The compensation of Poland according to wiki concluded per 1953:
"The Provisional Polish Government concluded the Polish-Soviet Reparation Treaty on 16 August 1945. The treaty allocated Poland's share of confiscated German machinery, goods and raw materials. Furthermore Poland received 15% of the German merchant fleet acquired by the Soviet Union. Deliveries were overseen by a joint Polish-Soviet commission and lasted until 1953".
Reparation demands are quite a useful tool for Polish politicians. Whenever there's a political scandal or an unpopular new law they can just demand some reparations from Germany as a distraction. The answer will always be "no" and the media will direct their anger at that for a couple days.
As someone that pays taxes in Germany I probably shouldn't say this, but Germany's argument that most countries don't have right to reparations because they didn't ask for it on treaty talks they weren't invited to participate in is ridiculous.