered, so feel free to name them how you wish, and build small outposts, huge bases, or anything in between! I can't wait to meet all of you in our marxist-leninist space commune! > > !astronaut-2 !astronaut-1 > > edit: thank you for the pin! !heart-sickle

    The Hexbear Federation of Star Systems is now open!

    For those of you who don't care, I promise this is the last post about this. All further discussion can be relegated to the matrix space.

    Matrix Space:!

    The main base isn't anything special, at least for now, but it's enough to protect from the main planet's frequent boiling storms. If any comrades need to be picked up, you can use the S.O.S. channel in the matrix space. All four stars are yellow, so no special hyperdrives are required to traverse the whole federation.

    Portal Coords:


    Hexadecimal Transcription: 4 0 6 E F E F B 4 9 1 3

    Atlas Transcription: Tepaavpe Dipedigu Teudzago

    Feel free to join us! No other planets except the main one in System Alpha have been discovered, so feel free to name them how you wish, and build small outposts, huge bases, or anything in between! I can't wait to meet all of you in our marxist-leninist space commune!

    !astronaut-2 !astronaut-1

    edit: thank you for the pin! !heart-sickle

    Games blakeus12 [they/them, he/him]
    Crosspost: To all comrades who play No Man's Sky: Announcing the Hexbear Federation of Star Systems

    Crossposted from:

    > What is the Hexbear Federation of Star Systems?

    > The HFSS is a group of four star systems in the Euclid Galaxy that is a place for all Hexbears to build bases, farms, and many other glorious creations in a collaborative effort to build a bustling community in the cold vastness of space. While it is not finished yet, when it is complete it will consist only of 1 major shared base among the members, with the rest of the planets being untouched and ready to be explored, conquered, and cultivated by the Hexbears of the galaxy!

    > Are there any rules?

    > In No Man's Sky, players are allowed to set their own boundaries for what is and isn't acceptable, (e.g. dictating who can edit parts in your bases, etc) so the only rule we need to worry about is just to be nice to your comrades!

    > How do I join?

    > Shoot me a DM on Hexbear, and include your matrix username. I'll invite you to the matrix space.When it's ready I will send portal coordinates to the matrix space. If you don't have all the glyphs unlocked, you can arrange for me or another hexbear to pick you up.

    > I'm really excited to see how this community turns out, even if only a few comrades end up participating. If you don't have No Man's Sky I'd recommend it, despite it being pricey (I think it's on GOG so you may be able to pick up an installer and still play multiplayer). Thank you for reading, and I look forward to meeting you guys in game!

    > P.S. : I am open to name suggestions as well. I suck ass at naming things.

    Lemmygrad comrades are welcome too, of course. If you have ideas for a name that includes y'all as well, feel free to let me know.

    To all comrades who play No Man's Sky: Announcing the Hexbear Federation of Star Systems

    What is the Hexbear Federation of Star Systems?

    The HFSS is a group of four star systems in the Euclid Galaxy that is a place for all Hexbears to build bases, farms, and many other glorious creations in a collaborative effort to build a bustling community in the cold vastness of space. While it is not finished yet, when it is complete it will consist only of 1 major shared base among the members, with the rest of the planets being untouched and ready to be explored, conquered, and cultivated by the Hexbears of the galaxy!

    Are there any rules?

    In No Man's Sky, players are allowed to set their own boundaries for what is and isn't acceptable, (e.g. dictating who can edit parts in your bases, etc) so the only rule we need to worry about is just to be nice to your comrades!

    How do I join?

    Shoot me a DM on Hexbear, and include your matrix username. I'll invite you to the matrix space.When it's ready I will send portal coordinates to the matrix space. If you don't have all the glyphs unlocked, you can arrange for me or another hexbear to pick you up.

    I'm really excited to see how this community turns out, even if only a few comrades end up participating. If you don't have No Man's Sky I'd recommend it, despite it being pricey (I think it's on GOG so you may be able to pick up an installer and still play multiplayer). Thank you for reading, and I look forward to meeting you guys in game!

    P.S. : I am open to name suggestions as well. I suck ass at naming things.

    Weird ass line in the middle of my screen sometimes (Fedora Linux)

    Finally back on a gnome distro that supports GRUB2, and loving it so far. The exception being that every time something moves, there is a weird line in the middle of my monitor that almost "splits" the screen in half, like it's off by a pixel or something. this isn't really present in static images though. it's pretty infuriating. when trying to record an example to share with you guys, i noticed it for whatever reason just doesn't even happen while recording my screen with GPUScreenRecorder. Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be?btw, this didn't happen on mint when i was using that distro. Thank you!

    can somebody explain why the shitty "website" called reddit is known as stormfront around these parts

    I don't know much internet history, but i've heard tales of a message board called stormfront? was that a subreddit? does it have anything to do with !homelander ?

    What's the most cringy shit you've seen on reddit?

    i'll start. i saw a ask reddit post saying something along the lines of "men of reddit whats something women can't understand" and the comments were just. oh my god. the main one that made me want to puke was "when dudes walk by each other and nod" and the whole fucking thread was just fedoras with arms soypogging like it was some secret language or something. "when you nod upwards, it means respect!!!!!1!!11 when you nod downwards its aggression!!!1!11!!!!!" as if women dont do the same shit.

    do you guys have something similar to share?

    how do you keep your lutris settings, games and save files when you distro hop?

    going from linux mint to fedora because i really miss gnome, and i would like to keep my data and games from lutris. 99% of my games are just gog installers running from wine and preinstalled steamunlocked games, so i doubt it'd be too hard to get it all back but to save some time i'd really rather do this. i can't find shit on google or youtube since SEO and Ai garbage has just flooded everything, and looking for anything via youtube search is just a futile mission. does anyone know how to do this process? thanks in advance, everyone have a great day!

    What the hell is stevia extract? Is it good for you? Why can't I find anything on it?

    My parents texted me about this "zevia" soda shit that's sweetened with stevia extract which is supposedly 0 calories, thus healthy. but knowing other "diet" sodas that doesn't mean its good for you, and i can't find any studies on the effects of it and i'm super confused. apparently indigenous people would use the whole leaf as a sweetener, but the extract may be different? is it a fruit juice situation, where removing the rest of the leaf removes all of the healthy shit? does anybody know?
