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  • Dann solltest du damit anfangen deine Fakten richtig beinander zuhaben. Du redest von der PĂŒnktlichkeit im Fernverkehr und vergleichst sie teilweise mit der GesamtpĂŒnktlichkeit Nah& Fern anderer LĂ€nder (wo Nahverkehr logischerweise den Durchschnitt stark nach oben zieht). AuffĂ€llig ist auch dass die kleinen LĂ€nder in deiner Grafik ganz oben sind

    Und die Ursachen fĂŒr die miese BetriebsqualitĂ€t in Deutschland sind auch kein großes Geheimnis

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • MAV offers it too (the last option on the bottom)

    Sweden and Norway are countries with global price ticketing (Mandatory Reservations, integrated with Ticket/ SCIC-IRT), Denmark and Hungary not, so no surprise there (SCIC-NRT)

    I don't think it's strange, it gives just more flexibility.

    EDIT: Also it's nearly impossible to do international ticketing to Global Price Countries with more than a change or outside selected connections, whereas such problems don't exist in Countries that use SCIC-NRT, another Reason why Trains with Mandatory Reservations suck

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • I’ve never been able to buy a reservation without a ticket

    It's directly on the landing page of

    Or here in the Swiss Railway App, to give another example ("Nur Sitzplatzreservierung" means "Just Seat Reservation")

    And the other carriers in the list I've made above allow it as well

    It is usually buy ticket -> buy seat is you want one or get a random one if not. Perhaps 20 years ago but not today.

    No, not buying a seat doesn't guarantee you a seat on the train. Only if there is one available, which is the case most of the time (only during very busy services/timesthere might be no seats available (e.g. December 23)) That's not how countries with trains without mandatory reservations work. And that's the majority in Europe

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • You know there is a Long Haul Night train between Munich and Hamburg with real Beds, Showers and complimentary breakfast. Or sleeping Pods if you're on a budget.

    Check it out the next time.

    It's operated by the Austrian state railways

    Otherwise the separate reservation system makes international train ticketing easier and allows for greater flexibility.

    “hey, you need a first-class ticket for a seat reservation in first class”.

    That's just common knowledge in most of European Countries. I can understand that this might confuse visitors who are used to air travel

  • ichđŸ’»iel
  • Woher bekommst du Akkus?

    Mein Denkbuch T470 lÀuft eigentlich auch noch super, aber die wechselbare 78Wh Batterie ist kaputt , und es gibt keine originalen mehr als Ersatz :(

    Mit den Chinaklonen hatte ich bisher immer nur richtig schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht

    Und bei den neuen verbaut Lenovo ja nur noch mickrige 56Wh Akkus, was ein Witz ist verglichen mit den 96Wh

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • You reserved the seat, but didn't have a valid ticket for first class. So yes, either stand,sit on the floor until another seat becomes available, have a meal in the dining car, or take another train if you have a flexible ticket. (You don't need a reservation to board the train, and some people travel on season tickets or flexible fares where you can choose freely any train).

    If you want to be guaranteed a seat buy a reservation in your class

    You can pay a surcharge to upgrade your ticket. But the seat reservation just reserves a seat, not the right to travel in that class or on that train without a valid ticket. It's not linked to a ticket or a name

    Most people also prefer to sit on the floor or stand than to not travel on that service and be forced to wait an hour or two

    In other countries like France, Italy or Spain it's like Airplanes on their long-distance services, everyone with a ticket is assigned a seat. And the reservation is linked to the ticket. But in central Europe we fortunately don't do it this way (with the exception of Poland and Sweden).

    (In France and Spain they do this even on some regional services, but their national operators forget sometimes that they are Railways and not Airlines)

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • There is no bypass.

    Your seat reservation doesn't entitle you to travel on that train in this class without a valid ticket. You will get a fine if you try to travel with just a seat reservation. And if you don't pay or are catched multiple times they will initiate criminal proceedings against you

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • Yeah that's the part I don't believe. I have seen people getting fined or charged the upgrade for this many times. Maybe they were nice to you because you were a tourist. But they could definitely have made you pay, or call the police to remove you from your seat and get your personal information

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • No you can buy a reservation without a train ticket in

    • Germany
    • Austria
    • Switzerland
    • Czech Republic
    • Hungary
    • Sweden
    • (France)
    • Slovakia
    • Denmark

    And probably more countries, thats just the ones I know from my memory where this is possible

    It’s like an airline showing the first class seats as avaient in the seating chart when you bought an economy ticket

    No it's not, because the reservation is a separate service. You can buy it from the train operator but you might have obtained your ticket from your own national train company, or you bought it later on, or you have a flexible ticket and don't know if you will make this train and it's busy (your right to your seat goes away after 15 Minutes of departure), or you buy it for someone in your family. It's just easier to not have this check included. Everyone in these countries knows that you still need to own a valid ticket for this class for the reservation.

  • Man survives after clinging on to German train travelling at 282 km/h | dpa international
  • Yes because a seat reservation doesn't free you from the requirement of having a valid ticket for the desired class.

    It's the same in nearly every European Country on trains without mandatory reservations

    I would say this is not about Germans being rule focused but you being just used how things work in Air travel

  • Poland still seeking compensation from Germany for World War II | dpa international
  • Poland has no legal base for reparations against Germany anymore as they waived their rights to it.

    If they want to burn their money fine, but it will end up exactly as the stupid Bavarian "Toll but just for foreigners" - Project.

    Nothing to show, but lost millions for the taxpayer

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    Linke: Landtagsmitglied Nguyen von Polizei in Riesa geschlagen

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