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6 mo. ago

  • surely they'll follow up with investments into US-produced solar equipment to boost the economy and bring prices down to competitive levels, right?

    ..... Right?

  • Yeah, I don't think anyone would ask you "Are you okay with sitting at the bar with nazis?" yet plenty will happily judge you for saying "I'd rather not have to deal with MAGAts and their opinions"

    Sorry but if your opinion is "trans people aren't people" or "blacks need to know their place" then your opinion is shit and no the fuck I don't have to listen to it

  • When pasting the link, add "&t=XmXXs", and replace the Xs with numbers. In this case, "&t=2m29s"

    That's the only thing added to the link, so as long as you know how many minutes and seconds into the video you want to share, you can type it in manually.

    Not the same as having a dedicated button for specific times, but it's a simple workaround.

  • Like many right-wing fascist-simps-in-arms, plenty know some buzzwords to get people riled up, but don't know when and where to properly use them.

  • It's not too late to start Project Sundial

    Blow a hole in the atmosphere, set half the planet on fire, and if anything miraculously survives, nuclear winter's older sibling will wreck their shit.

  • "tech enthusiast" vs "IT guy" in a nutshell.

    Tech enthusiast: a little privacy breach is okay, as a treat for the headphones I already paid them money for. It's not their fault their app wants to know these things. It's mostly all good.

    IT guy: shoot it 417 times after you uninstall it to make sure it's truly no longer on your phone.

    Side story: I forgot my good earbuds at home one day and decided I didn't want to hear tools all day, so I bought a new pair at the store I was working at that day. 2 minutes later I'm at the counter again to return them because they wanted me to download an app and wouldn't pair without it. Bought a $1 pack of earplugs instead.

  • They better drop off the face of the planet and hope nobody feels vindictive, especially since they're a fast food employee instead of a CEO and won't get nearly the same amount of protection or investigative response.

    50k is insultingly low considering the net worth of the garbage that was taken out.

  • ........ And?

    Why do we give a shit?

    Why is this newsworthy?

    Are we going to hear about his time working in retail soon? I'm sure it will provide deep insight to find out which store he worked at for 3 months, 8 years ago. clearly that's relevant information.

  • Easy to say from the comfort of your armchair.

  • It's too convenient, basically all the circumstantial evidence they would need to pin it on someone was found on the person who knows they're the target of a manhunt? Not likely.

    Having seen security from the place the police suspect stayed and the ceo video, it's clearly not the same person. It someone who vaguely could be mistaken from a distance. Too much doesn't match for me to ever vote anything other than not guilty.

    The only thing that man is guilty of as far as I am concerned is having an extra sharp chin. And that's not a crime last I checked.

  • Yeah, I don't believe it for a second.

    A person who vaguely looks like a photo that supposedly shows the suspect (despite looking quite different from security footage of the incident) was caught with incriminating things, knowing he was being looked for?

    That's about as convincing as the "Russian suicide"

    Even crackhead Dave isn't that stupid and he spends his time intentionally antagonizing every cop in town.

  • Legitimately I would quit if I worked there.

    It's not worth working at a place so many hate already, add this on top and I'll be surprised if it doesn't get burned down for association with the employee.

  • Well shit, the way things are going, I got that onion halfway to my mouth before realizing what it was...

  • I see their junk at every thrift store and flea market in Ohio.

    I legitimately thought they went out of business.

  • I'm actually just now playing skyrim on pc for the first time, and now I really want this to be a mod.

    Even if it's just a shout that spawns an arrow with high damage, it's worth a download.

  • Given recent CEO news, he should probably be more concerned with a different kind of "Blowback"... Him putting out something like this just adds fuel to the fire.

  • My condolences to your ears and temporal lobe.